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Will you still approve of W

1337 k4th0l1x0r

If the president doesn't appoint a pro-life supreme court justice, will you still be approving of him?  

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[quote name='philothea' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:35 AM']Catholics used to be primarily Democrat, for social justice reasons.  Now many of them vote Republican, because of abortion.[right][snapback]634294[/snapback][/right]

Forgive me, I forget where I read this statistic...but I did read that 70% of Catholic voters voted for Kerry...

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[quote name='inDEED' date='Jul 7 2005, 01:24 PM']Forgive me, I forget where I read this statistic...but I did read that 70% of Catholic voters voted for Kerry...

I don't think the figures were that high - I forget though. However, surveys showed that[b] Catholics who go to Mass every Sunday [/b]voted overwhelmingly for Bush.

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Yeah, there are a lot of people who are "ethnically" Catholic. They were raised that way (sort of) but they don't practice it as an actual religion. They were probably raised Democrat too.

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The person he appoints doesn't neccesarily get approved by Congress, no? It doesn't seem like he'll waste his time appointing people, say Rehnquist-like, who will never get approved.

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If the nominee can get out of the Judiciary committee (9 r and 9 d) then it goes to the Senate for a vote. With 55 Republicans in the Senate, this shouldn't be a difficult process.

Granted there is always the threat of a philibuster. At that point they would need a 3/5 majority to pass the nominee.

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i will approve of him, overall.... since, as of now, he is the only better alternative we have. Imagine, what the country would be like regarding LIFE if our dear, fellow "Catholic" John Kerry were the prez.....

**** i would definitely wish for W to select a pro-life nominee to the Court.... but if not, I have to weigh the entirety of his policy and again, i go back to my initial statements above.

Edited by dspen2005
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I didn't vote for him anyway. I voted Peroutka. I won't be terribly surprised if he appoints some limpwristed Kennedy/O'Connor wanna be.

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All of this is moot anyhow, it doesn't look like Gonzalez will be a nominee.

The short list is:

Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
Janice Rogers Brown (my personal favorite)
Edith Brown Clement
John Cornyn
Emilio M. Garza
Edith Hollan Jones
J. Michael Luttig
Michael W. McConnell
John G. Roberts
Theodore B. Olson
Larry D. Thompson
J. Harvie Wilkinson

Gonzalez has less time on the bench than all of these candidates. He also doesn't have the support from some of the Republican party.

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White Knight

No, if this happened I wouldn't Approve of Bush, but I think he will stay true to what he believes and use all his abilities to nominate and elect a Pro-Life Judge.

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Good Friday

[quote name='Cam42']While being pro-life is a huge part of my life, there are also other factors that I must take into account when dealing with the election of a President. We cannot be "one issue" people.[/quote]
Oh, [i]time out[/i]!!! :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :bugeyes:

Nobody gets to use this argument after every Democrat who ever visited this site was bashed over the head for using it during the election. If anyone here tries to use it in favor of Bush now, so help me God... I shall scream. Loudly.

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what we really need is more FAITHFUL Catholics working in law, media and government. Regardless of what you think about democracy, our country was founded on it, and not God's laws. The only way we can change our government is to organize and get involved with government

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I stopped approving of W on November 5, 2000, the day he stole the election.

Obviously he won't appoint someone 100% pro-life since he will definately appoint an extrememly pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-torture, etc. person. However along with the rest of you I hope that he does appoint someone who will vote to outlaw abortion. I just really hope it's not Alberto Gonzalez or something. His name has been mentioned and I think that's really scary.

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wow he stole the election? hehe.

I don't think i would vote republican if this justice isn't pro life. after all the pro-life cause has given republicans, this would be a huge stab in the back. I think i would vote for a buchanan like person

Edited by ardillacid
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Bush has done much for the pro-life cause -- like someone else said, far more than any other president. So there's no reason to think he's all of a sudden going to start going the other way. One of Bush's best strengths as a leader is that we know where he stands; he's not a "flip-flopper" on issues like this. He's a rock.

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[quote] he's not a "flip-flopper" [/quote]

I hate to start a fight, but I must beg to differ that Bush is not a flip-flopper. I could offer you many examples of why he most certainly is a flip-floppr, but I will just give you a few....

1.) he promised to fire the person who leaked the name of a covert CIA operative, but Rove is still here

2.) he said that we were invading Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, but now he feeds us a bunch of bull about liberating the Iraqi people and stuff, just because the WMD thing didn't work out

3.)he said that he was going to reform social security, then he ran into some opposition and basically forgot about it as far as I can tell.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. However since I went off topic a bit here, I will say this. W has done good things for the pro-life movement like signing the partial birth abortion ban which I sincerely hope a democrat would have signed as well, but if he truely wanted to end abortion he would start legislation in congress creating a constitutional amendment banning abortion. I am of the opinion that the Supreme court if it ever agrees to hear an abortion case will never reach a permanent conclustion. Same as with death penalty cases I think they are destined to overturn and restore abortion laws many times. Of course I hope he appoints a pro-life judge, but I would really like to see politicians start talking about amending the constitution.

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