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Swim wear


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Kilroy the Ninja

One piece swimsuits - preferrably racing suits - are truly the most modest choice for women. If one must wear a two-piece, a tankini is acceptable.

Anything less than that is just underwear and is inappropriate.

And yes, Good Friday you have excellent taste. Speedos are just gross except for swimming competitions. And even then I wonder.

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[quote]You both sound like snazzy dressers.



Thanks, we try (and usually end up looking nerdy, especially myself).

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[quote name='bx_racer' date='Jun 18 2005, 11:57 PM']whatever bikini supermodels are wearing :P


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[quote name='jasJis' date='Jun 19 2005, 08:20 AM']If you are getting aroused seeing little kids naked, then you have problems.
my point was simply that this immodest dress starts young. fathers and mothers, Catholic men and women, are dressing their young children in very revealing clothes (swimwear) and even though they do not yet have anything to show, what gives? why would you put your three year old in something like that? what happened to the one piece suits with little frilly things all over? what happened to flowers and little skirted suits?

i like the guys that wear shorts and swim tops. i appreciate when girls do this too. speedos are my personal favorite but ive seen nice speedo/swim shirt matches and also full body suits or swim shorts and shirts. they dont look ridiculous and are a lot less tempting. lets face it... most people do not try to control their thougths and actions. (im talking about teenagers in general) i think parents should take more responsibility in covering up their children and emphasizing the importance of modesty.

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Q the Ninja

[quote name='jasJis' date='Jun 19 2005, 08:20 AM']I don't think the Church would have allowed Adam to be OBVIOUSLY naked in the Sistine chapel if it didn't have faith in how God made us and faith in Grace, Patience, and Forgiveness.

The Church at the time was in the Rennaissance and the Popes weren't exactly the best people to look towards. The reason Baroque came around is because of the problems with the Rennaissance.

Also, The Last Judgement had everyone covered up because it was thought innappropriate for the Sistine Chapel...Michaelangiolo wasn't too happy with that.

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Good Friday

[quote name='hugheyforlife']lets face it... most people do not try to control their thougths and actions. (im talking about teenagers in general) i think parents should take more responsibility in covering up their children and emphasizing the importance of modesty.[/quote]
I think we agree on the same basic principle, that something must be done to prevent teenagers (and people in general) from lusting after each other. I think the difference is in our emphases. You're emphasizing the need for modesty; I'm emphasizing the need for purity of thought. Whereas you think that parents should make their kids cover up, I think that parents should teach their kids not to lust after others, regardless of what they're wearing.

This is [i]not[/i] to say that I support immodesty; I believe that immodesty exists, and I believe that it is sinful. But I don't think that any exposure of any flesh whatsoever is immodesty, and I think that it is far better to teach our children not to lust after others without regard to what they are or are not wearing than to start dressing them in turtlenecks and burqas. Swimwear is what it is; it's not supposed to cover everything, it's swimwear. The thongs and bikinis cross the line; but one piece suits and tankinis are fine, swimming trunks on men are fine, and if men want to wear a swimming top -- more power to them, but I don't think men who don't wear a swimming top are immodest.

[quote name='Q the Ninja']The Church at the time was in the Rennaissance and the Popes weren't exactly the best people to look towards. The reason Baroque came around is because of the problems with the Rennaissance.

Also, The Last Judgement had everyone covered up because it was thought innappropriate for the Sistine Chapel...Michaelangiolo wasn't too happy with that.[/quote]
Pope John Paul II himself has defended nudity in art, even religious art. Every depiction of the human body is not pornographic; such a mindset is Puritan, and not at all Catholic. Catholics believe very strongly that the human body is good, as all of God's creation is good, and our original condition -- as is made manifestly clear in Genesis -- is, in fact, nude. It is original sin which makes nudity somehow "bad," and it is original sin that brings lust; thus, it is eschatogically correct to depict nudity in religious art, especially religious art of the Last Judgement, because at that time original sin and its effects will be no more and the elect will once again be in the condition of original justice.

