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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1616786' date='Aug 3 2008, 11:17 PM']I was under the impression that polyphony wasn't allowed during mass... Am I misunderstanding?[/quote]

Yes you are misunderstood.

Polyphony is certainly allowed.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Cam42' post='1616952' date='Aug 4 2008, 11:29 AM']Yes you are misunderstood.

Polyphony is certainly allowed.[/quote]
Cam, it's good to see you've returned.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1616956' date='Aug 4 2008, 09:31 AM']Cam, it's good to see you've returned.[/quote]

I second that. Cam is, in my opinion, one of the awesomest PMers ever!

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1616956' date='Aug 4 2008, 09:31 AM']Cam, it's good to see you've returned.[/quote]

Thanks, the hiatus was needed, but now I am back....look for good stuff.....and a few challenges along the way...

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[quote name='Cam42' post='1616448' date='Aug 3 2008, 02:28 PM']Several things.....

1. Archbishop Marini has been replaced by Msgr. Marini (different people) as papal master of ceremonies.....that is a good thing.
2. The Holy Father has started to implement the Restoration of the Sacred, in regard to the Mass. And Vatican II in general.
3. All the predicitions that I made 3 years ago are coming to pass.

It is a great time to be Catholic or considering conversion.[/quote]
Gloria Deo!
how ironic is it that Marini is to be replaced by... Marini. what exactly is restoration of the sacred though? a general move back to pre VII concerning the mass, etc?

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Lord Philip


Greetings in Christ, brother. I am a recent convert to the One True Faith, and one of the reasons I converted was because I was absolutely ravished by the beauty of the tradition of the Church. How dismayed I was, then, to find that in most places in America many of the great traditions of the Church are either gone or only shadows are left.

I always despised the modern world with all its pop music, frivolities, individualism and self-idolatry. The Mass was where I found I could escape all that and commune with God outside time. Instead I am bombarded by 'praise and worship' choruses and incorrect translations of the Holy Mass prayers and responses. The worst part is, I look and see 2000 years of glorious tradition, and in 2008 I have only missed it by 40 years. Alas for me! Why could I not have been born in those glorious ages past? I may have been much poorer, but at least I would have the Mass. All I have now is meaningless without the beauty of the Mass.

I stand with you, brother, in this great fight to purge the Church of liturgical dissent, and to proclaim to the dissenters: "the time has come where we recognize that the question is not 'will the Mass have you,' but rather 'will you have the Mass?'"

I have had many conversations with people about this, as I am sure you have, and have witnessed many conversations by clergy and the episcopate. The conversations always seem to affirm the sacred place of tradition and the need to bring it back. Then everyone smiles, feels really nice, goes back to their parishes, AND NOTHING IS DONE. Hellfire and damnation, I say. Enough smiling...enough discussion, enough "trying to understand people in a modern context." Enough! We have tried discussion, we have tried to be "understanding," but the default to which everything reverts after the discussions and understanding is the putrescent status quo of modernism. Now is the time to fight.

Standing with you,


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[quote name='faithfulrock3r' post='1619105' date='Aug 6 2008, 09:50 AM']Gloria Deo!
how ironic is it that Marini is to be replaced by... Marini. what exactly is restoration of the sacred though? a general move back to pre VII concerning the mass, etc?[/quote]

I would have you research Benedict XVI's writings on the Liturgy and the writings of Dr. James Hitchcock.

[url="http://www.adoremus.org/0606RecoverySacred.html"]Here[/url] is a great article by Dr. Hitchcock.

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