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My dad would've really liked that song about lumber.....

The program said "Entertainment" not torture!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

It was ok. :D

ok, I slept through that part though......

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Okay, Friday.

Well, we let our group have a lot of freedom (which gave the adults a lot of freedom too ;) thank God). I didn't go to any sessions on Friday (but a lot of the kids went to the chastity one and they LOVED it), but I wandered around. Then I found the phatmass booth and had JUST missed flowery and tina :( but met dUSt, flip, damien, mcJust, and Apollo. We went to the concert that night, but had to leave before Rachel Lampa cuz one of the kids got sick and we went back to the hotel.

I was so tired that night!

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haha yeah your rigth jess that celici rain was good....i think it was just cuz i was tired...

danielle rose sings soo pretty!!

however, i want to find that woman who got mad at me for passing out phatmass fliers!! :angry: how dare she!!

<_< some ppl...........

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flowery, you know what made me mad? Friday, we were trying to get down to the rest of our group to tell them we were leaving cuz of our sick kid. So we (me and another chaperone) tried to get by this lady that was blocking the aisle with her leg. I said (very nicely), "Excuse me, we need to get through, we have a sick kid." She goes (very meanly), "No" and stands up, right in my face. Then she says, "These kids have been trying to watch the concert and people keep blocking their view." She said this very meanly. Then I say, very slowly and enunciating very clearly, " I HAVE A SICK KID. I NEED TO GET THROUGH." She could tell I was ready to push her back into her seat, so she sighed very loudly and sat down.

Boy was I mad!!!!!

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Edited by moderator: personal information i hear YOU!!!!!!

This MEAN LADY wouldn't let me and flowery through untill ALL her kids passed by b/c she didn't want to split them up. EXCUSE me? There was only 2 of us and 15,000 from her group alone!!!!!! :angry: So rude AND another lady that got mad at us for passing out fliers and to tell them "They shouldn't be performing (Phatmass) outside of God Rock Cafe (there wasn't anything going on) was another singer from the booth beside them. she was an older lady. :angry:

some people..... <_<

But You made the day better Edited by moderator: personal information !!!! :wub:

And VERA we thought about you all weekend!!!!!! :wub:

Edited by Lil Red
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  Aloysius said:
is this all the same lady?  or were there just bunches of mean ladies runnin around?  :ph34r:


All different ladies. And then this man wouldn't put down his HUGE umbrella that was blocking our view from the screen. We asked him to put it down and he said he had to keep it up so his kids could see him when they came in. All he had to do was stand in the aisle and he wouldn't have blocked anyones view and so me and flowery were complaining(and started throwing ice at him.....JUST KIDDING!!!!) and the lady next to us got up all huffy and puffy and stood to hold the umbrella. Another lady.

Everyone was just sleep deprived and food deprived. :lol::lol: :lol:

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haha that lady was FUNNY!!

we didnt know that the lady next to us was with the same group as the guy blocking our view with that big umbrella (well we couldn't see anything) so we were like "tell him to sit down tina" and "whats this guys' problem?" and that lady heard us all saying that!


it was funny................afterwards!!

:blink: :ph34r: :unsure: :lol:

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  jmjtina said:
Edited by moderator: personal information i hear YOU!!!!!!

This MEAN LADY wouldn't let me and flowery through untill ALL her kids passed by b/c she didn't want to split them up. EXCUSE me? There was only 2 of us and 15,000 from her group alone!!!!!! :angry: So rude AND another lady that got mad at us for passing out fliers and to tell them "They shouldn't be performing (Phatmass) outside of God Rock Cafe (there wasn't anything going on) was another singer from the booth beside them. she was an older lady.  :angry:

some people..... <_<

But You made the day better Edited by moderator: personal information !!!! :wub:

And VERA we thought about you all weekend!!!!!! :wub:

you know what's really sad? Most of the kids were amesome, and the adults were the bad ones!!!! What's up with that? What happened to setting an example?

Vera, she's not making it up, we talked about you there, and talked about how we were praying for you! :)

no, YOU guys made the day better! :) :P

Edited by Lil Red
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  jmjtina said:
And VERA we thought about you all weekend!!!!!! :wub:

tina, you made my week! Seriously you did!! :D :D :D

you da bomb, da bomb, da BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) B) B) B) B)

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  Lil Red Devil said:

you know what's really sad? Most of the kids were amesome, and the adults were the bad ones!!!! What's up with that? What happened to setting an example?

Vera, she's not making it up, we talked about you there, and talked about how we were praying for you! :)

no, YOU guys made the day better! :):P

awww....i feel so loved....seriously! my crazy girls... B) B) B) B) B) B) :D :D :D :

YOU get special prayers as well!! :D :blink: :D :D :rolleyes: B)

YOU THREE SERIOUSLY MADE MY WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) B) B)

love ya sistas... :wub: :wub:

they won't let me put enough emoticons, i need more!!

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