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Was Hitler A Catholic?

Cure of Ars

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He was Catholic. I think he stopped being Catholic around the age of 6. That's when he started to watch too many Pinky and the Brain cartoons.


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I watched a few Discovery Channel documentries on Hitler... he actually wanted to bring back the Norse Myth Religion. He was also into astrology, one of his head generals was really heavy into astrology.

He was also imprisioned as a treason, but his trial was public, and he turned the trial around to attack the government. Saying that the countries leaders were weak and that the country was the traitor to the people for giving up during WWI.

That is how Hitler came to power so quickly. Then he capitalized on a common hate among the german people - much like the anti-Catholics like Rick Jones, do today, and slowly changed policy in the treatment of them.

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Well let's see.....

he took his own life= not catholic

he persecuted people because they were different= not catholic

he lied= not a biggie compared to the others but still not catholic

and finally ::takes DEEP breath:: he was responsible for the deaths of thousands, especially those which were part of a genocidal plot to exterminate members of different ethnic groups, religous groups, and various other targeted people NOT including those who were killed trying to bring him down from his cruel and tyranical reign. ::pant, pant, pant::= what do you think????

Personally Dust I wish Hitler had had someone like Pinky around to screw up his evil plans. Oh well. Stuff happens. God save the souls who looked up to him, they'll need a lot of help.


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God Conquers

He had priests and seminarians sent to the concentration camps, after Jews, Catholics were #2 on the "to be exterminated" list. He's definately not Catholic, althought baptized.

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I think he just wanted to be all alone on this little world. You know there was this freaky twilight Zone episode where this maid of the Hitler household knew that the Hitler child would grow up to be evil. so the question was if you were given the oppurtunity, would you dust baby Hitler? If you want to know how it ended ask, it was really creepy and makes you think.


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He had priests and seminarians sent to the concentration camps, after Jews, Catholics were #2 on the "to be exterminated" list. He's definately not Catholic, althought baptized.

I was going to say that...

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Cure of Ars

I think he just wanted to be all alone on this little world. You know there was this freaky twilight Zone episode where this maid of the Hitler household knew that the Hitler child would grow up to be evil. so the question was if you were given the oppurtunity, would you dust baby Hitler? If you want to know how it ended ask, it was really creepy and makes you think.


Was that the one "where the guy signed a contract and they cut out his tongue? And, they put it in a jar, and it wouldn't die; it just grew and pulsated and gave birth to baby tongues. Pretty cool, huh?" :)

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hyperdulia again

I think he just wanted to be all alone on this little world. You know there was this freaky twilight Zone episode where this maid of the Hitler household knew that the Hitler child would grow up to be evil. so the question was if you were given the oppurtunity, would you dust baby Hitler? If you want to know how it ended ask, it was really creepy and makes you think.


If by "dust baby Hitler", you mean remove dirt from his body, I would. If by dust you mean kill no. Baby Hitler was an innocent child the son of Klara and Alois Hitler (uncle and niece, married by dispensation). If I could go back and convince the AB of Vienna not to grant his parents a dispensation I would.

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Good Friday

No, I wouldn't dust baby Hitler either, even if I did know what he would do. Why? Because God knew what he would do, and he didn't see fit to dust him. What makes me think I should? B)

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Evil men doing evil things are only able to do them because it's God's Will.

This world is not our home. As Jesus said, we are to offer no resistance. We should not fear men who can kill our bodies. Only fear God who can destroy our souls.

God chose a few bad Popes to meet a purpose. God chose Judas, for a purpose. Hitler made it to power, for a purpose.

We must remember, in suffering, we come closer to God.

God Bless, Love in Christ & Mary


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Kilroy the Ninja

I don't think "dusting" baby Hilter would have helped. If I recall correctly, the maid "dusted" the actual baby Hitler (along with herself) and the wetnurse went and found a baby who looked just like him - thus proving that you couldn't necessary change events if you went back to the past. This was a particularly good Twilight Zone. But I'm a geek.

Hilter was baptized a Catholic and he believed in the Old Testament. Indiana Jones wasn't too far off when they suggested he was looking for the Ark of the Covenant. He was seeking out miraculous items from the Bible, but he was seeking them for the supposed power they held. I believe he also had people looking for the Grail...

Yeah I watch too much of the Hitler (uh, I mean History) Channel.

*Voice in Kilroy's head "Geek!"**

**Kilroy - "Shut-up!"**


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