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gay marriages


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Even with the concept of God aside, marriage should be held as sacred. It is the first institution that brougt humanity out of its beastial evolution.

Enduring societies endure and remain strong by a single premise: I will care for my neighbor more than I shall care for myself. Without this, one would always seek to evade the other who seeks only self service. Only when humans dared to care for the other more than one's self, and that this decision was mutual, did each chose to remain close to each other and form a union.

This first true and pure union of humanity was between a man and a woman. Nothing else is possible, since any other union would not have given fruit. Through the fruit between man and woman the credo of 'love the other more than yourself' was perpetuated and is the very foundation of all civilization accross humanity. Without it, we are beasts.

To deny this bond, to pervert it, to change it at the whim of your feelings and desires, is to betray that one law which the highest accross all of humanity. To betray this law, is to bastardize our children, and rob them of thiei future and sentence our fruits to eventual extinction.

And if we are to place God in the equation:

Jesus said "Love one another as I have loved you.". he called humanity to the perfection of this highest law, (and yes, it is a law, though for very long in human history it has not been spoken). Jesus called to perfect this law by saying love the other more than you love yourself does not suffice, you must the other perfectly, and forget yourself.

This is how I view marriage and its sacredness. Though maybe different, and some may say it is wrong, I don't think I'm too far oof the mark.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 22 2005, 11:02 PM'][quote name='Socrates']If we truly love the good, we will hate that which is a lack of good -that is to say evil.[/quote]

It's sad that everything's all so black and white to you. Lack of love doesn't mean hate, nor does lack of good mean evil. The world is gray. And you are judging things you don't understand.

There are many things that are gray, morality is not usually one of them.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Sep 23 2005, 11:59 AM']
It's sad that everything's all so black and white to you. Lack of love doesn't mean hate, nor does lack of good mean evil. The world is gray. And you are judging things you don't understand.

There are many things that are gray, morality is not usually one of them.

Rocks, elephants, concrete...

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 18 2005, 09:43 AM']On that subject... YOU CAN'T HUG YOUR CHILDREN WITH NUCLEAR ARMS!

I really hope at least one of you got that...
*touches Chris of Zewe with skeletal hand, leaves coffee shop.

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Even if you dont believe in God or you are apart of a different religion other than Catholicism or Protestism. you sould know that Marriage is about the kids. even if you have a different religion or such all sould recongize the propose of marriage is to have kids to prepare for the next generation.

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Totally random, but I'm surprised China hasn't allowed gay marriages - it seems to perfectly fit into their ideal of two people shackin' up and not contributing to the population and fulfilling their marriage :lol:

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