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Therapy and Psychology


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hot stuff, I'd go to you for therapy.

Well, I really just came in for the free food and soda...

Edited by Nicole8223
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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Jul 12 2005, 12:41 PM']hot stuff, I'd go to you for therapy. 

Well, I really just came in for the free food and soda...
i've always had therapists that gave out candy. that was the only good part of therapy.

hot stuff, do you make your clients do sand-play?

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Jul 12 2005, 11:22 AM']i brought drinks

:drunk: :spit: :pepsi: :beer: :coffee: :cheers: :drpepper: :wine:

Did you bring screwdrivers?


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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 12 2005, 10:45 AM']i've always had therapists that gave out candy.  that was the only good part of therapy.

hot stuff, do you make your clients do sand-play?
sand play is usually just used for children...........although, it is interesting to see how adults play in it too.......

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Jul 12 2005, 06:45 PM']sand play is usually just used for children...........although, it is interesting to see how adults play in it too.......
sandplay doesn't involve playing IN the sand, but using little action figure guys. Freudian psychoanalysts make you do it sometimes. It's ridiculous. i remember being 16 and seeing this Israeli psychoanalyst named Hertzel and him making me do it. i was like, "what? you want me to play with action figures? sorry, that's not my cup of tea."

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Don John of Austria

Okay I don't have much time and will notuntil thursday at which time I will make a better more complete response.

First I would like to coment that thisentire thread was loaded from the begining Therapy is not objected to by myself or I think by anyone in this forum as Therapy is the treatment of illness or disablity; what you are asking about is Psychotherapy which is a completly differant animal.

Further my objections are with modern Psychology ( that developed in the last say 100 years) they include ( but are not limited too) the following.

1 Psychology is Materialist it contends that the personality is in the Brain rather than the Soul, as such it at the very least butchers the soul, and at most ( and most often) denies the soul all together. This is logical extention of the Duelist " ghost in the machine" idea of Decarte but has moved from relegating the soul to support work and being a score card to simply rejecting it all together. This portion I contend requires Psychotherapy to be rejected by all faithful catholics.
1a. As the mind and Will are facualties of the Soul and not the Brain
no organic problem can affect the Will

2. Modern Psychology rejects the concepts of right and wrong as absolutes and embraces relativistic notions of morality.

3. Modern Psychology rejects the notion that sin causes physhological disrders which is supported by scripture and Tradition -- this is not to say that all such problems are directly contengent on the sin of the afflicted but sin is the root cause of it as it is with all the evils of the world, further sin can and often does directly cause psychological disfuction in the sinner.

4. Pscychologist often interfer in the role of Priest giving advise about issues of a spiritual nature -- sex, marriage ect-- and specificly ( and I have seen this personally ) interfering with those who need a priest to deal with issues of a demonic nature. Demons are real andthose tormented by them either obsessed or possessed are not crazy and don't need a Psychotherapist they need an Exorcist.

5. Modern Psychology is inherintly a child of the modern attempt to " understand " everything, somethings cannot be understood the human mind being a product of spirit is one of those things, moder psychology is arrogant at best and trying to be " like to God " at worst.

I will continue with a more thourgh response to this later.

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Don John of Austria

By the way I do think that psychology does occasionally hit things right, particularly more scientificly observable phenomena that have less to do with the mind and more to do with application of mental facualties. But well even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' date='Jul 13 2005, 12:07 AM']By the way I do think that psychology does occasionally hit things right, particularly  more scientificly observable phenomena  that have less to do with the mind and more to do with application of mental facualties.  But well even a broken clock is right twice a day.
hahahaha.... have you looked into Cognitive Science? They broke apart from Psychology because they disagreed with the Behaviorists.

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Sammy Blaze

i think cognitivism is a branch of psychology, not a a separated entity,, actually i think it is the most prominent field of study in psychology now because many behaviorist, structualist, functionalist etc. theories have been thrown out the window as outdated.

anyways, I too am interested in the cons to psychotherapy, seeing how i worked for a Pastoral counseling center for a year, and am also looking forward to beginning a master's program in Pastoral Ministry/ Marriage and Family Therapy to become a Pastoral Counselor. If psychotherapy is contrary to Catholic Theology, maybe I should let St. Mary's know that they need to drop that program.

From experience i believe psychotherapy works when 1) the person seeking help has reasonable expectations of the outcome of therapy, meaning someone who thinks they go to therapy to get "fixed" will likely not be as successful as someone who goes to therapy knowing that therapy is a process that will involve alot of personal decisions with proper guidance from a trained professional. and 2) the person seeks the help of a well trained, honorable professional. A devout Catholic would be a bonus lol

my .03 cents

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Cognitive Psychology is different than Cognitive Science. At the college I go to, there is a Psychology department, and a Cognitive Science department because historically CS broke away from psych in the late 50's because they hated Skinner, and his behaviorist cronies who dominated the field of psychology. While cognitive psychology is growing, other branches of psychology (psychanalytic, humanistic, neurobiological, behavioral) are still growing as well. I took both Intro to Psych and Intro to Cognitive Science and I have to say Cognitive Science was better, although the psych class was such an easy A.

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also, Cognitive Science doesn't focus on therapy, they are very research-oriented, whereas Cognitive Psychology does cognitive research and is very related to Cognitive therapy.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Sammy Blaze' date='Jul 12 2005, 11:39 PM']
anyways, I too am interested in the cons to psychotherapy, seeing how i worked for a Pastoral counseling center for a year, and am also looking forward to beginning a master's program in Pastoral Ministry/ Marriage and Family Therapy to become a Pastoral Counselor.  [color=red]If psychotherapy is contrary to Catholic Theology, maybe I should let St. Mary's know that they need to drop that program.  [/color]


I'm not sure how to take your comment there, but let me say this, I was in the semenary, and if the people runing it where orthodox and teaching only those things supporting the Catholic Faith well I'd be a priest, The fact that Psycotherapy is taught at a Semenary is atrocious, but not a suprising atrocity.

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Sammy Blaze

sorry for the misunderstanding, not meant to offend, thanks for the clarification, had one of those 'duh' moments.

and DJ,
here's the program I'm talkin about, not seminary but a grad program [URL=http://www.stmarytx.edu/grad/counseling/? go=pastoral_counseling]St. Mary's [/URL]
I hope you only take my comment for what it states, and nothing more. If there is something seriously wrong with the program and programs like it they should know why i will not be attending their school
also though, I fail to see the atrocity with using counseling methods to reconnect, re-establish families and individuals with a strong emphasis on Catholic ministry. You obviously feel strongly about the subject, hopefully you can clarify what you mean.


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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 12 2005, 07:05 PM']sandplay doesn't involve playing IN the sand, but using little action figure guys.  Freudian psychoanalysts make you do it sometimes.  It's ridiculous.  i remember being 16 and seeing this Israeli psychoanalyst named Hertzel and him making me do it.  i was like, "what?  you want me to play with action figures?  sorry, that's not my cup of tea."
[right][snapback]641315[/snapback][/right][/quote]i know, that's what i meant.

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