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homosexual attraction


Do you think that God can "heal" SSA?  

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:33 PM']I dont disbelieve what you are saying, but thought alone cannot change anything. Prayer maybe, but not just thoughts.
oh yea.......through prayer definitely. Prayer tends to open your eyes.
But i would like to add one thing........i think that homosexuality if intended by god at all may be a calling to just believe in god. I know before my issue really got out of hand.........i wasnt sure about god.........i didnt think about him that much.........i ddint know anything about him. who knows if god intends things like this..........and if he does then we dont really know what his intentions are.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:38 PM']I find it funny that you continue to say that "we dont know anything with God" then say that you dont believe God could will you to have homosexual feelings. As you know, or maybe you dont, struggle is part of the whole christian experience, and obviously SSA provides much struggle and suffering.

Remember - just because you dont like celebacy doesnt mean that God doesnt will you or some other person to live a celebate life because of SSA.
there is a difference between knowing and believing.........i dont believe god will's anybody.........i believe in free will. God laid out a way of life for us to follow.........we can stray away from that if we wish.........but it doesnt say matt you are going to live a celebate life. Matt is my name by the way. and i am talking about the bible.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:43 PM']there is a difference between knowing and believing.........i dont believe god will's anybody.........i believe in free will. God laid out a way of life for us to follow.........we can stray away from that if we wish.........but it doesnt say matt you are going to live a celebate life. Matt is my name by the way. and i am talking about  the bible.
i think celebacy is a choice.......you can choose to be gay, celebate, or get married.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:43 PM']there is a difference between knowing and believing.........i dont believe god will's anybody.........i believe in free will. God laid out a way of life for us to follow.........we can stray away from that if we wish.........but it doesnt say matt you are going to live a celebate life. Matt is my name by the way. and i am talking about  the bible.
You have to be careful with that view because its edging on the side of Deism. Not exactly but close. God does will things. He wills that you even exist. You wouldnt exist unless he was willing you to be. Yes you have free will. Free will to do good and follow God's will, or free will to not follow his will. He has a plan for you, and would like you to follow it. That plan is to know and love his Son, Jesus Christ. You can choose to follow that plan, or not to. Deism states that there is a creator God who created the universe, but is not actively involved with us. That is not true. God love us and actively helps us if we ask, and he does will things for you, to further your chances of salvation.

Just as a note, the single life is a vocation. There are 3 choices - The Sacrament of Holy Orders and the priesthood, the sacrament of marriage, or the single life. God calls you to one of the 3.

My best advice to you is to not worry. Whatever is going on, God will bring good out of it. He in some way wants you to be how you are if he is not "healing" you. For some reason, for your gain, he wills what is happening. Just dont worry too much. As Padre Pio would say "Pray, Hope, and dont worry" :)

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:49 PM']You have to be careful with that view because its edging on the side of Deism. Not exactly but close. God does will things. He wills that you even exist. You wouldnt exist unless he was willing you to be. Yes you have free will. Free will to do good and follow God's will, or free will to not follow his will. He has a plan for you, and would like you to follow it. That plan is to know and love his Son, Jesus Christ. You can choose to follow that plan, or not to. Deism states that there is a creator God who created the universe, but is not actively involved with us. That is not true. God love us and actively helps us if we ask, and he does will things for you, to further your chances of salvation.

Just as a note, the single life is a vocation. There are 3 choices - The Sacrament of Holy Orders and the priesthood, the sacrament of marriage, or the single life. God calls you to one of the 3.

My best advice to you is to not worry. Whatever is going on, God will bring good out of it. He in some way wants you to be how you are if he is not "healing" you. For some reason, for your gain, he wills what is happening. Just dont worry too much. As Padre Pio would say "Pray, Hope, and dont worry" :)
i agree with those choices that u listed as vocations go with following god's will........all of those fall under god's will and everyone has the choice of one of those......that is what i believe.thanks for the advice......arent u proud of your name dude? Its being used on a video game!!!!!LOL. What does it mean? Alone Defenser?

Edited by infinitelord1
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 7 2005, 08:57 PM']i agree with those choices that u listed as vocations go with following god's will........all of those fall under god's will and everyone has the choice of one of those......that is what i believe.thanks for the advice......arent u proud of your name dude? Its being used on a video game!!!!!LOL. What does it mean? Alone Defenser?
It is latin for "Defender of the Faith." It was originally given to King Henry VIII of England by Pope Leo X, for his work in defending the Church in his writing, [i]Assertio Septem Sacramentorum[/i]. I believe it still appears on British currency to this day.

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Fidei Defensor

Speaking of King Henry, that reminds me of something St Thomas More once said, "The things that we pray for, Good Lord, give us Grace to labor for."

That is a good thing to remember. The more you pray for something, the more pain, suffering, or work may come to achieve it. Believe me, working to overcome SSA is not easy. I battle it as well. The more you ask for help, the harder it seems, but if you can work through the hardship, the stonger you will be. God is smart ^_^

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Jul 7 2005, 09:07 PM']Speaking of King Henry, that reminds me of something St Thomas More once said, "The things that we pray for, Good Lord, give us Grace to labor for."

That is a good thing to remember. The more you pray for something, the more pain, suffering, or work may come to achieve it. Believe me, working to overcome SSA is not easy. I battle it as well.  The more you ask for help, the harder it seems, but if you can work through the hardship, the stonger you will be. God is smart ^_^

u are an amazing person dude.......i will be praying for you as well. I want to let you know that it is possible if you so desired to live a heterosexual life. It is for everyone. Just as it for a heterosexual to become homosexual. They may not feel that way, which is a good thing, but it is certainly possible. I was thinking about something that might help you out if you feel like you were called to celebacy......you do not have to accept this, please just see it as me sharing my beliefs (with logical reasoning) with you and everybody else......so here it is........

The question is........is there a limitation to our freewill when considering god's will? Well, fidei, it seems as though you believe there is.....and you are aware that i dont. First, i think we have to look at what god's will is.......i think it is:good. thats right god's will is: good. Now, keeping this in mind.......me and you came up with 3 choices for those who struggle with homosexuality (celebacy, priesthood, marriage). All of these are good. These are god's will. Anyone of us can choose from these 3 choices and be good. If one was to say "It is god's will that i become a priest" would that mean that if that specific person chose not to become a priest.......whcih he would be going against god's will........and furthermore this person got married instead. Was it wrong for that person to go against god's will and get married? I believe that you believe yes. But keep this in mind........to chose a good over another good (if it is wrong) means that morality (from god's perspective) has just become subjective. That means that it is wrong for some people to reject priesthood and it isnt for others.. Im sorry I dont believe that. That contradicts free-will in my eyes. there is only one truth......god is objective.

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this goes out to all of you who may be suffering from same sex attractions.........my views are not valid but i will not hold myself back from sharing them with you. I think that the reason why some who struggle with SSA believe that there is no way they can feel OSA because they dont know how.

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if you want to talk more.........about all of this and if you feel more comfortable.........my aim id# is overfeld1

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 8 2005, 03:47 PM']fidei,

if you want to talk more.........about all of this and if you feel more comfortable.........my aim id# is overfeld1

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Arise, ancient post and do my bidding!

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