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Laying of Hands


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I posted this in the open forum but I really would like a discussion of what it means and what it does. I was told by the_rev that only priests are allowed to lay hands but what if there werent any around? There are not enough of them to pray over everyone. Just like extraordinary Eucharistic ministers cant there be an extraordinary pray over minister?

In addition, where or what kind of documentation can you supply with your argument.

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well ---

i just got prayed over by chris west...

something tells me its not wrong for the lay person... :D

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i dont think that there has to be a priest to pray over people... but maybe there are certain prayersthat only priests say when they lay their hands on someone
ive had people who are laity lay hands on me and i dnot see anything wrong with it

God Bless
LTC :hearts:

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other people can pray over people too.... my preist prays over people and the deacons stand right next to him and pray too

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What do you mean by laying on of hands? In some cases this is short hand for a sacrement (ordination, annointing) in other cases this means just a powerful form of prayer.


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The link below is to a document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the related topic of services of healing (liturgical and non-liturgical), and establishes the norms to be observed in such cases:

[url="http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20001123_istruzione_en.html"][u]Instruction on Prayers for Healing[/u][/url]

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well that all seems to be in order.

who wrote that?

oh wait, i think it says at the bottom...

"+ Joseph Card. RATZINGER"

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Is this in the reference section?

[quote name='Apotheoun' date='Jul 8 2005, 11:27 PM']The link below is to a document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the related topic of services of healing (liturgical and non-liturgical), and establishes the norms to be observed in such cases:

[url="http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20001123_istruzione_en.html"][u]Instruction on Prayers for Healing[/u][/url]

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InCircles' brother

wow... lucky...


cmotherofpir1 i really like your signature

and as laying of hands goes... well the only reason i looked in here is because some of my friends have a real issue when it comes to laying of hands... but i am comfortable with it... i dont normally lay my hands over the people i pray for... but i dont mind when people do it to me... it actually feels good...

[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jul 8 2005, 08:01 PM']well ---

i just got prayed over by chris west...
something tells me its not wrong for the lay person... :D

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[quote name='InCircles' brother' date='Jul 11 2005, 07:24 PM']wow... lucky...


cmotherofpir1 i really like your signature

and as laying of hands goes... well the only reason i looked in here is because some of my friends have a real issue when it comes to laying of hands... but i am comfortable with it... i dont normally lay my hands over the people i pray for... but i dont mind when people do it to me... it actually feels good...
--yer tellin me? LOL--- i don't even remember one word of his prayer i was so in shock :D

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Last night, I witnessed some major laying on of hands when all the bishops in attendance laid their hands on the newly ordained bishop of Ft Worth, imitating the laying on of hands of the original apostles and their successors.

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Jul 14 2005, 10:08 AM']Last night, I witnessed some major laying on of hands when all the bishops in attendance laid their hands on the newly ordained bishop of Ft Worth, imitating the laying on of hands of the original apostles and their successors.

THAT is what I have understood as 'laying on of hands'.
And also for confirmation.

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I think praying over people is different than the "laying on of hands" outlined in the Bible. The laying on of hands is sacramental, as in Anointing of the Sick, Confirmation and Holy Orders.

If I were to pray over someone, it is just prayer. No sacramental grace is conferred, and I would not be doing it with the authority of a Bishop or a priest. But it IS still prayer, and prayer is powerful and it works.

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I belong to a Charismatic Prayer Group, and we have a healing mass every First Friday after which we pray over people who want prayer for various reasons. We used to do a lot of laying of hands, but not so much these days, unless someone specifically asks. The laying of hand is talked about by Paul the Apostle, and I think it is part of the healing charism. I've never particularly liked laying of hands, because I've seen some rather odd and inappropriate use of this kind of prayer. If someone asks for laying of hands, we just lightly touch the shoulder area.

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yes, but I think Scripture specifically refers only to those who are ordained as such to possess that power, such as bishops. (the apostles were our firsts Bishops and Pope-the Bishop of Rome)

I believe that accurate term is "the imposition of hands" but is often called "the laying (on) of hands".

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