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gay marriages


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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Sep 20 2005, 01:36 PM']/feeds troll

i dont even have to be religious to squash this.

if marraige is about love for the other person, do you imply that gay people can only love eachother while married? ill answer for you and say "no". so if they have all that love outside of marraige why get married if its only about love for eachother? 

(Certainly marriage isnt about the abiltiy to get goverment gifts like visitation rights. Being able to see a sick person you care about is a freedom all people are given government or not. besides, marraige has been around a helluva lot longer than this goverment.)

so what, again, is the reason for marraige?

To accomplish Gods will as two in this lifetime, right? And to be able to help one another through difficulties.

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oh i know what marraige is for. i was sorta seeing if he wanted to restate his stance..

and im sorry for feeding the troll :weep:
my urge to pwn stupidity is so large. i must learn patience. :pray:

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allowing gay marriages is a terrible thing. I think the issue of homosexuality is a grave sin that is over looked by today's society. It causes people to not believe in god (especially the ones who live that way). Allowing gay marriages only tells people that homosexuality is OK. What is this world coming to?

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i dont think all gay people are going to hell. However, i dont think they will make it to heaven. To live your life fully homosexual would be living by the creature and not by the creator. Gay activists like to use the fact that animals exhibit homosexual traits. This is a terrible arguement for a number of reasons. It looks past the fact that just because animals do it doesnt mean that it is morally OK for human beings to do it. Lets also not forget that animals are not subject to morallity. They simply act upon feelings. Animals do sexual things simply out of pleasure. The fact that animals exhibit homosexual behaviors doesnt say that they were born that way too.

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I dont believe they will ever be able to link a gene to behavior or feelings. The only thing were i could see someone born that way is of a genetic flaw. We are aware of people being born hermaphrodite. Abnormalities, i believe, are caused by mans destruction of god's creation......i.e. pollution, puttiing things into ones body that are harmful. Its possible that a man could be born with a females brain.......but i dont believe its possible. I think that people being born homosexual is much more in the grey than the theory of evolution.

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As stated in the CCC, (I forgot which number)

But homosexuality is a calling from God to live a chaste life.

Don't dislike the person, dislike the sin.

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[quote name='Proud2BCatholic139' date='Sep 22 2005, 12:35 PM']As stated in the CCC, (I forgot which number)

But homosexuality is a calling from God to live a chaste life.

Don't dislike the person, dislike the sin.

I don't think the CCC states it quite like that - it says homosexuals are called to chastity (meaning if they are unbale to overcome their disordered feelings, they must remain chaste, rather than commit homosexual sins). In fact, ALL Christians are called to live a chaste life. (Chastity does not necessarily mean celibacy - it means purity from sexual sin.)

Referring to homosexuality as a "calling from God" is misleading, as it makes this disorder sound like a postive good. The Catechism also calls homosexual attraction "intrinsically disordered."

Something intrinsically disordered is not a calling from God. God can bring good out of good, and call people to a celibate life, but the homosexual disorder must not be confused with the calling itself.

This kind of confusion can cause problems, as in when a young man beleives because he is "gay," this means he is called to the priesthood. Such is not the case, as the Church is making known.

(ps. - It's "hate the sin, not the sinner." We are told to love our enemy, but love is not the same as "liking" him. We don't have to like anybody, though we must love them.)

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 22 2005, 07:44 PM']Hate is poison. It's a slow death of the mind, no matter what it is that you hate.

If we truly love the good, we will hate that which is a lack of good -that is to say evil. One cannot truly love both good and evil.

People are not in their essence evil. We must hate only evil acts, not people. True love wishes others to avoid evil and do good.

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[quote name='Socrates']If we truly love the good, we will hate that which is a lack of good -that is to say evil.[/quote]

It's sad that everything's all so black and white to you. Lack of love doesn't mean hate, nor does lack of good mean evil. The world is gray. And you are judging things you don't understand.

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Homosexuality Unions and Marriages are not only imposing on adult point of views but also its shaping the childrens minds toward a direction we dont want them to go.

Homosexuality has damaged all nations throughout history after only three generations of full endorsement. If America or any other accepts Homosexuality into their way of life they will serverally weaken themselves.

This has been proven throughout history.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 22 2005, 10:02 PM'][quote name='Socrates']If we truly love the good, we will hate that which is a lack of good -that is to say evil.[/quote]

It's sad that everything's all so black and white to you. Lack of love doesn't mean hate, nor does lack of good mean evil. The world is gray. And you are judging things you don't understand.
What hypocrasy. So you are judging Socrates as wrong, black and white. You are making a judgement. And did Socrates claim Black or White on ALL issues, allowing you to make that statement. You claim the world is gray but you made a number of black or white judgements yourself in this post. Intellectuall honesty with a wait for judgement is a great thing but is very difficult. You profess a great ideal, but are struggling with it's application. If you truely wish to view things in gray, than be open to the fact that homosexuals are not hated, but are different than heterosexuals in physical matters and that is directly related to the concept of a marriage of two people in order to create and care for their offspring, along with all the sociological and physiological effects on people and society.

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I've been told "that what people do in the privacy of thier bedroom is thier own business." I agree. What people to in the privacy of thier bedroom is thier business, but mariage is a PUBLIC institution. Being a PUBLIC institution makes it PUBLIC business. When people get married, it is no longer a purely private matter. That makes it my business.

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