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Existance of God


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I would love to have a few references to books that talk about this. I have a couple of coworkers who I would like to give it too and read.

I know that in the end it all comes to Faith.

But what if someone doesnt have it? What then?

I did think of a question to ask that might get them to think. I didnt ask it yet because im thinking of the results that could come from it and arguments that can be made about it.

My question:
if we supposidly came from slim and evolved to what we are today, and all creation came from the same slim..how did that slim determine who to give common sense too and the ability to think and rationalize. Why cant the animals do the same? Why are we different? What made us different?

Good question or no?

God Bless,

Edited by CatholicAndFanatical
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A wonderful book that has caused the conversion of more than a few folks is "Seven Story Mountain" By Thomas Merton.

Fabulous book.

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The best book I've yet read which breaks it all down in concise, pastoral language is C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity." I've read a ton of books that would tickle the intellectual mind, but they aren't necessarily very [i]accessible[/i] to your everyday unbeliever. "Mere Christianity" is written in a way that piques the intellect with a solid line of reasoning, yet at the same time tugs at the heartstrings and inspires faith.

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That's why it is refered to as evolution. Something or someone is bound to evolve enough to have the capacity to have the intelligence us humans have aquired. We are different simply by chance. It is this chance that makes me a vegetarian. How are we different from animals in that sense? If you believe that (which I do), how are we any different from animals other than our capacity to think?

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Yes, I think the question would be quite easily dismissed by evolutionists. You might have better luck by trying to appeal to their emotions.

Curt F.
Is your signature some kind of joke?

Edited by Semalsia
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[quote name='Curt F.' date='May 9 2005, 04:37 PM'] That's why it is refered to as evolution. Something or someone is bound to evolve enough to have the capacity to have the intelligence us humans have aquired. We are different simply by chance. It is this chance that makes me a vegetarian. How are we different from animals in that sense? If you believe that (which I do), how are we any different from animals other than our capacity to think? [/quote]
Evolution does not explain the human mind or human behavior.

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Get a copy of [i]Handbook of Christian Apologetics[/i] and [i]Mere Christianity[/i].

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[quote name='Curt F.' date='May 9 2005, 04:37 PM'] That's why it is refered to as evolution. Something or someone is bound to evolve enough to have the capacity to have the intelligence us humans have aquired. We are different simply by chance. It is this chance that makes me a vegetarian. How are we different from animals in that sense? If you believe that (which I do), how are we any different from animals other than our capacity to think? [/quote]
if you dont believe in god u must think we are no different than animals. Morality becomes a taught concept like animals depend on instinct to survive. God offers a way, a truth, and a life. The very fact that (if) we realize this we are subject to morality in a very obscure way. If you are subject to this "morality" then it is solely up to you to seek truth and learn more about god. The more you tap into this knowledge the more you will learn and come to realize that there is a god and that morality is held valuable. Furthermore, the more you will realize that we are more valuable then animals. A man named jesus assured us that we are more valuable than animals.

So my answer to you is: Morality (which has everything to do with thinking)

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thank you everyone for replying to my thread.

If its totally an evolution stand point what made us evolve differently than the animals??

Where did common sense come from and the mere fact that we can think with an intellect that animals cannot says that something intervened on our behalf to give us this.

be right back

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ok, sorry routers were being rebooted here at work..still having internet issues so i'll make this quick.

I just dont get how we could come from the same slim as animals and be totaly different.

And whos to say God didnt help us evolve?

k, gotta go again..thanks again for your help and information.

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Infinatelord1, in what way do humans not react with instinct? I've found that we rely solely on instinct and that we really have no free will.

And yes, again, my sig is a joke :P

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Curt F.' date='May 10 2005, 04:42 PM'] Infinatelord1, in what way do humans not react with instinct? I've found that we rely solely on instinct and that we really have no free will.

And yes, again, my sig is a joke :P [/quote]
If we have no free will, then we are not in charge of our intellect and reasoning, so how do we really know that your reasoning against God is accurate?

We dont if we dont have free will. Our reasoning is useless then.

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[quote]in what way do humans not react with instinct? I've found that we rely solely on instinct and that we really have no free will. [/quote]

People, such as martyrs, who choose to give their lives for the sake of principles certainly seem to defy the instinct of self-preservation.

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Out of all the animals in the world, from ants to lions to elephants to dogs and cats. We are the only one that can create things, evolve, think, have compassion, have common sense, have the ability to think through a problem, have the conscience to be conscience.

If we were created by the same slim as all the other animals, that is saying they had the same opportunity to evolve as we did. So why didnt they? We were given soemthing they werent..why? How did we get that something they didnt?

As for you being a vegetarian..thats not 'by chance' thats by choice, and as a human you can make that choice, animals have no choice..

A lion couldnt wake up one morning and say 'Im a vegetarian'..so he has no choice..

How did that slim make cells in us that only allow one chemical to go through it and not all the other chemicals in our body?

I ask this because I recently read a biology book and there is a cell in our body (Have no clue the name) that will only allow one chemical to pass through it and turns it into something..How does it know??

How the heck did the slim create that??

Sounds like a much more intelligent design to me.

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