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Therapy and Psychology


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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 6 2005, 11:10 AM']For the record I'm not just trying to draw out DJ.[right][snapback]633213[/snapback][/right]

For the record, I heart DJ, and agree with him in almost everything. :D

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I am not opposed to therapy in theory.

However, in practice, I have had nothing but really, really, really, bad, horrible, terrible, life-ruining experiences with therapists.

So... er, good luck to everyone, but you won't get me to try again.

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Now, therapy can be a vehicle toward living the abundant life that Jesus came to give us, or it can lead to further estrangement from God and greater isolation, depending on the philosophy and methods of the therapist.

..taken from cmoms site.
interesting isnt it??

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immaturity, condemnation, selfrighteousness, selfishness, insecure, DEFENSIVE, are these APPROPRIATE "methods" doc....because in MY OWN OPINION these are your illicit displays of your frustrations toward myself..when i was trying to help someone and you felt threatened and insecure. almost like survival instincts...which is study of mine from the streets of the ghetto where we hand out our own P.H.D.s...
you didnt get one did ya??

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next time i hope your reactions are more mature respectful and educated because you are an example of who claim to be...just a bad one!!

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[quote name='rckllnknny' date='Jul 6 2005, 06:15 PM']Now, therapy can be a vehicle toward living the abundant life that Jesus came to give us, or it can lead to further estrangement from God and greater isolation, depending on the philosophy and methods of the therapist.
..taken from cmoms site.
interesting isnt it??

This can be applied to just about anything in life.

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[quote name='rckllnknny' date='Jul 6 2005, 06:18 PM']immaturity, condemnation, selfrighteousness, selfishness, insecure, DEFENSIVE, are these APPROPRIATE "methods" doc....because in MY OWN OPINION these are your illicit displays of your frustrations toward myself..when i was trying to help someone and you felt threatened and insecure. almost like survival instincts...which is study of mine from the streets of the ghetto where we hand out our own P.H.D.s...
you didnt get one did ya??


Wow, this is really conducive to the conversation.

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Being as this is related, I quoted from the "free will" thread.

Ironmonk says:

[quote]Just because someone is a trained/certified therapist does not mean that they know what they're talking about. It all depends on what school of thought (or lack of) they come from.

The APA is scam, as I mentioned in a post above. Some therapists can do more damage than good.

"Get therapy", I would say is a bad suggestion.

Get counceling from someone with strong Catholic faith and morals or a Catholic Priest, I would say is a good suggestion.

Almost anyone can become a therapist and many of the ones that I have met are flakes.

God Bless,

And I responded with:

[quote]Therapists are getting a bad rap here based on generalizations. Frankly, not all therapists are these bad, poorly trained people who do more harm than good.

Lots of people are helped by therapists every single day. What many don't understand is that a therapist won't solve all your problems. What people should realize is that therapists are a tool from God that can be used with prayer and faith for healing.

Take note, neither phatcatholic, hot stuff, or I ever just said "get therapy." We all emphasized that prayer, faith, and God are the most important and nothing can replace that BUT therapy can be a God-given tool to help someone through difficulties.

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[quote]because in MY OWN OPINION these are your illicit displays of your frustrations toward myself..when i was trying to help someone and you felt threatened and insecure.[/quote]

Well that's your opinion.

My opinion would be that this is an example of projection

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rckllnknny.......................were those last two posts of your directed towards us, or were they more like hypothetical coversations w/ a therapist? they seemed like your side of a conversation you have had w/ a therapist before.

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some pertinent articles on the subject:

--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=2853"]Conversion and the Psychology of Change[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=545"]Jungian Psychology and Catholic Theology[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=5806"]The Humanity of Christ: Contributing to a Psychology of Jesus[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=1358"]Nothing Is Ever Anybody's Fault[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=304"]Beyond Psychology[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=358"]Can Catholics Counsel? The Loss of Prudence in Modern Humanist Psychology[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=406"]Faith and Therapy[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=3375"]A Question of Character[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=4308"]Psychology and the Abolition of Meaning[/url]
--Modern Psychology and Catholic Understanding: Parts [url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=4310"][b]One[/b][/url] and [url="http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/jump.cgi?ID=4325"][b]Two[/b][/url]

pax christi,

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In my own humble opinion, therapy can be a great instrument if God. I use to suffer from depression and I did recieve a combo of meds and cognitive therapy, along with daily (when i could) mass, regualr confession and spiritual counciling from a priest. But the healing did not come from those things, the healings came from God. I think it could be likened to apologetics. People can witness and explain the faith and pray for the people, but the conversion comes from the Grace of God, not the apologetics. Therapy can help, but the healing comes from God. But that is just what i think. :)

cmotherofpirl--thats a great website i wish i had found it when i needed it. Thank you for your work

Edited by catholicflower
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[quote name='rckllnknny' date='Jul 6 2005, 04:18 PM']immaturity, condemnation, selfrighteousness, selfishness, insecure, DEFENSIVE, are these APPROPRIATE "methods" doc....because in MY OWN OPINION these are your illicit displays of your frustrations toward myself..when i was trying to help someone and you felt threatened and insecure. almost like survival instincts...which is study of mine from the streets of the ghetto where we hand out our own P.H.D.s...
you didnt get one did ya??

player hatin degrees?

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i think that it depends on a lot of factors...
i've never gotten anything out of therapy or anything like that tho...
God Bless
LTC :hearts:

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