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Swim wear


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just saying.....that a lot of men out there [b]don't[/b] know how to control themselves. Especially teenage boys.

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Don John of Austria' date='Jun 21 2005, 02:09 PM']No, no, really bad 70's music somthng like boow chink a boow boow, ( sound it out)

This is a family phorum!!!!

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[quote name='1337 k4th0l1x0r' date='Jun 21 2005, 01:36 PM']I probably should have separated my final sentence from the paragraph preceding it.  My statement was meant to be directed toward those who say that if the way you look makes others lust then you should do something to your appearance to keep that from happening.  That doesn't sound like Christianity at all and really sounds more like Islam.  I'm just saying that a girl should be able to pick a swimsuit that makes her look beautiful as long as it's not for the intent of enticing lustful thoughts or actions in others.  I'm not saying it's acceptable or even beautiful for women to wear thong bikinis at beaches.  Instead, some here argue that women wearing anything less than a one piece, or even a t-shirt, is a mortal sin.  Modesty isn't determined by how much cloth there is, but by how one's outward appearance preserves his or her dignity.  There are some two-piece swimsuits that are still modest and are cute as well.  Also, a lot of the really modest swimwear is plain ridiculous looking.  Not all of it, but a lot of it.

And for Jeff, I'm a dude.
I guess my main objection is with the whole idea of a two piece making someone more beautiful than a one piece or vise versa. A woman is beautiful in and of herself without the additional clothing. The choice of a two piece over a one piece because it 'makes her look prettier' is only because there is something about the two piece that is either hiding one thing while showing off another or seemingly enhancing one feature. Same goes with a one piece; it might be covering certain areas in the middle that the woman wishes to keep private while having a high leg rise making her legs look longer or a scoop back, showing off her nice back muscles.

Do you see what I am getting at? I understand choosing this suit or that suit because this color doesn't match well with your skin type or choosing this suit over that suit because this one is too short in the torso. I don't see the reason for choosing a two piece over a one piece because the more revealing one helps to enhance one feature or another. It applies every way you look at it. I think the basic lines for suits are most appropriate and ideal.

[Also keep in mind that there are PLENTY of one piece suits that have very immodest features as well.]

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God Conquers

Your adornment should not be an external one: braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes, but rather the hidden character of the heart, expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and calm disposition, which is precious in the sight of God.

1 Peter 3: 3-4

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So I should return the bikini...[i]becaaaause[/i]...? Honestly it just looked mo-wah flattering then those Olympic type ones...So honestly...should I return it? :unsure: Isin't modesty to a huge degree in ones bearing? (Sorry if this was already brought up to death) -_-

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[Also keep in mind that there are PLENTY of one piece suits that have very immodest features as well.]

---Kopascetic! Baywatch lifeguards wore "onepieces" ...

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[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jun 22 2005, 02:20 PM']So I should return the bikini...[i]becaaaause[/i]...?  Honestly it just looked mo-wah flattering then those Olympic type ones...So honestly...should I return it?  :unsure:  Isin't modesty to a huge degree in ones bearing?  (Sorry if this was already brought up to death) -_-

Send me a picture of you wearing it, and I can tell you.

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A bikini is probably immodest, do you just mean a two piece?

Some two pieces are fine. Especially for girls who are blessed with extra torso. You just can't find a suit you can stand up straight in...
As far as 2 pieces go... go for a "tankini" Especially if you can mix and match for those little shorts-style bottoms. It's more covering than most one-piece suits.

Perhaps Socrates point was to show you by your reaction whether it was immodest or not...?

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Raphael' date='Jun 18 2005, 11:47 PM']

Likewise, I'm curious what men can do to be more modest at the pool.

:ph34r: No speedos :ph34r:

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

My two cents real quick:

1. Women, if men can see your bosom or you're bulging out all over the place, you're not modest, find another suit.

2. Men, if you're bulging out all over the place, you're not modest, find another suit.

It's all about modesty, isn't it? Why wear something that is going to cause your fellow brother or sister to stumble?

We need to bring modesty back to society, because society isn't getting the clue.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Sarah_JC' date='Jun 22 2005, 05:41 PM']A bikini is probably immodest, do you just mean a two piece?

Some two pieces are fine. Especially for girls who are blessed with extra torso. You just can't find a suit you can stand up straight in...
As far as 2 pieces go... go for a "tankini" Especially if you can mix and match for those little shorts-style bottoms. It's more covering than most one-piece suits.

Perhaps Socrates point was to show you by your reaction whether it was immodest or not...?
I saw your avatar and thought, why go 2 piece when you can go

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So hot right now... lol...
I'd like to go on record as saying, "I have a crush on every (Catholic) boy!" and "Ow. My stomach lining."

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okay...for starters... my mom wont let me get anything other than a one piece bathing suit...

but i know i personally would go and find a two piece modest tankini but thats only cuz iam the shorts and a tshirt type a girl and half the time i put a shorts and a tshirt over my bathing suit anywase so....

God Bless
LTC :hearts:

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