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Lord's Day

Brother Adam

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Brother Adam

I've really been convicted lately to do more to keep the Lord's Day holy. A commandment I never paid much (any) attention to with my Protestant upbringing (especially in the fundie baptist church). What should we do as Catholics to keep the Lord's day holy beyond going to mass.

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i have a hard time myself, b/c i can't make it a day w/no chores b/c my parents tell me to do them. but u can go for a walk and look at th ebeauty of nature around u and silently thank God for it, or have a special dinner w/ur fam or spend a few min. of adoration after Mass

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 10 2005, 08:16 AM']I've really been convicted lately to do more to keep the Lord's Day holy. A commandment I never paid much (any) attention to with my Protestant upbringing (especially in the fundie baptist church). What should we do as Catholics to keep the Lord's day holy beyond going to mass.
Do something peaceful that you don't do the rest of the week.
I go out with my friends and hang out with my kids.

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Sit quietly and reflect on the past week and the week coming up. Talk to God silently during this time.

My hubby, when he sees me like this, calls it "veggin' out", or "visiting in Aruba"... cause Im in this little world that he cant get to.

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I do more by doing less. Just hang out and relax. Nap with the baby, chat with neighbors. I only do a few necessary chores (like feed the family),

But that's nothing new for us. We did that even as Protestants.

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I try to get most of my chores done on Saturday and then use Sunday to relax or do something fun that I can't do during the work week.

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Sundays are a great day to visit people and spend time with friends and relatives... Cook something that's easy (like a roast...something you can throw in the oven and forget about) and invite people over. Or go visit people. Call your grandma. Write letters. It's a good time to just be with the people you love and thank God for them.

Some people see Sundays as a special day for prayer and study, and they take time to be by themselves and spend extra time with their Bible and studying the Faith.

It's also a day of rest, so you can be lazy like me and sleep in and go to 6pm Mass :)

I don't necessarily think it's wrong to work on Sundays, just as long as you dedicate one day in your week to God. A lot of people have jobs that require you to work Sundays sometimes...like nurses, police, firefighters, journalists.... I want to be a broadcast journalist, and I know they make people work on Sundays, even on holidays like Christmas and Easter. It's a 24/7 kind of industry. CNN doesn't keep the sabbath. Missing Mass is out of the question, though.

Obviously if you don't work in a field like that, it would be ideal to keep the Sabbath on Sunday, but if you do I don't think there's anything wrong with having a day of rest on a different day but going to Mass on Sunday/Sat. night

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 10 2005, 04:05 PM'] A lot of people have jobs that require you to work Sundays sometimes...like nurses, police, firefighters, journalists....

Facilitators of Religious Education :P I'm at work on Sunday's from 7 until usually 12 or so. But it's doing God's work....I enjoy it so much. I get to go to Mass. And I ALWAYS stop in the Adoration chapel before CCD classes begin.

After I get home.....I usually am very lazy, spend the rest of the day in prayer or just do something relaxing, like read or knit or something of that kind. I try to make it a special day to spend extra time with God in order to get ready for the busy week ahead.


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Stop going out to eat or malls or such. :)

I personally try to stay away from it, and as absurd as it may sound at first, I have reasons for saying this:

Last summer I had to work 9.5 hours every Sunday. Boy, that was a pain. I didn't care for it much. And the reason? Everyone likes to eat out on Sunday. :( I have since corrected that problem. :)

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 10 2005, 08:16 AM']I've really been convicted lately to do more to keep the Lord's Day holy. A commandment I never paid much (any) attention to with my Protestant upbringing (especially in the fundie baptist church). What should we do as Catholics to keep the Lord's day holy beyond going to mass.

Interesting. Opposite for me. The term "Lord's Day" wasn't even in my vocabularly until I became not Catholic.

Now I eagerly await each Lord's Day when I get to sit at the Lord's Table and remember Christ through the Lord's Supper.

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Brother Adam


I'm speaking about things outside of worship (or a community service in your case). Even better than calling Christ to mind is being in His very presence and receiving His body at the Blessed Sacrament.


Right, so relaxing and everything. But should this mean refraining of doing anything or going anywhere that would cause someone to have to work unnecessarily (restraunts, grocery stores)? Should I do homework and work on my online apostolates on Sunday? Should I even be on the internet on Sunday?

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on saturday evenings u should say Lord's day prayers like they do in households @ steubie...unless u already do that..lol...my family and i used to do it..and then closing of the lord's day prayers on sunday night.....

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[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jul 10 2005, 07:24 PM']on saturday evenings u should say Lord's day prayers like they do in households @ steubie...unless u already do that..lol...my family and i used to do it..and then closing of the lord's day prayers on sunday night.....

I don't really know what you're talking about.

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I thought this thread was about the "quasi-sacrmental" practice by households at Franciscan University of Steubenville!

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[quote]on saturday evenings u should say Lord's day prayers like they do in households @ steubie...unless u already do that..lol...my family and i used to do it..and then closing of the lord's day prayers on sunday night.....[/quote]


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