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Is God Religious


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This question is a total rip-off from a thread in the HipHop Phorum. (Yeah, I read it so I can use ILL in a grammatically correct manner. Like dUSt's site is ILL!)

Without the heavy hitters posting their thesis yet (you know who, Kath, Win, DJ, Monk, Theo, etc.), what is your opinion?

Is God religious (meaning does God like and desire and organized religion like Catholicism, or Baptists, or Presbyterians (sp?)?

Why would He want or not want us to have Organized Religion?

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Oooh, goody. I don't qualify as a heavy hitter. I get to post. hehehe

I say God is religious, because he's organized and structured. This can be shown by the order of the universe: the earth rotates on it's axis, the planets rotate around the sun, etc. Atoms make up cells, cells make up tissue, etc. Everything is organized and structured. Without organization, the universe wouldn't exist in a functional state. Therefore, it only makes sense that the God who created the universe would create an organized and structured religion: Catholicism.

I learned that from watching the Simpsons.

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Is God religious (meaning does God like and desire and organized religion like Catholicism,  or Baptists, or Presbyterians (sp?)? 

Why would He want or not want us to have Organized Religion?

Well.....if God was so anti-organized religion, then why did He found the Catholic Church?

Just my .02

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Kilroy the Ninja

I have to agree with dUSt and the organizational part.

But I'm kinda an organization Nazi.

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Jake Huether

God wants us to Love Him and Love eachother. If he wasn't into a structured religion (and more specifically ONE religion) this could never be accomplished.

In order to Love God and to Love eachother, we must all believe the same thing about God. The 30,000 protestant groups all Love God, but the reason they cannot please God collectivly is because they can never agree with eachother, therefore they can never really love eachother. They can please God individually, because so many truly desire to know and love God and eachother (it's a bummer that so many cool potential-Catholics are born into Protestant families). But collectively these groups help to maintain a chasm between Gods Church and the people through false phylosophies such as personal interpretation of the Bible. These phylos. foster disorganization and fester the wound that prevents God from getting what He wants Love for Him and Love for eachother.

Edited by Jake Huether
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nobody can please God.

I don't know that you can compare religion and organization. if nothing else, I love the organization of the Catholic church. if in fact it is God's one true church, that still doesn't necessarily mean that God is 'religious.'

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

I love this quote, its such a smack in the face to people who say "its ok, i'm religious, i do this and this and this and i think i'm ok with God."

Also something to note is that Jesus seemed to have the most problems with 'religious' people, such as the Pharisees, but hardly ever with the sinners whom He came to save.

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Interesting point mulls.

Was it really that Jesus had problems with 'religious' people, or the fact that they missed the purpose of religion.

We are humans. No man is an island unto themselves. We need others, and others need us. We organize as a couple, a family, parents, etc. Consider the Body of Christ as described in Scripture. We all have roles and obligations to fullfill as smaller parts of the whole. This is reflected in the Trinity, and the Family. It also is reflected in the description of the Body of Christ, and us all calling God our Father. It is organized societal relationships.

God repeatedly established heirachy with His people. Jesus did the same with the Apostles. We are not all Heads, nor are we all Hands. The Hands are useless to a Headless body. The Head accomplishes little without Hands to serve.

By our very human Nature, we need organization. By God's Nature, He has provided it for us.

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My first (and best) answer would be, I don't know...I don't know God or try to Image God.

My second answer would be no, because God is neither political or religious...politics and religion belong to people, they are human constructs which are a result of our being social.

politics = humanity & it's relationship in terms of power

religion = humanity & it's relationship in terms of God-relationship

religion changes with our personal and societal change..God doesn't...so I think God is beyond religion. I do think that religion was given to us....as was science to more fully understand God and God's creation(s).

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I think that what CMom's saying is that God doesn't practice a religion, humans do. (Though I would say God established religion for us, but not for Him).

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God Conquers

God is religious.

He came to earth as a Jew, taking part in an organized religion (He taught in synogogues)

He created the biggest Religion ever to hit this EARTH!

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'No, I'm not religious. I hate religion. I'm a Christian."

When the topic comes up, I always say something like this as a conversation starter.

People obviously respond with "Well, Christianity is a religion."

Then I say "No, Christianity is of God, religion is of man."

Whether the theology is faulty or not (as relevant to this topic), it sparks a conversation and has helped me to witness. Praise God!

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