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another try at spanking poll

Don John of Austria

Does the Government have the Authority to ban spanking? If so should it?  

67 members have voted

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I was spanked with a chankla, slapped and hit with a belt. (not all at once) :P

Oh, and the hot sauce works too. Usually for cuss words when we were little.

My cousin has a time out chair for being naughty for her kids. It does the trick because usually there are 7+ cousins there playing. Watching kids play and not playing.......it hurts for her kiddos.

Mom tried it when we were little. For me, I could care less. Until I saw that belt. :blink:

"I'll behave daddy, I promise!!!!" and I did. My dad didn't kid around.

Edited by jmjtina
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I was never the recipient of spanking as a young child and at 17 I do not drink, I do not engage in impure activities, and I most certainly do not disobey my parents. Spanking is just a mere theory that was created to release the anger of frusturated parents. Spanking a child is outright abuse and it has never been proven to work.

It is an impossibity to draw the line between abuse and spanking. Is 5 swats on the behind too much, or is 50 hits with a paddle too much? This is why the government should place a ban on all physical abuse without hesitation.

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Spanking isn't evil in itself. Plenty of parents use it only when needed and do it out of love and care instead of anger. That doesn't negate the fact that there are tons of idiots out there that hit there kids when its not needed or warranted.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jun 15 2005, 06:31 PM']Spanking isn't evil in itself.  Plenty of parents use it only when needed and do it out of love and care instead of anger.  That doesn't negate the fact that there are tons of idiots out there that hit there kids when its not needed or warranted.

I agree to an extent; however, where do you draw the line between the idiots and the loving parents? Something must be done and a law banning spanking in all aspects would be perfect.

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[quote name='conservativecatholic' date='Jun 15 2005, 05:36 PM']I agree to an extent; however, where do you draw the line between the idiots and the loving parents? Something must be done and a law banning spanking in all aspects would be perfect.

So the loving parents get the raw end of the deal if they can't disipline as they see fit.

And idiots will continue being idiots.

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I think that the key is tougher sentencing for child abusers. Its usually pretty clear where the line is between abusing or raising a child.

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[quote name='conservativecatholic' date='Jun 15 2005, 05:57 PM']I was never the  recipient of spanking as a young child and at 17 I do not drink, I do not engage in impure activities, and I most certainly do not disobey my parents. Spanking is just a mere theory that was created to release the anger of frusturated parents. Spanking a child is outright abuse and it has never been proven to work.

It is an impossibity to draw the line between abuse and spanking. Is 5 swats on the behind too much, or is 50 hits with a paddle too much? This is why the government should place a ban on all physical abuse without hesitation.

Spanking in itself is not abuse, and is biblically prescribed discipline.
Where there is a clear case of abuse (kid bruised black-and-blue, etc.) there are already laws against child abuse.
Otherwise the government should not unduly interfere with parental authority, and the parents right to raise a family as they see fit.
These laws just lead to undue government and legal meddling in the affairs of families, and create a society where we are all just children of the state.

Indeed, where do you draw the line? This can be applied to punishment outside of corporal punishment too. Grounding a kid for a weekend or sending him to his room for an afternoon is not abuse, but locking him inthe basement for a month is. Depriving a child of deserts or treats as a punishment is not abuse, but starving him is.
Except where there is clear evidence of abuse, the government should leave families alone and let parents decide how to raise their own children.

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='conservativecatholic' date='Jun 15 2005, 05:57 PM']I was never the  recipient of spanking as a young child and at 17 I do not drink, I do not engage in impure activities, and I most certainly do not disobey my parents. Spanking is just a mere theory that was created to release the anger of frusturated parents. Spanking a child is outright abuse and it has never been proven to work.

It is an impossibity to draw the line between abuse and spanking. Is 5 swats on the behind too much, or is 50 hits with a paddle too much? This is why the government should place a ban on all physical abuse without hesitation.

We'll have to come back and review this post of yours when and if you ever have children of your own.

This could be considered a personal attack on every parent here who has ever spanked a child. And it's just plain rude and uninformed. A theory created to release the anger of frustrated parents? Right. Whatever. Have a nice day.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='conservativecatholic' date='Jun 15 2005, 05:57 PM']I was never the  recipient of spanking as a young child and at 17 I do not drink, I do not engage in impure activities, and I most certainly do not disobey my parents. Spanking is just a mere theory that was created to release the anger of frusturated parents. Spanking a child is outright abuse and it has never been proven to work.

It is an impossibity to draw the line between abuse and spanking. Is 5 swats on the behind too much, or is 50 hits with a paddle too much? This is why the government should place a ban on all physical abuse without hesitation.

Well awhile you may not drink and not sdisobey your parents you do seem to question the inerrancy of Scripture and the Word of God.

5 swats on the behind may or may not be too much 50 swats on the behind may or may not be too much it is of course dependent on the offence. The government has NO right to say what a parent may or may not do to disapline there child so long as it does not leave lasting physical harm, the physical body of the citizen is all the secular state has authority over and then only so far as it is his permenant physical well being that falls within the governments realm.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='conservativecatholic' date='Jun 15 2005, 06:36 PM']I agree to an extent; however, where do you draw the line between the idiots and the loving parents? Something must be done and a law banning spanking in all aspects would be perfect.

If you where never spanked what is it you base your judgement on with regards to the nature of spanking?

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[quote]Spanking is just a mere theory that was created to release the anger of frusturated parents. Spanking a child is outright abuse and it has never been proven to work. [/quote]

Please site your sources, or is this just your opinion and if so, what gives you the right to look down on those who choose to disipline thier children than what YOU think? Your calling my parents child abusers, and your wrong. Don't sugarcoat your feelings, your argument isn't about child abusers and crossing the line.

Obviously, you know perfectly well how to raise other peoples kids better than actual parents.

Just because you spank a child doesn't mean your abusing them. Two different things. You speak as if you are the perfect image of parenting. Yet you look down on those who do disipline, and do so for a good cause.

I got swats. I came out fine as well. That just shoots down your theroy, now doesn't it?

Your comparing parents to child abusers and putting them in the same category. As don jon has pretty much defined the disipline and it in no way compares to what child abusers do.

God Bless.

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[quote name='jmjtina' date='Jun 15 2005, 10:24 PM']I got swats.  I came out fine as well.  That just shoots down your theroy, now doesn't it?

No one spanked me, and I turned out bad...

I don't think the theory is holding up at all.

Edited by philothea
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as 1 that has been spanked in the past.. I didnt think it was right then.. and I still share those same feelings today.. Should the government get involved?.. depends on the extremity (not accusing anyone here of reaching this extreme mind you) but I always looked at anything that infliced pain as being right

once I had this same dbate with soemone else.. and I was just scratching my head like "this cant be right.. pain.. ... na".. so I searched long and hard in the Bible and found in Ephesians 4:31-32 (NAB)

" All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. (And) be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ. "

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