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Interracial dating/marriage


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What is the church's view on this? I thought it was fully supported but then a friend told me that Blessed Anne Emerich in her revelations said the church would ban them. I find that hard to believe that the church would ever do such a thing. Whats the history on the churches view of this? And what are your thoughts on Anne's views?

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Guest Eremite

First of all, Anne Catherine's alleged views are irrelevant to the discussion. Even if she did say that (and I have no idea if she did), she would just be in a long line of holy people who were dead wrong on something.

As far as the Church's position, there is nothing against it. I know there are some fundamentalists who argue that the Old Testament forbade interracial marriage. What they are referring to, however, was not a condemnation of marrying other races because of their race, but rather, because of their national makeup. The Jews could not intermarry, for example, with the caananites, because it would compromise their covenant with God.

To quote St. Paul, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, male or female, slave or free, but all are one in Christ Jesus".

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There's no problem with interracial dating aside from cultural differences in some cases. Now, inter-religious dating poses a problem for me. If you date someone whose religion differs from yours in a fundamental way, then chances are there are more fundamental differences between two people. I would advise dating people who are the same religion, as it uncomplicates things tremendously.

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At least you need to date another Christian, there is that passage about being unequally yoked, how dating a non christian makes you worrry for their salvation and can ruin your own relationship with God.

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Usually if someone is dating or marrying outside their religion they are not too worried about being staunchly anything anyway. People who look for true love look for it in the church they go to and/or friends that they have. They try to understand and, if the other is lack, lead one another to a deeper conversion. They don't simply say, "Well, I'm Catholic and your Baptist, but, I don't really care about that."
My point is that marriage should be something that causes one to grow spiritually, if it is a worthwhile marriage, not something that stifles religious growth.

As for the original question, inter-racial marriages are great! Relationships are the antithesis to racism, the very opposite of hatred. Marriages that cross the bariers dividing believers demonstrate the fervent hope "ut unum sint" that they may be one. As long as both are Catholic, that is.
Think of it, in a way the Catholic Church is a sort of interracial marriage that joins together people of all skin colors and nationalities. Yet here in this many colored family we are one nation, a peculiar people. Just as Church in Christ overcomes all hatred, being itself a holy union, so a marriage in Christ can overcome hatred, being also a holy union.

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[quote]There's no problem with interracial dating aside from cultural differences in some cases. Now, inter-religious dating poses a problem for me. If you date someone whose religion differs from yours in a fundamental way, then chances are there are more fundamental differences between two people. I would advise dating people who are the same religion, as it uncomplicates things tremendously.[/quote]

or you can just date them and convert them...even better :P thanks darling

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That attitude has actually been studied, and found to be highly unproductive. You can't expect people to change for you.

God bless,

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On the contrary, people will do astonishing things when they fall in love.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='May 8 2005, 01:12 AM'] That attitude has actually been studied, and found to be highly unproductive. You can't expect people to change for you.

God bless,
Mikey [/quote]
Actually I believe both things happen. It's harder now though to make someone change and I've seen a lot of marriages where there have been attempts but nothing happened. Now, if the family decided to not let the girl or guy marry unless the other converted, maybe that'd bring a spark but I wouldn't do that. I think it counts on how dedicated each is. Didn't Blessed Mother Thereze say that it doesn't matter on your religion but how dedicated you are to it?

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[quote name='Eremite']To quote St. Paul, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, [b]male or female[/b], slave or free, but all are one in Christ Jesus".[/quote]

Doesn't that support gay marriage as well?

Edited by Semalsia
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Or course not.
St Paul is referring to our innate human dignity as children of God.

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Ash Wednesday

St. Paul explicitly singled out acts of homosexuality as being wrong.

Romans 1:26-27

I'm also inclined to agree with Michael Filo about the dangers of dating people in the hopes that they will "change." I did that with disastrous results -- never date and marry "potential."

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Guest Eremite

[quote]Doesn't that support gay marriage as well?[/quote]

St. Paul is not abolishing the distinctions made. That is, he is not literally saying men are no longer men and women are no longer women. What he is saying is that all men have been restored to the dignity of the sons of God. There is no longer basis for a Jew to claim superiority over a Greek, or a man to claim superiority over a woman. All share a common human dignity, which was savagely attacked in Adam, and restored in Christ.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='May 8 2005, 02:12 AM'] That attitude has actually been studied, and found to be highly unproductive. You can't expect people to change for you.

God bless,
Mikey [/quote]
My grandfather left the Church for my grandmother.
His daughter (my mom) came back to the church for my dad. ;)

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The Church did issue some guidance about inter faith marriage recently.....particularly in relation to Catholics marrying Muslims - there is a thread at Phatmass about it somewhere!

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