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Swim wear


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:( ...but, but, I just can't bring myself to bring back a cute Calvin Klein bikini...[i]juuuuuust kidddiiiiing[/i]...lol, however, in all honesty, I don't think [i]all [/i]bikinis are inherently immodest...Plus if you start to question a particular bathing suit- thats a sign that it just might be immodest because it brough doubt to your mind... and then just put on a t-shirt... :ph34r: and burkas are always nice[i] toooooo[/i]...signed,
The Prophet

Allah Ahkbar[/i]
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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jun 23 2005, 12:41 AM']:( ...but, but, I just can't bring myself to bring back a cute Calvin Klein bikini...[i]juuuuuust kidddiiiiing[/i]...lol, however, in all honesty, I don't think [i]all [/i]bikinis are inherently immodest...Plus if you start to question a particular bathing suit- thats a sign that it just might be immodest because it brough doubt to your mind... and then just put on a t-shirt... :ph34r: and burkas are always nice[i] toooooo[/i]...signed,
The Prophet
Allah Ahkbar[/i]

I am amused.

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Nathan, I agree about tif the body drives us to lust, that's something we should work on.

Please bear with this long post - it does have a point.

If you can believe it, this year is the first time in many that I've worn anything showing my knee, or upper arm/shoulder. D'ya know why?

Health. As I've been researching in and around Graves' Disease, and my health's been getting better, it led me to work on other things. One of them's Vitamin D (kid ya not).

Graves' ppl are commonly deficient in it, and it seems this little bit into my study, it's a factor for all autoimmune diseases. Not everyone can drink cow's milk (ahem me), and that D added to cow's milk isn't usually even the real D (D3 which is actually a hormone!).

The best way to get it is being in the sun. Even in the winter time, I would expose face and hands to the sun, which one of the docs monitoring me highly encouraged.

Many Gravesians cannot eat fish (which contains D3), and I just cannot at all. Fortunately I can tolerate the Carlson fish oil caps, w/ both D3 and vitamin A. Very important for the Gravesian's eyes. So, I had a vit D3 lab done, and we're working on increasing it.

And, the other part is that w/ the Graves' hypeR/tendency (even if the thyroid labs don't reflect this!), it is a burden I can no longer bear to cover up the way Trad women are told to do. It's too hot, but more than that, extremely taxing all around. I cannot handle it, I can no longer offer it as a pennance in good conscience, it is harmful to me. I make an exception for the time spent in front of God's altar. But that is difficult.

As I began pondering these issues, and realizing that sustaining my health, which I do need, seemed to come directly into contradiction with the issue of modesty as I understand it,
I had to look deep and hard into who was saying what and laying down what guidelines. And proceed from there as best as I may.

It's sounds simplistic, almost like a cop out, but there's stuff written in yesteryore which just cannot be applied today. Don't say "I told you so", lol. Pius XI's admonishment that a dress cannot be decent if does not barely cover the elbows, it is most definitely another world. I taught myself to sew and spent years trying to make modest stuff, because it cannot usually be found on the market.

It took a tremedous amt of time (and $!!!) to sew. And it is a difficult art. I see a lotta women wearing shapless bags, foregoing make-up, making themselves look ugly. And I began listening to the men around me. I'm sorry to say that many of them sound sick. FIXATED about what women wear, that's sick. And I really do wonder, I have to because I'm careful in studying anything, I have to wonder if the problem is them, and I think it is.

I tell you, after all those pregnancies, it's great to have a figure again and actually wear something that fits, and doesn't make me look... like a man!

It's very odd: some of the same ppl who preach against women showing their curves by wearing clothes which fit, also berate women for dressing like men (unisex clothing). Ahem? There's no talking to ppl in such a state. Steer clear away (you Jansenist!)

But the ODDEST thing, since I decided for my health to relax my dress code, is that I am noticing bodies LESS. Before, I couldn't help notice the very skimpy (truly I mean) things, and so, as y'all know, that was all the time. It's distracting and irksome. I've asked myself, "is what I'm going through de-sensitizing?" like getting used to evil? I don't think so. De-sensitizing can be a good thing, (esp. for the scrupulous), context matters. I found myself wondering what certain ppl would say to THAT!

But I really am not interested. They don't know my deal.

So now I am giving myself sun, and my poor hypeR-ish based self a little break. I need that sun, living in the Midwest - and my family seemed very glad that I relaxed on this. The D helps ppl not succumb to physical-based depression, too, btw. An on-going concern for the thyroid folks, even if they're in remission.

For swimsuits, like Kilroy said (I'll never be concise like her, though).

Hee hee, I did hear that a women asked her Trad priest, "Father, what should I wear swiming?" And he said, "A swimsuit. Those denim jumpers would get awfully heavy."

Sad but true.

So, that's the deal here, for what it's worth.

Edited by Donna
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[quote name='Don John of Austria' date='Jun 23 2005, 01:12 AM']I am amused.

:D [i]Allah Ahkbar[/i] can be my saying...ha! Its just fun to say! (Especially if you are like running towards building screaming it! Try that on Friday nights...)


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I live my life by one criteria and it isn't that restrictive. Whenever I go shopping for clothes I wonder if MARY (Jesus' mother) would approve of my choice. If it is something I feel she would not approve of I don't buy it.

Now to swimwear, there is a great company called LAND'S END. They have beautiful swimsuits and THEY ARE MODEST. I hope this helps. You can find them on the Internet.

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(((KMS, back atcha)))

Thanks for the tip. Land's End has good stuff, imo.

Also, before I shop, too, I ask Our Lady to help me do it wisely and efficiently.

