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Have need of some SUPER apologetics


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Thank you.
If you want to post his basic points but not the actual language that is fine.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Cathurian' date='May 5 2005, 07:13 PM'] Okay, cmom. I'll just PM it to Michael. [/quote]
Could you PM me too? :)

I found this guy mentioned on a blog ([url="http://ssjmerlin.diaryland.com/devilman.html"]link[/url]), and I get the impression that his writing is pretty crude. Though, I'm sure that it would be fun to deconstruct his arguments.

Edited by Mateo el Feo
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I'll do the honors. I printed out the thing. It is the blasphemy approrpiate to an infidel. I don't think anyone would be terribly offended if you remember that infidels are just that, infidels. Of course, remember to pray for him. Anyways, even though that is the case, Cmom has spoken. Post a request, and maybe we can discuss some of this garbate, peice by peice.

God bless,

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Guess what guys, totally random fact, Fr. Mitch Pacwa is also MARONITE! Yes, heres a quote from him "well I was born Polish but I like to say I was reborn Lebanese". He's been at a maronite parish for a long time too. He said he learned aramaic to read but he was attracted that he was able to also use it in prayer.

but nywayz....lol debate time

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[quote name='musturde' date='May 5 2005, 11:30 PM'] Guess what guys, totally random fact, Fr. Mitch Pacwa is also MARONITE! Yes, heres a quote from him "well I was born Polish but I like to say I was reborn Lebanese". He's been at a maronite parish for a long time too. He said he learned aramaic to read but he was attracted that he was able to also use it in prayer.
Huh. Not surprised, really.

Once (long ago) seeing Fr. Pacwa on TV reading scripture, I wondered what was up with him. He was reading a bit slow.

Then I realized he wasn't reading, he was TRANSLATING. Eep!

(Sorry about continuing the off-topicness.)

Edited by philothea
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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='musturde' date='May 6 2005, 12:30 AM'] Guess what guys, totally random fact, Fr. Mitch Pacwa is also MARONITE! Yes, heres a quote from him "well I was born Polish but I like to say I was reborn Lebanese". He's been at a maronite parish for a long time too. He said he learned aramaic to read but he was attracted that he was able to also use it in prayer.

but nywayz....lol debate time [/quote]
Hi Mustarde,

Fr. Pacwa is most certainly a Latin Rite priest. He is a Jesuit. Ordered (i.e. Religious) priests may request to become bi-ritual. Father Pacwa is able to celebrate the Divine Liturgy according to the Maronite Rite.

Anyway, he is an honorary Lebanese!

Just another tid-bit. If I remember correctly, the current Jesuit Superior General Fr Kolvenbach spent a bunch of time in Lebanon. I don't recall whether he was able to give mass in the Maronite Rite, though.

Back to the main topic...

I've been googling this Hindu guy's arguments, and most of them are just plagiarisms of other Hindus' anti-Christian texts. It is strange though: this guy seems to be trying to defend Hinduism by attacking Christianity; but it's hard to perceive an ounce of charity in his words, because his tone is so rude.

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Mateo el Feo

Just a note. I put a couple of this guy's arguments up as new topics on the Debate Forum. The topics are Infidel Challenge #1 and #2, so far.

I'm trying to pull out some reasonable arguments from his list. His style of attack is the "let's find inconsistencies in your holy book" method, mixed in with a sprinkling of religious insults (i.e. blasphemy). Most of his arguments require some serious mental stretches, and I don't know if it's worth it to continue rebutting him. Any opinions? Is this just pearls before swine?

Well, at least now I know why he was so afraid to show his arguments to the light of day...LOL

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Like I said, they are arguements that are poorly worded, and insubstantial. Nothing truely worth a rebuttal. I believe the problem comes with a cursory grasp of English, or an extreme hate of Christianity, or a mid-way between the two. Whatever the case, you can rest assured, he is no great debater, he is just an unregenerate man who hates Christianity.

God bless,

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The Jesuits in Australia are mainly dissenters, such a shame because I heard what they used to be like... they were a force to be reckoned with.

What about inviting this guy to Phatmass for a nice debate?

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Mateo el Feo


That's a great idea. So, Cathurian, would you like to invite our Hindu friend to good ole Phatmass? :)

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