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Questions For Protestants


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Somebody get some holy water--these phatmassers are smokin'!!!!!!! :D

Welcome Muschi! Have you been to the "check in" thread on the Open Mic board? It's where we tell about ourselves and get acquainted. Great to be Catholic, isn't it? So glad you found your way to us! And more importantly, to Him!

Pax Christi. <><

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  Unshackled said:
I was once a mindless catholic with totally biased beliefs that I knew all the answers. I was challenged by a Protestant about my beliefs and I was able to comfortably tell him that he had no idea what he was talking about. Sound familiar?  Only one problem: God had other plans. Mind you it took God fifteen more years to catch my attention. Now He has my full co-operation and guides everything I do. He has yet to request that I return to Catholicism.  Remember that Jesus was not a Catholic but in fact a JEW. There would be no Catholics except for the fact that the Jews rejected the teachings of Jesus. If you stop trying to categorise people by religion and start accepting that God does not look at denomination but at your heart, it is possible that some progress may be made in these debates. Until this happens nothing will change. Lots of luck and may God bless you.

Funny though I was baptized by a Catholic priest, I wasn't raised up in the faith. However, I was particularly raised up in Pentecostal and AoG churches. Yet since earlier this year, I've been seeing Thee Truth of Catholicism. I can't go back without knowing I'm rejecting Christ's Church.

And of course you would leave the faith, being a mindless Catholic. If you weren't mindless, you wouldn't have left.

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  Muschi said:
I am a fairly new convert to Catholicism having only been received into the Church in March of last year. 

Hi -- noticed your sig. Are you already a Franciscan? Or a Franciscan at heart?

Pax et bonum, Likos

Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist, ecstatic to be Catholic!

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I don't want to offend anyone... I really was curious what answers Protestants might have to these questions. I still am. Can any Protestants supply me with some more responses to the original list of questions?

Thank you and God bless all of us (even non-Catholics). ;)

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Obviously everyone has once again missed the point! If God wants you then He will get you by the most appropriate means as chosen by Him. Why does every response judge the willingness of God to use his created children as He wishes. If God wanted me to remain a Catholic then He would have shown me everything that I have learnt away from the Catholic church. Why do I constantly read insecurity in most Catholic posts condemning Protestants. I have worked with many denominations for a common cause in a combined church fellowship and have beeen the president of this group with authority over the Catholic priest within this group. Big deal! There was no conflict like I experience here, we achieved results because they knew we were Christians by our love (1 Thess 1:3&4). When you people discover THE TRUTH about Christian principles then maybe I will further converse with you. Until then I remain UNSHACKLED!

Edited by Unshackled
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  Unshackled said:
Obviously everyone has once again missed the point! If God wants you then He will get you by the most appropriate means as chosen by Him. Why does every response judge the willingness of God to use his created children as He wishes. If God wanted me to remain a Catholic then He would have shown me everything that I have learnt away from the Catholic church. Why do I constantly read insecurity in most Catholic posts condemning Protestants. I have worked with many denominations for a common cause in a combined church fellowship and have beeen the president of this group with authority over the Catholic priest within this group. Big deal! There was no conflict like I experience here, we achieved results because they knew we were Christians by our love (1 Thess 1:3&4). When you people discover THE TRUTH about Christian principles then maybe I will further converse with you. Until then I remain UNSHACKLED!

I've said this before to you, but it bears repeating: God is truth, and so he CANNOT and WILL NOT lead anyone to do anything that is contrary to that truth -- even if only in a small way. And you say that if God wanted you to remain Catholic He'd have shown you everything you learned away from the Catholic Church. Well, I got news for you -- God wants you to come back to the Catholic Church! I believe God led you here to show you the truth of the Catholic faith. And no, there's no insecurity among us here, nor do we condemn Protestants -- we just correct them when they state what is wrong, or we discuss how certain Protestant beliefs are wrong. It's love to correct somebody who is wrong. And since when could you see in our hearts? To claim that we have no love is really judgmental on your part. Is that love? I think not!

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can someone please answer the questions that were presented in the very beginning?!? if, as a protestant, you are in fact convinced that you possess a truth that catholics do not, then these questions should be easy to answer.......right? someone answer the questions, before we are left--as we often are--to draw our own conclusions.

pax christi,


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phatcatholic, we've posted tons of questions on this phorum only to get this type of response. They claim they have truth and we all are wrong, but they fail to prove it. They wont even use scriptures to prove us wrong, unless taken totally out of context. I use to be angry and frustrated when they do this, not its more agrivating than anything, im moved with pity for them. My heart does go out to my fellow brethren in Christ because they think their doing whats right, but their not ignorant of the truth, so they will be held accountable.

I am with you though, I would like to see at least one non Catholic answer a few of these questions. but i wont hold my breathe.


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Unshakled, by what you're saying sounds rather contradictory. Why would God lead anyone away from Christ's Church? It's like...

- Christian converting to Athiestism


- Catholic converting to Protestantism

...I'm not saying Protestant is really "evil" or anything, it's just wrong.

