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WYD: Cologne 2005 Invitation


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The reason it is not open to under 18, is that they require a higher level of supervison, legally. They need parental release forms and chaperones. Chaperones usually require better quarters, bringing up the expense for everyone. And sometimes, college students just want to do things in their own groups.
But if you do know anyone who will be over 18 by August and who wants to go, let me know.

And you CAN go if you are under 16 if you can convince a parent to go with you. Just be persuasive.

Edited by argent_paladin
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FYI you dont have to be 16 to go to WYD, we have a group going with as young as 14!
and WOW, $600 that is so cheap! our trip total is $3700.... which includes airfar from LAX to Rome, a bus from their to WYD in Germany and food, hotels and stops along the way. its a pilgrimage from our diocese for 15 days, its gonna be great :)

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I can only gloat because we are going for less than half the price of most diocese and we are going to be in europe longer! We will be there for 18 days. We can do this because we are staying at $10 a night hostels, traveling as cheaply as possible, and taking advantage of the lower costs of Poland by staying there for four days. If you know of any one who wanted to go but couldn't afford it, let them know that they can go for under $1500.

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Ooh man, I would love to go... But I don't think my parents would be up for that sadly... That is a great price! But I hope and pray that everyone who [i]is[/i] going has a wonderful and safe time! God bless. ^_^

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Anyone who would li ke to go with the Legion of Christ, both male or Female, I can send you information. It's about 1500 bucks total, fyi. Any age welcomed with the Legion.

Just send me a private message.

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