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Another thread on masturbation


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6/27 - St. Cyril of Alexandria
[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jun 27 2005, 05:29 PM']sry, i just forgot something, i've heard it said that it was a mortal sin but one that is easily forgiven b/c it's hard when ur hormones are up against u  :(
In the words of a three year-old daughter of one of my professors, "Thank God for God!" ;) Thank God for confession! :)

Also, thank God for beauty, for mercy, for the deep desire in all of us to be mothers and fathers...thank God for God! :)

Here at IPF in Omaha, they teach that masturbation is often not the problem in and of itself - it's an easy psychological mechanism to cover a deeper hurt or lie that the devil has caused one to believe (i.e., "I'm worthless," or "I am a failure," or "I am unlovable"). Just pray that Jesus show you what direction He wants you to take; talk to a good, merciful, understanding confessor about this sort of thing as well. Pray and confess - it'll work itself out. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
:) It seems as if I am late in responding to this topic but I must give my two cents:

First, I would like to commend the "topic starter" this sort of thing is not so easily brought up, even in a "phorum". Mad props "N".

I am in total agreement with the addiction of the drug theory that many of you are pushing. And, I think in some way we can all relate to eachother in said addiction. The important thing to remember is that you are not alone. You have people out there who truly love and pray for you, even in these sometimes superficial undertakings of the www we can still find solace and compassion in the loving arms of friends. We must also keep in mind the great body that we are a part of in the Communion of the Saints...

As St. Josemaria Escriva says in reflecting on words from St. Paul,

"Ideo omnia sustineo propter electos"---I bear all things for the sake of the elect, "ut et ipsi salutem consequantur"---"that they also may obtain salvation," "quae est in Christo Iesu"---that is in Christ Jesus."
"What a good way to live the communion of the saints! Ask our Lord to give you that spirit of St. Paul." (The Way, 550)

One must also keep in mind the great fallacy that is pride for in essence it is our pride that leads us down the path of darkness. Pride of course is, "the first sin, the last sin, and all sins in between, by omission and comission." Deal as I attempt to deal, with my pride first. It helps to visualize yourself on the cross. An Escrivan allusion that has brought me much comfort of late. Would I have been strong? Would I have been able as was he? Of course not...That is why though, that I must take up each day and follow, lead, follow...For him.

It a hard thing to abide by. Especially when hormones and bad memories kick in...but if not For Him?

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you could look at the old thread there is a lot of good stuff in there.

I would easily agree that usually it is an outlet for something else.

At its heart, masturbation is gravely disordered because there is no possibility for the creation of life (which is what the stuff was meant for)

That is in addition to not seeking God/etc (it places yourself above GOd in a sense).

As far as easily forgiven goes, i would say yes and no. Forgiveness is a touchy thing, and i would never call something easy. Many people have a really tough time admitting that it is wrong and then confronting it. Once you do that and know it is wrong and you are trying your hardest to break the "habit" then yes i would say that forgiveness flows readily.

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please meditate on this....

The heroic minute. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and ... up! The heroic minute: here you have a mortification that strengthens your will and does no harm to your body.
-- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way

When you can conquer yourself time and time again in the little things, the bigger things will be so much easier for you.

I highly suggest reading St. Escriva's works... especially "The Way". It's full of quick thoughts to help you to your sanctity....


God Bless,

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another masturbation thread!?

I'm sorry, but this topic has been beaten to death.. (I'm bad)

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pardon me. that last post was an attempt at a joke. I don't actually have a problem with this topic.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Ahem...I mean for no one here to think that I'm trying to brag, so please don't take it that way.

I've lusted...but I've never masturbated. Not once.

It is an incredible grace the Lord has given me and I can tell you that it is only when we allow ourselves to focus on what we're missing when we abstain from sexual pleasure that we feel compelled to reach out and take it. Instead, we need to see the true gift in abstinence.

Masturbation is not sexual pleasure. It is entirely asexual. There is no exchange of love or even of bodies...it is simply a person who has focused on what he's giving up instead of what he's gaining, trying to fill a void that only exists in his mind and heart, not in his sexuality.

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Ultimately, it's not worth it. By masterbating, you are cutting yourself off from everyone else. In a sense you are being intimate with yourself. Man is a social creature. We are not meant to be alone:

"God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: 'Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.'" -Genesis 1:27-28

"The LORD God said: 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.'" -Genesis 2:18

As you can see, God saw the need for sexuality. He saw that a man and woman needed each other. When a person masterbates, they usually feel alone. By masterbating, they cut themselves off from everyone else. It's a cycle. That's why it becomes so addictive. We think that we are filling some sort of void. When in reality, we end up enlargening it. How does it end? We have to identify the causes of it, influences, settings, etc. and keep ourselves away from them. In essence, we have to avoid the near occasions of sin. Unfortunately, we may feel like that we have no control of our actions and that they've become automatic. That's when we MUST open up ourselves to God and let Him change our lives. We can't do it alone. We weren't meant to. The cross is a bridge over that void. We have to break these habits and thoughts that lead us to sin. It's difficult. Be not afraid. It takes time. At the same time, we have to encourage virtuous behavior. Being chaste when you are single means being faithful to your future vocation.

