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Are tattoos acceptable


Are tattoos acceptable  

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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Jul 5 2005, 03:36 PM']each to their own I suppose.  You aren't doing anyone  any harm by having one

:) I think thats exactly the point. Some of us may not understand why anyone would want tattoos, but that doesn't make it wrong to get one.

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i think tatoos are wrong because u were not born with a tatoo. Its like taking the bible and adding something to it. Isnt ur body a temple? I dont know really if it is right or wrong but this is what i imagine.

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[quote name='IXpenguin21' date='Jun 24 2005, 08:29 AM']:lol:  :lol:
tattoos are not wrong in themselves.  somtimes though, good things in excess can be not so good.

I don't think i would ever get one because of the cost.  when i think about the hundreds i'd be laying down to pay for ink in my skin, i think about the good i could do for myself and/or others if i didn't squander my money.

there are many ways to express yourself........some being good others bad. Screaming is a bad way to express yourself towards someone. Ive found they wont listen.....lol.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Jun 24 2005, 09:11 PM']I never thought much about tatoo's one way or the other. Until I got my first one for my fortieth birhtday. It is simply a way that some people choose to express who they are. I SURPRISED MYSELF by getting one and then two.

I have them in areas that are covered and occasionally I forget I have them. Weird huh? Tatoos are not as interesting as the reason people choose the ones they do. That is where the conversations get interesting. 

It isn't for everyone obviously. My only problem with getting them is that the whole process is boring. I kept falling asleep.
i meant to reply to this statement in my last post

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I'm bumping this for St. Michael, so that we can debate here and not in Open Mic.

As for your statement about the verse in the bible forbidding tattoos... that same verse also prohibits men from trimming the hair at their temples. Do you get haircuts? If so, then you've got no case with this verse, my friend.

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if we're avoiding adding things to our body that we werent born with then we can forget piercings too. if we arent going to change ourselves in any way at all then we shouldnt cut or color our hair, wear jewelry or clothing.

i still think we should all bathe though. :ninja:

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Bathing should always be optional.
(except for my kids... I can force them to do anything I want until their 25 years old)

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Jul 6 2005, 02:19 PM']if we're avoiding adding things to our body that we werent born with then we can forget piercings too. if we arent going to change ourselves in any way at all then we shouldnt cut or color our hair, wear jewelry or clothing.

i still think we should all bathe though. :ninja:

lol You took my idea about coloring our hair lol ^_^

I found this story on another message board and think it would be rather good for everyone to read.

[quote]While I do not have any tattoos, I don't necessarily think having one is a sin. Someone told me the story of the first soldier wounded in Afghanistan. It is against military regulations to wear something around your neck other than your dogtags. He was devoted to the Blessed Mother and wore a rosary as a sign of his devotion to her. Since he could no longer do this he had one tattooed on him.[/quote]

In the Jewish faith you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery if you have a tattoo...their reasoning is that you desecrated your body, a gift from God. What is the policy on tattoos in the Catholic faith? Also, what is the Catholic Church's view on plastic surgery? Or other extreme methods of changing one's appearance?

Priest's Answer:

My answer to these two questions took a little research. I finally found what I was looking for in a magazine called St. Anthony's Messenger. Check it out. It has some great stuff.

In Leviticus 19:28, God tells the Israelites not to tattoo themselves. Since many of the pagans used tattoos as religious symbols, this was a way of setting the Jews apart from pagan society.

There is no rule which prohibits Catholics from getting tattoos or any other kind of plastic surgery. But many tattoos convey messages contrary to Jesus’ Good News; others do not. That's the key, I think: a satanic or vulgar tattoo is a public sign that contradicts the very public sign of your Baptism. Being a Christian is about the whole package: going to Mass, the language we use, the jokes we tell, the books we read, the clothes we wear, and the tattoos we get...

As to plastic surgery, again, though there is no rule against it, it's really all about intention: if someone has plastic surgery done to fix some imperfection that really gets in the way of their self esteem and ability to function in society, there really is nothing wrong with that. But most plastic surgery is really just about vanity and being more seductive, isn't it? It's not really about health or self esteem at all...just about buying into the culture's idea of what is beautiful and sexy and desirable....

Our bodies are not sex objects. They are temples of the Holy Spirit, to be honored and reverenced as the place where the Eucharistic Lord comes to dwell....

Finally, the parent in me comes out: just because everyone is getting tattoos these days, is that a good enough reason to put some ugly chainlink fence on your arm that is going to be there forever? Do you really want to walk down the aisle on your wedding day with your ex-boyfriend's name written on your arm? Think beyond today....some choices you make really are forever....


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One thing is that the fourth comandment: "Pere te Mere tu respecteras et honoreras", in english "Mother and Father you shall respect and honor"? tells me that as long as you live in the house of your parents you have their permission before getting a tattoo.l

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Jul 6 2005, 02:38 PM']One thing is that the fourth comandment: "Pere te Mere tu respecteras et honoreras", in english "Mother and Father you shall respect and honor"? tells me that as long as you live in the house of your parents you have their permission before getting a tattoo.l

I would say that once you hit the legal age of 18 you have the ability to decide for yourself. However I found myself in this sitautation with a piercing. I was 18 still living at home but I was on vacation in VA and wanted my belly button pierced. I could legally and rightfully do it without permission, but I called my dad and asked him first. lol Asking before going out and doing it without talking about it with him is probably why he agreed to it.

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Jul 6 2005, 06:49 PM']that was a great article StColette, thanks for posting it! :)

no prob :) anytime :)

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

me and brother adam had this argument....

he thought it was ok

i was convinced

we are no longer bound by levitican law so it does not matter that it says that

we can get tattos

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jul 6 2005, 07:06 PM']
we are no longer bound by levitican law so it does not matter that it says that


lol Correct :)

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