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Muslim attitudes towards the West


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To see examples of popular media in the Islamic world, click the link below:

[url="http://memritv.org/"][u]Middle East Media Research Institute - TV Project[/u][/url]

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Am reading Schmidt's "The Great Divide" about the failure of Islam and the west. The first chapter deals with comparing Mohammad to Jesus Christ. Wow, the violence difference alone makes them apples and oranges (or rather apples and TNT).

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I fear for my children's sake. The world they will inherit I sometimes believe will be filled with more violence and destruction than I can possibly describe. I believe survival will be the issue of the future, not abortion, not homosexuality, not 'who will be the next prime minister or president', but survival.

Be afraid... oh yes... fear is good. But do not forget,

"A lot of courage, a little faith, and the presence of the Lord." This is what I try to teach my children who are still very young.

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[quote]Al-Matroudi: There is an American definition of "terrorism", which differs from the definition used by the U.N. There are different definitions in the world. The definition of terrorism that concerns us is that it is any act or statement that contradicts the Koran or Sunna, whether in thought or action. If it is a thought, then it is the first step toward action, and thus, it is also terrorism, since it goes against the nature with which Man was created.

If you are strong enough to defend yourself, you must do so...

Host: and impose your culture...

Al-Matroudi: Yes, and impose you culture.

If Islam truly believes this, it constitutes clear proof of their oprressive nature, clearer than most I have seen before.

The true question behind all this is: How many truly believe such teachings, how many do not? If the majority believe in this line of thinking, I believe war is next to ineviatble.

Question, may be off-subject, but I think its worth the asking.

"If the muslim world would conquer the US and start forcing people to convert with threats of capital punishment if they did not, would this constitute the grounds for a 'just war'? If not, then what would?

If Islam united and formed another world superpower and declared war against europe and North America, might the pope declare a 'holy war' of his own?


[i]I would like to end this post by saying that all islamist that I have met face to face do not have hatred for those who follow christian beliefs. That which they dispise, is the secular thinking behind Europeen na dNorth American goverments, and the seculars themselves. And all those islamists I have met do not claim these secualr people should be put to death, they simply have a very strong feelings against their life choices, one which I admit, I share myself. If we are to discuss this, we should do so respectfully and not generalize against Islam.[/i]

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Jul 13 2005, 09:20 AM']
If Islam united and formed another world superpower and declared war against europe and North America, might the pope declare a 'holy war' of his own?


Good question.

I think that some kind of war based on religion will happen.

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Didacus' date='Jul 13 2005, 08:20 AM']If Islam united and formed another world superpower and declared war against europe and North America, might the pope declare a 'holy war' of his own?

He might, but the bigger question is [i]would he?[/i]

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All of us still must remember that not all Muslims hold the views of some of the others. Each nation or even sometimes religion has their own extremists. We must keep in mind that there are Muslims who don't view America or American people with hatred.

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Agreed StColette, agreed.

Though terror runs its course and spreads fear on BOTH sides of a fence, we must remember not to jump into their game.

"Be not afraid." JP the Great!

All should consider this thread in conjunction with this one:


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[quote name='T-Bone' date='Jul 13 2005, 03:04 AM']If this is a true picture of the views of Islamists, then all I can say is this:
Be afraid, be very afraid...
The West should be vigilant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe this stuff. This one was particularly bizzare:

#708 - Egyptian Historian Zaynab Abd Al-'Aziz: Vatican Delegated the US to Carry Out 9/11
Iqra TV (Saudi Arabia) - 5/26/2005 - 00:04:35

This tv show claimed that Vatican II declared that Christianity should take over the world and that this requires the destruction of Islam.
It went on to say that JP2 had an agenda to carry out the destruction of Islam by the year 2000, but after he failed the World Council of Churches commissions the US to complete this mission and thus the US staged 9/11 to get international support for their campaign to destroy Islam.
And that the Jews are in on it.

hehe, talk about insane.

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Ash Wednesday

Wow, what an informative site. I think so often we argue over here in the West about how we should be handling affairs with the arab world but at the same time few of us REALLY have any idea what is going on there. Kudos to whoever started this project.


Video #708 is REALLY disturbing. This woman is a professor?!
#708 - Egyptian Historian Zaynab Abd Al-'Aziz: Vatican Delegated the US to Carry Out 9/11

Basically the Vatican and John Paul II were behind 9/11 to instigate a holy war to rid the world of Islam.

Another speaker believes that Al-Zarqawi and Al Qaeda are collaborating with the U.S. because they aren't attacking Israel as they should and their bombings and presence in Iraq contribute to prolonging American presence there. Well it DOES... but...


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