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gay marriages


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I remember a lot of you (esp ironmonk) saying that allowing gay marriages is imposing our morals on you who do not accept gay marriages. I know a key point that would explain how you are being imposed on, but no one has mentioned it explicitly that I have seen. Can you explain how you are being imposed on?

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Guest JeffCR07

If you truly wish to understand, then you must understand that orthodox catholics have a radically different outlook on society than the typical "secularist" if you will allow me that term.

In the Christian mindset, this whole discussion, in many ways, falls back to an even more basic question - the question which Cain asked God. "Am I my brother's keeper?"

Christ's answer in the New Testament, and the Catholic Faith, is a definitive "yes" We [i]are[/i] our brothers' keepers, and we are called to lead one another into a life of holiness. That being said, you can understand that the Catholic views himself as in some way responsible for the sins of his brothers and sisters, because we are all called to holiness together - it is a universal calling.

Thus you must understand that a Catholic does not see something like this as a personal decision which does not affect those outside, for it affects us deeply. If you ask me not to raise my hand and try to stop you from going to Hell, I simply cannot oblige you, precisely because I will be held accountable for your sins if there was something that I could have done but did not.

In this way, any law which even facilitates sin must, and will, be opposed by a true Catholic, because asking us to sit by and watch our brothers and sisters fall really and truly [i]is[/i] trying to impose a worldview upon us (one in which actions are totally personal rather thanboth personal and communal).

In Christ,


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That's pretty much what I was thinking, but you put it much more eloquently. ^_^

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amen jeff

heres a thing I wrote on my xanga in response to a person who left feedback challenging my stance on the homosexual community (this is just a piece of the whole thing- the read the full entry go here [url="http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=curtins"]http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=curtins[/url] )

-Homosexual marriage: For thousands of years marriage has always been between a man and a woman. That is how God created it. Genesis 1:27-28:

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply"

And Genesis 2: 24:

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Right there in the very begining of the world God creates man and woman and tells them they will become ONE and be fruitful and multiply. Marriage is laid out in the earliest of days. As the saying goes "It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" and that is the truth. God gave us human sexuality to be used in a holy way- in marriage to be procreative. The sanctity of marriage cannot be comprimised for one group's personal agenda. Gay marriage is a direct rejection of God's will. The sex and the marriage thing go hand in hand- to have sex on must be in the holy state of marriage and to be married one must be procreative (have sex) with his or her spouse. Gay marriage and gay sex do not allow this relationship between the two to occur- it doesn't allow for sex to be used how God planned nor does it allow for marriage to be used how God planned. It is unnatural and immoral.

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='Jul 2 2005, 06:17 PM']That's pretty much what I was thinking

glad I could help,

God Bless!

- Your Brother In Christ,


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here is why it is a sin to be in a homosexual relationship.............first of all the bible says its wrong...........well, why is it wrong? Those in a relationship say that they are happy and love their partners. What is wrong with this? Well, because the bible says it is wrong many of these people dont believe in god since they are happy on the homosexual relationship they are in. So now we look at what is wrong with the relationship in itself. We must assume that God did not create these people to be this way.....therefore, it is unnatural.

Also, for a homosexual to act and dress the way they do........is a sin because of their existence and public display.........others, such as kids, see this and they may think that homosexuality is ok. Furthermore, it may stray them away from god.

So allowing gay marriages is not ok because it allows gay people to become more public with their lifestyles.

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i think of marriage as a magnet. Opposite pulls (gender) attract to each other and stick together while same pulls repel from each other.

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  • 2 months later...


For those of you who have Adobe, this is an interesting read on the subject. I think it might clarify certain questions views and concerns from a secular stand point.

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Well, I think that gay marriages impose values on those who hold to traditional marriage because (aside from the responsibility we have to our neighbour) a) the push for homosexual marriage isn't about letting homosexuals get married; it's about changing society's understanding of marriage -- hence, as we live in society, it imposes its values on us -- and b) because marriage is a heterosexual institution designed to provide the support of society for those who are raising the next generation, society's future. It's not about approving random people who care about each other. That could have a place, as Bishop Fred Henry has said, and we could have some sort of civil union for people who live together and are financially dependant. Sex (in either sense) would not be a factor here.
Besides, isn't it obvious that it imposes itself on us? Homosexual marriage friendly story books for pre-K kids have been forced into the schools, and the parents and school boards can't do anything about it. A businessman has been sued because he refused to print stationary for an explicitly homosexual group. A teacher was suspended for writing a letter to the editor, as a private citizen, opposing homosexual marriage. Someone was sued for putting adds against homosexual marriage in the local newspaper. Bishop Fred Henry stood before a human rights commission for defending the Catholic understanding of marriage. In essence, for homosexuals to feel they are being free to be active, Catholics and other persons who believe in traditional marriage may only believe in it as long as it's not an active belief. The religious protection Bill C-38 provides is worthless because it deals with a provincial affair and it only covers religious ministers in the act of solemnizing marriages. Sexual protection (which is nowhere found in our constitution or Charter of Rights and Freedoms) means that homosexual relationships must have societies approval as 'marriages', but religious freedom (which is guaranteed) means that... you can believe it if you don't do anything about it. Well, you can talk about it with likeminded friends, as long as a homosexual doesn't overhear and have his/her feeling of self-worth thereby hurt, because then it would be a hate crime. Ok, that was a little bit of hyperbole... at this point. But seriously, since our judges have abandoned the Judeo-Christian roots of this country, it has been established as a precedent that human dignity equals the person’s feelings of self-worth. Christians will soon have to occupy the closets the homosexuals vacated.

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Not going to read the gigantic wall of text before me, because I really don't [i]care[/i] about the intolerant Catholic beliefs on the matter, but I'd just like to point out that marriage is about [b]love[/b], and you fall in [b]love[/b] with the person, not their gender.


I really hope at least one of you got that...

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 18 2005, 10:43 AM']Not going to read the gigantic wall of text before me, because I really don't [i]care[/i] about the intolerant Catholic beliefs on the matter, but I'd just like to point out that marriage is about [b]love[/b], and you fall in [b]love[/b] with the person, not their gender.


I really hope at least one of you got that...

Throughout scripture there is the prohibition of homosexuality, why is this issue not clear? More than this, it is between you and God. I will not and connot judge anyone, but marriage is clearly defined and snactified by our Lord, cite the wedding at Cana..

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 18 2005, 08:43 AM']Not going to read the gigantic wall of text before me, because I really don't [i]care[/i] about the intolerant Catholic beliefs on the matter, but I'd just like to point out that marriage is about [b]love[/b], and you fall in [b]love[/b] with the person, not their gender.


I really hope at least one of you got that...


Marriage is not only about love, it is about commitment, sexual intercourse to produce children and assure the continuity of the human race.

It is amongst the most popular homosexual fallacie to equate love with sexual intercourse. It is simply not true.

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Homosexual actions are also risky. I learned in Health Class that gay men were at high risk for AIDS b/c of their actions. BTW, u can still disagree w/homosexual marriage and not be intolerant

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Sep 18 2005, 03:19 PM']Homosexual actions are also risky.  I learned in Health Class that gay men were at high risk for AIDS b/c of their actions. BTW, u can still disagree w/homosexual marriage and not be intolerant

Homosexual supporters equate disagreement with intolerance frequently. It gets to the point where it is no longer a question of us tolerated them, but of them being intolerant of us; hence Christians heading into the closet vacated by the homosexuals to which I much admit contains some truth.

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i was pro gay marriage for awhile, but i decided to give it to God and i don't agree with gay marriage at all, but that doesn't mean i love my gay friends any less. it just means i no longer think their actions are right.

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