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"I said it had a good bit of effect, because Roe v. Wade made abortion legal,"

If you said that the women's movement was good because it legalized abortion, that is the same as saying that legal abortion is good. That is directly contrary to Church teaching and it is not "neutral". If you didn't say good, but said "large" or "important", that would be fine. But saying "good bit of effect" is borderline. And if it wouldn't have an effect on your grade no matter what you said, you probably should have spoken more about the negative effects of the women's movement. If you wrote it well and got a bad grade, you could complain. And, as you said, it won't effect your grade.

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Oh, no. I didn't say it was good. I didn't even say good bit of effect. I didn't even use the word good in that paragraph if I remember right.

I just felt like...I don't even know, sitting there and talking about what is LEGALISED BABY MURDER like it was nothing. "Legalised abortion had a big effect on society". Er, yeah. Hey, did you guys know that the Holocaust had a big effect on society? In spite of opposition by some groups, like fans of swing music, Hitler was able to carry out his policies of racial reform in Germany and profoundly impact the mindset of the German people. Ain't that just peachy keen.

I don't know. It just seemed so utterly WRONG to sit there, talking about THAT subject, with THAT kind of tone. Why did I even do it?

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Remember that understanding all sides of a topic in which you are passionate about will help you better argue your viewpoint. Most of the time if you know exactly how someone will argue a point you can turn around and offer a good counterargument. It is good that you did this in a place where you really wouldn't be influencing others.

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[quote name='argent_paladin' date='May 6 2005, 09:36 PM'] "I said it had a good bit of effect, because Roe v. Wade made abortion legal,"


even this wouldn't be wrong. you said, "good bit of effect" not "bit of good effect"

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