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I believe in many instances, people are unwilling to condemn an act as evil because they are unwilling to condemn a person as evil. I suggest, as a tactic for the Catholic arguing about the morality of certain actions to emphasize the distinction between the act and the actor.

We may certainly say, for instance, that abortion is evil, because the human life being taken is innocent. The act is intrinsically morally disordered. Does this position by neccessity condemn those involved in the abortion as evil?

No. The act is evil, but those committing the act may not be culpable due to any number of human weaknesses: fear, ignorance, mental instability, etcetera. This has no bearing on the immorality of the act itself, only the moral responsibility of the actors.

So, in any argument, I urge the Catholic to make sure his opponent knows that he is not being condemned as a sinner or as evil, rather, a position is being condemned. Often, this will allay the combative atmosphere enough that the opponent will listen.

Of course, there are those who will positively respond to being scared to the point of incontinence with the threat of Hell, but you must discern that in each individual argument. Bear in mind that incontinence is not pleasant and will usually derail any useful conversation for, at the minimum, thirty minutes.

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I've come up against this problem so many times in discussions of moral issues.

Me: What XYZ is doing is morally wrong.
Other person: But why do you hate them? Didn't Jesus teach you to love everyone?

Thanks, Winchester. It's great to hear a voice of reason.

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I actually took the opposite side of things Qoheleth

So many times on this board I see people using really vehemently negative language to describe others and then justify it by showing that their actions are morally wrong. I'm so sick of people hiding behind "hate the sin, love the sinner" in order to not feel any compassion for others.

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