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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Jun 15 2005, 11:09 AM']you have strange arguements.....

But perhaps accurate ones, if your belief system allows you to investigate them. Some's don't. ;)

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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Jun 15 2005, 11:21 AM']I doubt the accuracy of your arguements


Doubt, like belief, lies in the will, not in the intellect.

I have provided the evidence upon which my arguments are based. If you think I am in error, please correct me. But please do so by presenting the evidence. ;)



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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jun 15 2005, 12:03 PM']
Doubt, like belief, lies in the will, not in the intellect.

As your foolishness has so clearly proven. :cool:

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jun 15 2005, 12:18 PM']As your foolishness has so clearly proven.  :cool:


Still another assertion made completely without any evidence presented. :P

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jun 15 2005, 11:15 AM']But perhaps accurate ones, if your belief system allows you to investigate them. Some's don't. ;)

Perhaps not!!!!

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jun 15 2005, 11:13 AM']Response,

What makes you think that Ezekiel's "vision" of raising the dead back to life, is any different that  John's vision of Jesus raising Lazarus? Keep in mind that none of the Synoptic Gospels report the raising of Lazarus. If it really happened, do you seriously think they would have omitted it?

And what makes you think that John's gnostic gospel written 50 to 75 years after the events is more historical than the synoptic gospels written 40 to 50 years after the events described?

Yes indeed, John, writing for Greek readers, tries to identify Jesus with their concept of the "Logos" which is the mind of God. But not the supreme God. Perhaps, you would want to research the status of the Logos in Greek thought taken up by John, but not the synoptic writers.


Read the whole of Ezekiel. It is obvious that the episode is a symbolic vision given to him by the Lord, the allegorical meaning of which is give to Ezekiel by the Lord shortly after. There is no such context in John, whihc indicates real events, not a vision. This will be obvious to anyone reading the two narratives.

Jesus worked many miracles in different places. John, as stated in the gospel, was the testimaony of an eye-witness. The authors of the "synoptics" did not talk to every single witness nor claim to have recorded every single one of Jesus' miracles.

There is no contradiction here, only in your Littleles mind, so the hitoricity one one does not refute the hitoricity of the others.

And again, the use of the word "Logos" does nothing to refute the historicity of this Gospel. Jesus (God the Son) is the "Word" of the Supreme God. You may deny the Trinity, but the Gospels do not.

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