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[quote name='Old_Joe' date='Jul 21 2005, 12:11 AM']Ultimately, it's not worth it.  By masterbating, you are cutting yourself off from everyone else.  In a sense you are being intimate with yourself.  Man is a social creature.  We are not meant to be alone:

"God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.  God blessed them, saying: 'Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.'" -Genesis 1:27-28

"The LORD God said: 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.'" -Genesis 2:18

As you can see, God saw the need for sexuality.  He saw that a man and woman needed each other.  When a person masterbates, they usually feel alone.  By masterbating, they cut themselves off from everyone else.  It's a cycle.  That's why it becomes so addictive.  We think that we are filling some sort of void.  When in reality, we end up enlargening it.  How does it end?  We have to identify the causes of it, influences, settings, etc. and keep ourselves away from them.  In essence, we have to avoid the near occasions of sin.  Unfortunately, we may feel like that we have no control of our actions and that they've become automatic.  That's when we MUST open up ourselves to God and let Him change our lives.  We can't do it alone.  We weren't meant to.  The cross is a bridge over that void.  We have to break these habits and thoughts that lead us to sin.  It's difficult.  Be not afraid.  It takes time.  At the same time, we have to encourage virtuous behavior.  Being chaste when you are single means being faithful to your future vocation.

[i]wow- it is not good for man to be alone[/i]
yeah...thanks for this joe

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[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jul 21 2005, 03:27 AM'][i]wow- it is not good for man to be alone[/i]
yeah...thanks for this joe

Wow! Ha! Funny! lol.

[color=red][Edited by Kilroy the Ninja: TMI. This is a public board. Keep it PG.] [/color]Anyway, seriously though, masturbation is a very healthy and psychologically sane thing to do... supressing that desire makes you wanna lust... and makes you wanna do things that might be risky, unsafe, probably illegal and criminal.

Moreover, masturbation has nothing to do with the whole "social nature of man" theory! Infact, the idea that man is a social creature is faulty in it's own way. I can give you reasons for that... but only if you want me to... I'm too lazy to muster the effort to do it without need.

[color=red]Edited by Kilroy the Ninja: Not appropriate here.][/color]
Anyway, I like this topic. Talking sexual things is so fun! :)

Edited by Kilroy the Ninja
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='ergosum' date='Jul 21 2005, 10:31 AM']Wow! Ha!  Funny! lol.

[color=red][Edited - see original post] [/color]Anyway, seriously though, masturbation is a very healthy and psychologically sane thing to do... supressing that desire makes you wanna lust... and makes you wanna do things that might be risky, unsafe, probably illegal and criminal.

Moreover, masturbation has nothing to do with the whole "social nature of man" theory! Infact, the idea that man is a social creature is faulty in it's own way. I can give you reasons for that... but only if you want me to... I'm too lazy to muster the effort to do it without need.

[color=red]Edited - see original post][/color]

Anyway, I like this topic. Talking sexual things is so fun! :)

I do hope you're kidding, but even if you are...

Masturbation is extremely dangerous to your spiritual and mental life.

Natural law points to a necessary reason for sexuality. Masturbation does not fulfill it. It is therefore against the natural law and evil.

Masturbation is an attempt to fill a void that only exists when people believe that it exists and focus on it. Focus on something else, treat yourself as what you really are, more than an animal, and you will discover how degrading masturbation is.

Edited by Kilroy the Ninja
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Thy Geekdom Come

Let me summarize a conversation I once had on this topic. I was speaking with a friend who had a problem with masturbation (and we should all pray for those suffering from it).

"Who are you?"

"I'm ________"

"No...I mean who are you? What is your first and primary identity?"

"I don't understand."

"You are first and foremost an image of God, are you not?"


"Now imaging that the very core of your being was love. It's about giving yourself completely to another."


"That is God."


"You are a mirror for God. You are supposed to reflect His image. Do you know why God hates masturbation?"


"Well, if you were God, would you like waking up in the morning to look in the mirror and find your face mangled and distorted? Would you, if you were the God of all truth and beauty, enjoy seeing a great black chasm in place of your face? If you are all about love, and your image is all about lust, what a horrible lie that image is living! Would you, the God of truth, stand for it?"

God help us all to be as we are meant to be...glorious, beautiful, truthful, humble, and chaste.

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Brother Adam

A long long time ago in a land far, far away I grew up in a denomination that taught masturbating was perfectly normal and acceptable, but it completely messed me up emotionally and left me with ideals that woman were not equal, but objects to be used and manipulated. It didn't take any Catholic Church (I didn't even know many Catholics) to tell me it was disordered. It was a long, long road out of addiction, but it was worth it.

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