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Another thread on masturbation


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Brother Adam

Crazy Catholics. They stick together like they are family or something. Don't they know its just "Jesus and me"?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 21 2005, 11:39 AM']Crazy Catholics. They stick together like they are family or something. Don't they know its just "Jesus and me"?
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 21 2005, 10:39 AM']Crazy Catholics. They stick together like they are family or something. Don't they know its just "Jesus and me"?

What about everyone else? don't they get to come along too?

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[quote name='ergosum' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:31 AM']Wow! Ha!  Funny! lol.

[color=red][Edited by Kilroy the Ninja:  TMI.  This is a public board.  Keep it PG.] [/color]Anyway, seriously though, masturbation is a very healthy and psychologically sane thing to do... supressing that desire makes you wanna lust... and makes you wanna do things that might be risky, unsafe, probably illegal and criminal.

Moreover, masturbation has nothing to do with the whole "social nature of man" theory! Infact, the idea that man is a social creature is faulty in it's own way. I can give you reasons for that... but only if you want me to... I'm too lazy to muster the effort to do it without need.

[color=red]Edited by Kilroy the Ninja:  Not appropriate here.][/color]
Anyway, I like this topic. Talking sexual things is so fun! :)

I've lived fine without masterbation. I havent exploded yet. :mellow:

Truely a self centered and disgusting ritual says I. Its a juvinille thing to do. I haven't done it in, well going on 5 years now. :) (Im almost 19 btw) It has not increased my desire to lust at all, in fact, its depleted that desire immensely. I have not done anything that [quote]makes you wanna do things that might be risky, unsafe, probably illegal and criminal. [/quote]

Truely a crock of nonsense in your entire post. Not one word of sense. :)

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White Knight

I'm suprised people are so open... about this issue, usually where I come from, this is a close book issue.

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I just need to point something out. M. does not lead to sexual deviancy. Millions upon millions of people M. and there is a very low percent of the population that have sexually deviant behaviors. M is just not the root cause of any problems. Statistics do not support any significant coonection. Depression, mental illness, chemical imbalances, childhood issues are what lead to sexually deviant behaviors.

I'll leave whether it is right or wrong up to the individual but it is not wrong because it leads to other things. In and of itself it does not.

In Christ,

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Brother Adam

M. is disordered for EVERONE becuase it is outside of the intention that God made physical love for. Masturbation keeps a man and woman from the complete self giving love of each other and says "You can have part of me, but I do not love you enough to give you all of me." It says "You're love isn't good enough for me, and I can't control my own bodily functions, while I might like to [b]use you[/b] for my own self pleasure now and then, I can keep myself happy and reject God's gift of life.

Truth is not subjective :)

and as an after thought I don't know how there cannot be a strong correlation between masturbation and pornography.

Edited by Brother Adam
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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:11 AM']"Well, if you were God, would you like waking up in the morning to look in the mirror and find your face mangled and distorted?  Would you, if you were the God of all truth and beauty, enjoy seeing a great black chasm in place of your face?  If you are all about love, and your image is all about lust, what a horrible lie that image is living!  Would you, the God of truth, stand for it?"

God help us all to be as we are meant to be...glorious, beautiful, truthful, humble, and chaste.
What a great explanation of what sin does.

Most of y'all are right on. Mastorbation doesn't leave people healthy, emotionally, or socially, or especially spiritually which effects the rest.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Briguy' date='Jul 21 2005, 01:35 PM']I just need to point something out. M. does not lead to sexual deviancy. Millions upon millions of people M. and there is a very low percent of the population that have sexually deviant behaviors. M is just not the root cause of any problems. Statistics do not support any significant coonection. Depression, mental illness, chemical imbalances, childhood issues are what lead to sexually deviant behaviors.

I'll leave whether it is right or wrong up to the individual but it is not wrong because it leads to other things. In and of itself it does not.

In Christ,

Masturbation is in itself a sexually deviant behavior.

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[quote name='ergosum' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:31 AM'] supressing that desire makes you wanna lust... and makes you wanna do things that might be risky, unsafe, probably illegal and criminal.


i disagree with that

all it does is make u want to fantasize more and think about sex more

it in no way reduces lust it
increases it

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[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:04 PM']i disagree with that

all it does is make  u want to fantasize more and think about sex more

it in no way reduces lust it
increases it

[color=red] edited for content [/color] I think to myself.. "now see, that was easy and simple! No need to make all that effort searching for sex... getting into risky situations etc. I feel so much better now. Okay, moving on to other things... what else do I need to do... hmm..homework?"

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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P.S. I must admit that my wording of that original post on masturbation "makes you wanna do ... blah blah blah.." is really very very bad! It makes a casual argument... and that is totally not what I intended!
I guess I should re-word it well, and say... masturbation in most cases reduces the chances of you getting yourself into risky situations, engaging in unsafe sex, etc.

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[quote name='ergosum' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:06 PM'][color=red] edited for content [/color]I think to myself..  "now see, that was easy and simple! No need to make all that effort searching for sex... getting into risky situations etc. I feel so much better now. Okay, moving on to other things... what else do I need to do... hmm..homework?"

um, ok.

i feel quite wronged.

the point is

u are talking a temporary release
i am talking long term take-over of lust

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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Thy Geekdom Come

Ergosum, I propose that you learn very quickly what is and is not appropriate language here.

"Usually before I get a hit of heroine, I'm thinking about how I need to kill or steal to get my fix...but once I've had my fix...I'm all like...cool."

This is the basic argument you're making, fit into a different theme. See any flaws with it?

1. The thing you are concerned with before giving in is the thing you give into...maybe not in the form of fornication or pornography, but it's still lust. You're giving into it, not avoiding it by doing something less evil.

2. You're getting yourself addicted into a type of behavior which will eventually, although perhaps not immediately, take away your will to do anything but please yourself (and what temporal pleasure it is!).

It doesn't make sense.

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God designed sex to be between a man and a woman in marriage- no way else not between a man and a hand or a man and some other object or a anything else- a man and a woman in marriage. That makes masturbation wrong. Ultimatly it leads to unhappiness and lonliness. Theres deffinatly a corrolation to porn and porn instills a rapist behavior.

ergosum- I'll pray for you that you overcome this evil. God wil help you

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