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Warning - The Passion


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It made my stomach hurt....

Excerpt from an article by Michael Brown

"The film is strongly Eucharistic. There is a beautiful juxtaposition of images that cuts from the stripping on Calvary to the unwrapping of the bread to be used at the last Supper. Fabulous stuff. Every Christian needs to see this film at least once. Just to remember, in our current comfort zones while evil is closing in, the price that was paid for us. On my way home from the screening, I found myself praying in the car, 'Jesus, I'm so sorry, I forgot...'"

Full article here:


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even though I have dial-up I can only open it on high res...anyways it's taking a LONG TIME to load so I'm going to look around & keep posting, I'll let ya know after I watch it when I'm done!

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well it's taking too long to DL so I'm going to do it like tommorrow or THursday, but I'll DEFINATLY get back to you, I can't wait to see it myself....

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Praise GOD for making this movie come to fruition...as well as the efforts of so many...

I'll be there...NO DOUBT!!!

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i loved the trailer! thanks for giving us the heads up, i showed my whole family the preview, it was amesome i think this is going to make everything we know about Jesus even more deeper, more real and serious.....

God works in amazing ways.......and this movie is one of them.....

i have my popcorn ready, now all i have to do is wait till easter 2004 and i'm set to go!

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Not only did I cry but my computer disabled itself and turned off.

I don't think I could eat popcorn and watch this stuff.

More likely a case of kleneex, and off to confession afterward.

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You won't believe this, but remember how I said I was spending some time at a Byzantine Catholic forum? Well, there's actually a major flame war going on over there because someone (not me! I swear!!) started a thread to discuss this movie, The Passion.

Apparently what started the whole blow-up is that someone mentioned the movie uses Latin, and someone else translated their response into Latin. Well, a couple of people there are furious that someone dared to speak Latin at a Byzantine chat board! Because, you see, we bad old Latin Catholics are always trying to "take over" their churches and force them to speak Latin.

Which is pretty funny considering just how much Latin we actually hear at our own Masses these days!

But anyway, just goes to show that when people are itchin' for a fight, all they need is an excuse ... :rolleyes:

Edited by theistgal
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Jake Huether

"i have my popcorn ready, now all i have to do is wait till easter 2004 and i'm set to go!"

That's gunna be some OLD popcorn. You might consider just waiting, and then buy the popcorn at the movie theater. :)

Just kidding. I know what ya meant.

I still cant view the trailor. I have to wait for the weekend.

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yeah, your completely right, i'll just eat it while i'm watching stuart little II or the wedding planner today ...no biggie....

but cmom is right...i don't think popcorn would be something to bother with when its going to about the Passion of Jesus because well, its not entertainment its TrUTH about the passion of Jesus and that makes all the world of difference.. just like that article said..."Every Christian needs to see this film at least once. Just to remember, in our current comfort zones while evil is closing in, the price that was paid for us. On my way home from the screening, I found myself praying in the car, 'Jesus, I'm so sorry, I forgot...'"

yup, mass and confession for me too...

i've read the same book that Mel Gibson followed and let me tell you it says everything...its moving just reading the book, now seeing on screen? wow! its going to be amazing, read the book if you haven't its incredible

The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ....

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I thought.... "cry, I know what happens, I won't be crying"

Sure enough... eyes teared up.

I'll be seeing it opening day.

God Bless, Love in Christ & Mary


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I heard that Mel Gibson was still looking for a distrubutor for the film. Does anyone know if this is still true? I hope not. I don't want to have to drive cross country to see it, but I will.

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yea I can't get to it eaither...well I can but it takes FOREVER to DL....like 1% a minute

so maybe when I have time & my dad's not yelling at me to get off!

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'Jesus, I'm so sorry, I forgot...'"

The removal of the Crucifix in the Church, the elimination of Chruch architecture, the removal of the Sacrements, the removal from all visual representations of those who have championed before us has brought, quite successfully "out of sight out of mind" to the modern Church.

I have read on message boards people who refuse to look at a Crucifix, sure it's easier to carry on without seeing what He went through, the feel good Church of today.

I just came through a thread at RR on statues and idolatry, hockus pocus foolish senseless suppostition. Sorry to all but I'm felling a little angry here.

He left the Sacrements, he left the Eucharist in the care of His people that they never forget what He did and went through ... don't hear the crys from the cross as we're sleeping in the garden.

The trailer had quite an impact on my daughter and I, ... I used to watch the Crucifix at Christ the King Church before I would turn in for the night and picture what he went through. We're visual beings, let none of us turn away from the Cross, the Sacrements and the Eucharist most of all.

Peace of Christ, Ken

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