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Contraception leading to a decrease in abortion?!


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Title says it all. How should I argue that contraception should not be used when every stat I come across insists that contraception leads to a decrease in abortion?

If you could come across stats that say that abortion increases with contraception, that would be great. Otherwise, i'm not sure how I'd respond.

PS: This is semi-urgent

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I don't quite understand the logic behind why I'm supposed to disagree with this. Somebody educate my conscience?

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But most people believe it does.

I don't.

But the people I'll be talking with probably do; that's an assumption I have to make.

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im all for contraception especially if the married couple doesn't want to have children at the moment.

Id rather have unmarried couples use contraception than abortion.

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Abstinence is a more effective way of decreasing abortion...

To my knowledge Abortion isn't decreasing ... its actually increasing. So, unless you give me some stats that prove me otherwise, contraception has not decreased abortion.

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Ash Wednesday

XIX -- the pill is an abortificant in itself. I wonder how many abortions that is?

The whole contraceptive mentality in itself is the root of most abortion. You know how many abortion stories out there start out with "The condom failed, the pill didn't work..."? The two go hand in hand, contrary to popular belief.

If someone wasn't remotely open to life in the first place, what makes anyone think they would want to keep a baby?

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Yes, they are indirectly related. The more contraceptions are used, the less abortions; but both take the human dignity to a barbaric level. You protect life at all cost. Why? Because you follow God's Law, not statistics.

Tough question....

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Oh man... pholks, using contraception is a sin. Its not something to be for or against.

Essentially, the Church teaches that all sexual acts between a man and a woman must be open to life AT ALL TIMES. Contraception does not allow for this to happen. The only mode of contraception accepted by the Church is Natural Family Planning. That is, abstaining during key moments of the woman's cycle.

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Contracepton leads to a mentality that leads to an increase in abortions.
The evidence is all around us.

I (you too?) live in a country (if you are in the USA) in which contraception is sold to us as a bill of goods. Contraception will decrease sexua diseases, decrease abortion, reduce population issues (now don't get me started on that!)

But the Truth lets us see that once we start promoting this lifestyle sexual relations is not a life transmitting union with creator God... but an imitation of that.

The union is cheapened, the act becomes immoral. Couples who contracept divorce more often (there's your "stat"), leading statistically to more illicit unions, more contraception more abortions.

Statistic-Why Not Contraception
... use NFP is somewhere between one and three percent, while the divorce rate among couples who contracept is well over the fifty percent national rate. ...
www.catholic.net/Catholic Church/Issues/ Contraception/contraception.html

My 2 cents...

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The problem is the contraceptive/abortive mentality.

In the U.S., and probably other countries, before contraception became common, there were few abortions, and abortion was generally not accepted. After contraception became commonly accepted and used, especially after the invention of the pill in 1960, abortion became more common and accepted, and soon became legalized.

The problem is the hedonistic, anti-child mindset.
NOt using contraception does not necessitate having abortion.

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You can't support contraception within a marriage because you probably haven't understood the Natural Family Planning method which really works when followed correctly. NFP works just as good, if not better (to some) as the pill.

Before you support the pill, understand the method.

Edited by M.A.N.
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Someone brought up the question, are abortions increasing or decreasing.
I hate to even mention PP, but...

Abortion Group Claims Number Decreasing Despite CDC Report

NEW YORK (CWNews.com) - A research group connected to the abortion group Planned Parenthood claimed this week that abortion rates have declined to the lowest rate in two decades despite an overall increase in abortion.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) said part of the rate decline is attributable to an increase in contraceptive use and a decrease in the number of abortion providers.

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1. Many forms of contraception, are in fact abortion, such as the Pill, IUDs, and of course the morning after pill and RU486. So, contraception use actually results in an increase of "stealth abortions".

2. On the theoretical side, the contraceptive mentality, which literally means the "anti-life" mentality leads inevitably to abortion. If a couple is using contraception and it fails, and an "accident" and "unintended pregnancy" results, how likely is it that they will decide to have an abortion, since they didn't want it anyway and it would ruin their plans and they have the right to control their fertility, etc , etc.

3. On the empirical side, contraceptive use rose at the same time that abortions rose from 1973 until the 1990s. Then abortions leveled off. So, it seems that as abortions rise, so does contraception and as abortions fall, so does contraception.
Of course permanent contraception like vasectomies or tubal ligations would decrease abortions, but usually only older people get them and it doesn't effect the poor or the young.

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You can't support contraception within a marriage because you probably haven't tried Natural Family Planning method which really works when followed correctly. NFP works just as good, if not better (to some) as the pill.

Before you support the pill, understand the method. [/quote]

who said anything about the pill in particular? im talking about the practice in general. Many of you have this illusion that everyone in the world is a christian or catholic. The reality is that not everyone beleives in what we do. As catholics its out responsibilty to respect other religions or have many of you forgot about JP2 and B16 are teaching these days? Not everyone practices abstinence or believes in it, so contraception is the only form in which we can stop the abortions! think about it peoples.....

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