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Landover Baptists


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I Know this is a stupid question......and i probably know the answer........im just lookin for some input.........lately, i have been checkin out atheist websites and come across this particular one.........the stuff that these articles say are very...evil. I know it is not true.......yet i find myself laughing histerically. Any comments?

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I respectfully disagree. I feel that if this paradoy concerned a Catholic Church we would be up in arms. The Parody is in a mean spirit and degrades Christianity in General.

I think that we Catholics should show solidarity toward our seperated breathen in this case and stay away from that this site.

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From the Rule of Saint Benedict On Humility: The tenth degree of humility is, when a monk is not easily moved and quick for laughter, for it is written: "The fool exalteth his voice in laughter" (Sir 21:23).

On Silence:
Let us do what the Prophet saith: "I said, I will take heed of my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I have set a guard to my mouth, I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept silence even from good things" (Ps 38[39]:2-3). Here the prophet showeth that, if at times we ought to refrain from useful speech for the sake of silence, how much more ought we to abstain from evil words on account of the punishment due to sin.

Therefore, because of the importance of silence, let permission to speak be seldom given to perfect disciples even for good and holy and edifying discourse, for it is written: "In much talk thou shalt not escape sin" (Prov 10:19). And elsewhere: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov 18:21). For it belongeth to the master to speak and to teach; it becometh the disciple to be silent and to listen. If, therefore, anything must be asked of the Superior, let it be asked with all humility and respectful submission. [b]But coarse jests, and idle words or speech provoking laughter, we condemn everywhere to eternal exclusion; and for such speech we do not permit the disciple to open his lips. [/b]

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I think it is horrific and so offeensive. I agree with Theotokos. It is a gross profanity, and we should not even consider visiting this site. If you haven't gone yet, please don't. It is so horrible.

We should pray for them, but this is not humorous. It is a terrible, terrible tragedy in my eyes.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Apr 29 2005, 02:10 PM'] I respectfully disagree. I feel that if this paradoy concerned a Catholic Church we would be up in arms. The Parody is in a mean spirit and degrades Christianity in General.

I think that we Catholics should show solidarity toward our seperated breathen in this case and stay away from that this site. [/quote]
I agree with your recommendation: avoid the site--especially if it annoys you. These atheists who pose as protestant fundamentalists use every opportunity that they can to insult protestants, Catholics, Republicans, etc.

Apparently, mocking others must calm their own insecurities.

As a side note, I think it's sad to see that phatcatholic was wasting his time posting there, and seeming to miss some of the parody. For example, someone reprimanded him for standing up against one of them because the person's wife was dying in the hospital and needed a liver transplant. OK, Internet psychology 101: if you are on a parody website that is in the business of insulting anyone, and they try to manipulate you with some sob story about a dying relative, you don't have to believe them.

If you chose to visit the site or the forum, please keep this in mind. Nothing excites these people more than convincing visitors that they should be believed.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I've been to that site before and found that it was just plain tasteless. It really is demeaning to all Christians, not just Baptists. There's a spiritual battle going on and believe me the Baptists and protestants (at least the faithful ones) are much closer to being our allies than the ones who run that website.

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Catholics do not recognise the validity of Protestant religions.

Protestant religions do not recognise the authority of the Pope.

Baptists do not recognise each other in liquor stores or Hooters.

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i would agree that the site should not be visited if it is so bad. Lots of traffic promotes something. Something of this nature should not be promoted.

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Jesus Freak
:lol: Sure, i'd laugh at their ignorance. But you also need to pray for the people that agree with these sites and run them.

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It is outside of the realm of charity to jibe at those who are in error because of the jokes of those who are more immersed in error. It would be hard to find any fruit comming out of this action that is productive, redemptive, or positive. Landover Baptists, the website, will make fun of anything Christian if they can.

I assume you already expected this answer. My question, why ask?

God bless,

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Jesus Freak

[quote]It is outside of the realm of charity to jibe at those who are in error because of the jokes of those who are more immersed in error. It would be hard to find any fruit comming out of this action that is productive, redemptive, or positive.[/quote]

Outside the realm? You, Michael, laugh at me everyday because i am Protestant... :sadder:


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^^^ Re. your sig.,I like that song, dcTalk ,Toby Mac is :cool:

I agree w/ Theoketos; don't give them any traffic.

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