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the state of the debate board


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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Jun 14 2005, 04:05 AM']Well, as a moderator here at the debate table, and currently the most active mod here, I'm kinda hurt that you don't like our little playground.  But Don is correct, if you think this is bad you should have seen it a couple of years ago, prior to dUSt assigning mods.  Scary.  Were you around for my beloved Back Alley?  Now there was a fightin' place! 

As for the loving atmosphere for non-Catholics, well, we're only human.  I assure you, we are a far more welcoming place than many protestant boards (don't believe me?  Go check out Baptistboard.com and BE HONEST and tell them you're a Catholic - you'll be politely run out on a rail.)

Most people realize that there is always going to be some debate between people of the same religion - how boring if there never was!  However, the people who come here and are "scared away" from Catholicism should be talking with real live people  rather than internet boards.  This is just a place to research the start of a journey.

Regardless, I believe this is the most civil the Debate Phorum has EVER been since it has existed as it's own separate phorum (and yes, I can remember when it didn't).

Sorry if you feel it isn't.  I'm sure there are other boards out there that are perhaps more polite, but I like this one because it is fair.  And I like dUSt. 

Have a nice day.

God Bless!

I totally agree with Kilroy. I haven't felt really guilty about being less active as a mod these past few months since Genevieve was born precisely because its been quite tame as of late. When I first joined phatmass the debate table was pretty U-G-L-Y, I was afraid to darken its doorstep. lol

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God Conquers

Cam, where's that GK quote from?

The Debate table is ridiculously civil compared to a few years ago... oh man... it was hilarious.

I've only seen like two closed threads and 4 edited posts in the past MONTHS.

There used to be red ALL OVER most threads, and like 8 closed ones or ones moved to the Back Alley....

*wistful thoughts of the Back Alley*

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[quote]I've only seen like two closed threads and 4 edited posts in the past MONTHS.

There used to be red ALL OVER most threads, and like 8 closed ones or ones moved to the Back Alley....[/quote]

I've only been here for a little over a year, but I agree. This time last year, it was rather crazy in here.

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Jun 16 2005, 11:50 AM']Cam, where's that GK quote from?
The Debate table is ridiculously civil compared to a few years ago... oh man... it was hilarious.

I've only seen like two closed threads and 4 edited posts in the past MONTHS.

There used to be red ALL OVER most threads, and like 8 closed ones or ones moved to the Back Alley....

*wistful thoughts of the Back Alley*

I can't remember.....it is in a paper that I wrote in college...it only needed to be quoted, not cited.....

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jun 16 2005, 08:19 PM']Matt said "mushy mud pie"

Dude, you said mushy mud pie......too.

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Wow, I didn't know you could say mushy mud pie.

([i]I[/i] didn't really say it. I spelled it backwards.)

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God Conquers

mushy mud pie and pee...

I really want a back alley again.

Maybe if I'm profane enough......




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