I should add, that my relaxed dress code is when it's warm, and mostly in my own house and in the yard. "Getting sun" for me is wearing a tank and walking shorts in the yard (sometimes out running). Ppl just look more at you when you wear that stuff in public, and I have enough problems as it is, lol. A nice crisp, thin, woven short-sleeve button down white shirt is the best friend in that situation, just leave it unbuttoned over your tank.

***Dark skinned folks, make sure you get some sun. The darker you are, the more you need to get vit. D. One of the more recent studies show the darkest skinned ppl (especially women of child-bearing years) to be the most deficient. BUT LOOK IT UP for yourselves, to get an idea "how long, how much" sun, to be safe. It seems also that increasing amounts of black ppl are showing signs of depression. Get your D!

One of my docs says that 1/2 an hour to an hour in the sun, depending on skin type and other factors, equals about 10,000 I/U's of vit. D. The US rda for D is like 400 I/U's (scandulously low).

Type "Vitamin D deficiency" under Google, there'll be hits.

Edited by Donna
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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Jun 25 2005, 05:54 PM']I live my life by one criteria and it isn't that restrictive. Whenever I go shopping for clothes I wonder if MARY (Jesus' mother) would approve of my choice. If it is something I feel she would not approve of I don't buy it.

Now to swimwear,  there is a great company called LAND'S END. They have beautiful swimsuits and THEY ARE MODEST. I hope this helps. You can find them on the Internet.
best advice i think to hit this thread!!

[quote name='Donna' date='Jun 25 2005, 06:59 PM'](((KMS, back atcha)))

Thanks for the tip. Land's End has good stuff, imo.

Also, before I shop, too, I ask Our Lady to help me do it wisely and efficiently.

I should add, that my relaxed dress code is when it's warm, and mostly in my own house and in the yard. "Getting sun" for me is wearing a tank and walking shorts in the yard (sometimes out running). Ppl just look more at you when you wear that stuff in public, and I have enough problems as it is, lol. A nice crisp, thin, woven short-sleeve button down white shirt is the best friend in that situation, just leave it unbuttoned over your tank.

***Dark skinned folks, make sure you get some sun. The darker you are, the more you need to get vit. D. One of the more recent studies show the darkest skinned ppl (especially women of child-bearing years) to be the most deficient. BUT LOOK IT UP for yourselves, to get an idea "how long, how much" sun, to be safe. It seems also that increasing amounts of black ppl are showing signs of depression. Get your D!

One of my docs says that 1/2 an hour to an hour in the sun, depending on skin type and other factors, equals about 10,000 I/U's of vit. D. The US rda for D is like 400 I/U's (scandulously low).

Type "Vitamin D deficiency" under Google, there'll be hits.
thanks for the info!! i had no idea we needed THAT much!! :o

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My fiancee just bought a pair of those cute modest little board shorts and a modest tank. I dig it, and I don't have to worry about other guys drooling all over her at the beach.

That didn't come out correctly. She's cute, but not immodest and it's not a frumpy suit. It doesn't make her look unattractive, just attractive in a modest way.

Edited by Matty_boy
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Bikinis are fine for me, it depends how strong I am that day. Because let's face it: If you're weak that day, [b]anything[/b] a woman wears will still tempt you.

Bikinis are fine, just as long as they aren't extremely tiny with very thin strings.

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Here are some bikinis that might meet your criteria. They even prevent men from lusting after your ankles.


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[quote name='Donna' date='Jun 25 2005, 07:59 PM'](((KMS, back atcha)))

Thanks for the tip. Land's End has good stuff, imo.

Also, before I shop, too, I ask Our Lady to help me do it wisely and efficiently.

I should add, that my relaxed dress code is when it's warm, and mostly in my own house and in the yard. "Getting sun" for me is wearing a tank and walking shorts in the yard (sometimes out running). Ppl just look more at you when you wear that stuff in public, and I have enough problems as it is, lol. A nice crisp, thin, woven short-sleeve button down white shirt is the best friend in that situation, just leave it unbuttoned over your tank.

***Dark skinned folks, make sure you get some sun. The darker you are, the more you need to get vit. D. One of the more recent studies show the darkest skinned ppl (especially women of child-bearing years) to be the most deficient. BUT LOOK IT UP for yourselves, to get an idea "how long, how much" sun, to be safe. It seems also that increasing amounts of black ppl are showing signs of depression. Get your D!

One of my docs says that 1/2 an hour to an hour in the sun, depending on skin type and other factors, equals about 10,000 I/U's of vit. D. The US rda for D is like 400 I/U's (scandulously low).

Type "Vitamin D deficiency" under Google, there'll be hits.

Wow, that is so good to know (with me being a naturally rather tan complexion to begin with!). I've always "gagued" my time outside by how "pasty" I look. I tan up pretty quickly even with sunscreen, so when my skin begins to bronze a little after a few days playing outside with the girls I know I have been active and spent a healthy ammount of time outside rather than cooped up indoors all the time. To actually have an estimate of how long I should be out there time-wise is even better!

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jun 27 2005, 08:43 PM']Here are some bikinis that  might meet your criteria. They even prevent men from lusting after your ankles.


Now I find myself consumed by burning lust at these antique bathing beauties - better take a cold shower!

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God Conquers

[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jun 27 2005, 08:43 PM']Here are some bikinis that  might meet your criteria. They even prevent men from lusting after your ankles.


KNEEEEEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Heathens all of them!

*runs away*

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[quote name='picchick' date='Jun 19 2005, 12:50 AM']Tankinis are good two pieces...

Yep, I have worn/ wear tankinis or one-pieces. Tankinis are easier to find in more fashionable looks than one-pieces for youger people. Racing style swimsuits are cool, but don't fit me well.

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