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  Unshackled said:
Obviously everyone has once again missed the point! If God wants you then He will get you by the most appropriate means as chosen by Him. Why does every response judge the willingness of God to use his created children as He wishes. If God wanted me to remain a Catholic then He would have shown me everything that I have learnt away from the Catholic church. Why do I constantly read insecurity in most Catholic posts condemning Protestants. I have worked with many denominations for a common cause in a combined church fellowship and have beeen the president of this group with authority over the Catholic priest within this group. Big deal! There was no conflict like I experience here, we achieved results because they knew we were Christians by our love (1 Thess 1:3&4). When you people discover THE TRUTH about Christian principles then maybe I will further converse with you. Until then I remain UNSHACKLED!

the most important thing IS our love, our Prayer, our good deeds. the most important thing IS this unified goal of all Christians to come closer to God, to help the poor, protect the innocent, mirror the light of Christ to the world.

yet, i've never met anyone who could do all this with a keyboard. that's for in-person. and even in person there is a place for discussion that we would be unified in doctrine too, because the second most important thing is that we all love and worship the Same God, and by 'the same' i mean we believe the same thing about all aspects, all charecteristics, all deeds of the Almighty God. Like the aspect where He wants the Church in heaven to pray for the Church on earth, and how He wants the Church on Earth to look to the Church in heaven for prayers. I mean aspects such as purgatory, God humbling himself to be under the appearance of bread and wine. This must be the second most important thing, that we know, love, and worship the same God. otherwise, no matter how much love we have, our love is still cracked by disaggreement.

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  Unshackled said:
Obviously everyone has once again missed the point! If God wants you then He will get you by the most appropriate means as chosen by Him. Why does every response judge the willingness of God to use his created children as He wishes. If God wanted me to remain a Catholic then He would have shown me everything that I have learnt away from the Catholic church. Why do I constantly read insecurity in most Catholic posts condemning Protestants. I have worked with many denominations for a common cause in a combined church fellowship and have beeen the president of this group with authority over the Catholic priest within this group. Big deal! There was no conflict like I experience here, we achieved results because they knew we were Christians by our love (1 Thess 1:3&4). When you people discover THE TRUTH about Christian principles then maybe I will further converse with you. Until then I remain UNSHACKLED!

I think the post contains some nice sounding ideas, that are very flawed and in fact downright spiritually dagerous.

"If God Wants You, then He will get you by the most appropriate means as chosen by Him."

It is us as beings given the gift of free will by our creator that choose Christ. It is not God that decides to use us, but it is us that through our own free will choose to be used by him.

they knew we were Christians by our love (1 Thess 1:3&4).

And Our Love is devoted first and foremost to GOD, not to ensureing that no one gets their feelings hurt! How do you think the Rich man felt when Jesus Told him that he must give all of his posesions away inorder to gain entrance to the Kingdom.? How do you think Peter felt when Jesus called him Satan? Love is greater than making sure everyone is happy. Is it not the Love of a parent that compels them to empose rules for the good of their children against thier childrens wishes? Do not mistake Love for the emotions displayed on the Disney channel!

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Dear everyone,

Thank you all for your very warm welcomes. I am so glad to be here on "friendly turf." I also post in another Christian forum that is mainly Protestant and though the majority of them are very kind, (and yeah, they tend to gloss over points I make to them at times), they are very kind and Christian in their way of presenting things.

Paladin- WOW! We have the same or very similar background! I can totally relate! It's so cool to know I'm not alone.

Katolikos- You already know now where I stand in the world of Franciscans, so please keep praying for me that I may discern truly whether I have a calling to the SFO and I will pray for you and God bless you!

Unshackled- I hope you haven't given this forum up, as I have recently discovered that Robyn and I posted at the same time and I really wished she could have read what I said since it came from the heart, but she's in my prayers too.

Now, I totally can relate to frustration and even impatience in dealing with Protestants who like to dive into a Catholic site, post as they will and then never bother considering what was given to them in response. It's dive in and swoosh out at their conveneience. These aren't the people I'm concerned about at this time although they are in my prayers, it is the ones who are sincerily curious and will actually follow the discussion of a topic through to SOME kind of conclusion !

Unfortunately, I am finding this to be almost non-existant in dialogues between Catholics and Protestants. I pray that we never lose our patience with these Christians and always deal with them in the love of Christ, and if we can't do that, not deal with them until we can. - God bless everyone here and I am so truly glad to be home!!!- Muschi :lol:

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I'm sorry, I forgot to address the main thing I wanted to tell you. While I'm happy to know that you love Jesus Christ and the Scriptures, it disconcerting for me to read that you don't think it matters where Christ is calling us as long as that is where he wants us to be? This sounds like relativism to me. Can you clearify your meaning? Do you believe that all religions are equal? Thanks for your patience in dealing with this post. - May God bless you for it! - Muschi

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  Muschi said:
I have recently discovered that Robyn and I posted at the same time and I really wished she could have read what I said since it came from the heart, but she's in my prayers too.

I noticed that. I logged out before I saw your post. Thanks :) (and thanks for not taking my comment the wrong way due to ill-timing).

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