Pope after pope after pope has defended Michelangelo's use of nudity in religious art, and the use of nudity in other works of art, religious or secular. Trying to be more Catholic than the popes will often result in not being Catholic at all, and I don't think there's anything wrong with the appropriate use of nudity in art, nor do I think there is anything wrong with the human body as such. What's wrong with us is lust, and that requires not only modesty, but also purification of thought.

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[quote name='Good Friday' date='Jun 19 2005, 01:27 PM']Well, speedos are out... not just because they're immodest, but also because they're gross.  :lol:
I hear that... :thatsfunny:

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[quote name='Good Friday' date='Jun 19 2005, 12:27 PM'][quote name='Raphael']Likewise, I'm curious what men can do to be more modest at the pool.[/quote]
Well, speedos are out... not just because they're immodest, but also because they're gross. :lol:

But seriously, I think modesty for guys is really more about attitude than clothing. Men don't wear shirts in some situations, and swimming is one of them; I don't see why this would be considered immodest in our society. I think it's more about how the guy acts than how he dresses... if he's trying to show off his physique, if he's trying to make girls lust after him, then he's probably going to be successful, and that's immodest. If he just isn't wearing a shirt, but if he's not showing off about it, then most people probably aren't going to be lusting after him since a male without a shirt is not all that uncommon in our society.

However, if it's really a concern, then perhaps whenever out of the pool, men should wear a shirt of some sort, and only go without a shirt in the pool.

I think what jasJis and BelovedWolf have said in this thread are also right on. There's no reason why the human body should drive us to lust, and if it does that's something for us to work on, not necessarily to ask other people to cover up. If we get too silly about the modesty thing, we'll be asking our women to walk around in burqas.

I'm a guy, so I really can't speak for the ladies, but I've heard women aren't as quickly visually aroused to lust, and therefore a scantily clad man isn't as much as a provocation to lust for women as a scantily clad woman is for men. I think with men the issue with modesty is more about below the waist.

And what's with this "showing off" thing? If two guys as smimming and at the beach is it more immodest for a muscular, "sexy" guy to not wear a shirt, than one who is pale and flabby, etc.? (Suppose this issue would apply to the ladies, too). I myself didn't mind "showing off" my physique (above the waist) at the pool, but wouldn't do anything immodest. It seems that as long as he is not acting immodestly toward the ladies, there shouldn't be a real issue.
(People can be hypocritical about this - one girls said she didn't want me in the pool while she was swimming because she didn't beleive in mixed swimming, but seemed to have no problem swimming with other guys.)

Also, on another point, I've hear a lot of (Catholic) girls get all upset whenever a modesty issue is raised, with the reply that "guys need to learn to control themselves." While indeed people should try to culivate purity of mind, females dressing in a way that flaunts their bodies will do nothing but provoke arousal/lust in any healthy male. No woman should dress immodestly and then try to blame any problem this causes on guys. Of course, people don't have to go around in burkas either. People need to just use common sense and good judgement here.

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Thank you IcePrincessKRS for closing the bikini thread, because we clearly do not need multiple swim wear threads.

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I'd like to add a rant about the lack of modest swimwear. I have a long torso, so it makes finding a good fitting one piece swimsuit a bit more challenging. I last had a nice speedo that lasted several years, so it was worth the investment. I don't like 2 pieces. I don't like the fact that they ride up/ride down if you jump into a pool.

Heh, are vintage style swim suits really coming back into fashion? Sweet! One piecers are more practical than string bikinis, not just by looking at modesty.

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Every summer my family and I vacation in Stone Harbor, NJ down the shore... On that island there's a retreat center for women religious, and they have their own private area on the beach. The call it the "nun's beach." All the sisters are always out in their black bathing suits with skirts down to their knees...

I'm not sure what order they are, maybe IHM's...

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