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'Prophet' summons UFO for camera

Fidei Defensor

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Fidei Defensor


'Prophet' summons UFO for camera
Las Vegas TV station captures, broadcasts image

Posted: May 29, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

Prophet Yahweh

An ABC-TV affiliate in Las Vegas broadcast images of a UFO summoned by a self-styled "prophet" who predicts many more will be seen throughout the area next week.

Ramon Watkins, also known as "Prophet Yahweh" agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time.

What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew.

Watkins claims to have seen some 1,500 UFOs over the last 25 years and has learned to summon them by reading the Old Testament.

[url="http://wm-ondemand.abacast.com/prophet_yahweh/ABCnews1.wmv"]See the Video Report[/url]


Im not sure what to think. The video is.. interesting. There was definatly something there in the sky, but.. idk. Take a look for yourselves.

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Hmmm...odds of seeing something flying in the sky near Las Vegas? PRETTY GOOD. Besides, this camera has a telephoto lens, so they could be picking up particularly high flying objects.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Raphael' date='May 29 2005, 04:54 PM'] Matthew 24:24 [/quote]
Exactly what i was thinking.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='fidei defensor' date='May 29 2005, 05:58 PM'] Exactly what i was thinking. [/quote]
The first clue was the name...Prophet Yahweh? Come on... -_-

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whats 24:24 say? anyway, a prophet could at least be creative with the name.....i love hearing "prophets" say their name is gabriel or ezikiel or muhammud. cant we have a Bob the Prophet???

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Crispy' date='May 29 2005, 06:09 PM'] whats 24:24 say? anyway, a prophet could at least be creative with the name.....i love hearing "prophets" say their name is gabriel or ezikiel or muhammud. cant we have a Bob the Prophet??? [/quote]
"False messiahs and false prophets will arise, and they will perform signs and wonders so great as to deceive, if that were possible, even the elect." -Matthew 24:24

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If Yahweh responds to that "prophet's" commands, why hasn't he tried and asked for world peace or something?

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[quote name='Qoheleth' date='May 29 2005, 05:17 PM'] If Yahweh responds to that "prophet's" commands, why hasn't he tried and asked for world peace or something? [/quote]
Because weird blips in the sky are so much more important.

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[quote name='Qoheleth' date='May 29 2005, 06:17 PM'] If Yahweh responds to that "prophet's" commands, why hasn't he tried and asked for world peace or something? [/quote]
That comes next. First the Anti-Christ, oops, I mean "Prophet" has to amaze us with his awesome ET phoning skills.

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When they focused in on the "UFO", it looked like a white balloon to me...

Maybe God is celebrating?

Or erm.... maybe some kid put a rocket on a balloon so it would zip around like a blip in the sky.

Yeah, yeah... that's the ticket..

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Wow, "prophet" and "UFO" in the subject and it isn't about the Raelians! UFO fanatics scare me. Heh, I believe in UFOs, as in UNIDENTIFIED flying objects. Now, I highly doubt they're flying saucers with intelligent life.

The crazy hospital is calling a missing patient back!

Just checked out his website, you gotta pay $7.95 a month to see streaming videos of his "UFO summonings". Wow, I pity anyone who takes this stuff seriously.

Edited by Dreamweaver
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