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Was Hitler A Catholic?

Cure of Ars

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  • 12 years later...

Strange thing - Hitler was once quoted as saying that the day of his first communion was the happiest of his life.


There is no doubt he was catholic.  Baptism and the other sacraments leave a mark on the soul that cannot be removed.

Now, if you believe he is a catholic example to be followed; that is all together a different question.  I, for one, would not hold him as a christian example to be followed.



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supposedly, Hitler also had a jewish blood line at some part in his family lineage which some speculate influenced removing that part of his history from as many sources as possible ( if he didn't have that member flat out murdered )/


But as for his sanity, exactly who was more insane, him or those who voted him into power ?  How he came into power after surviving World War I is rather amazing, from being pretty much dirt poor, to suddenly rich and powerful. Then to look at history in general, and see how the wars before WWI influenced Hitler and Germany.

What is sad is how North Korea has successfully been under the lock n key of Kim Jung whatever and his lineage,  statues of the current leader and his father an grandfather everywhere, their photos in civilians homes in a special frame, having to be kept clean with a specially deemed cloth.

North Korea has been able to successfully keep their power by not branching out it is as if they learned a lesson which Hitler didn't. An no one is eager to do anything about it anytime soon. For a plethra of reasons.  I think had Hitler not sought so much power, and didn't go on a military murdering campaign; chances are the Nazi regime would be in power today, if North Korea is any kind of indicator.

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No, we all know Hitler was a Secret Muslim.

Hitler had islamique allies and sympathizers. He once said he wished Europe had been conquered by islam centuries ago because the fundamental creeds of islam are better suited to war and self preservation than christianity.  

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