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MC Just

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Ratzinger is going to be great for the church.

Many won't like him though. My guess is he is going to start ultra-hardcore Apostle style and keep it that way. :D

Now we wait again ...... and watch

ohh and God has spoken conclusively about where the church should be, now will we listen .....

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St. Catherine

[quote]ohh and God has spoken conclusively about where the church should be, now will we listen ..... [/quote]

That is what I was just thinking. Someone else is being called to change and it is not the Church.

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Apr 19 2005, 03:22 PM'] Well, if this truly is the new springtime in the Church, Ratzinger is the man to get a little "spring cleaning" done. hahaha [/quote]
My guess is there will be a storm before the calm. :mellow:

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[quote name='jezic' date='Apr 19 2005, 05:05 PM'] the storm is coming, there might never be another calm [/quote]
The new springtime is promise by our blessed mother. I feel like God has been prepaparing many of us for what is to come. Teaching us our faith. Gird your loins and put on your armor (the armour of God). The promised land had to be taken. Trust in him. Be not afraid.

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Yeah, already today at Fordham I talked to people who were upset at Pope Benedict XVI. They know that he's not the person to change the Church's teaching, so they are upset. Hopefully, they will follow their consciences right out the door or they will be inspired by the Holy Spirit to reevaluate their "opinions."

Viva il Papa!

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='thessalonian' date='Apr 19 2005, 06:12 PM'] The new springtime is promise by our blessed mother. I feel like God has been prepaparing many of us for what is to come. Teaching us our faith. Gird your loins and put on your armor (the armour of God). The promised land had to be taken. Trust in him. Be not afraid. [/quote]
Yes, but there will be a storm, I'm sure. After all, if this is spring, we're sowing seed...and the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians...

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Pope Benedict XVI is the man!! I am so happy that he was elected. Time for the liberals to crawl back into their holes. Sorry if I don't sound very charitible, but the way I see it, if you are not in line with Rome, then you are not Catholic. Either get your act together, or start calling yourself something besides Catholic. One thing the liberals can be sure of, Rome is not going to come in line with them!

Long live the Pope! May he have a long and faithful reign!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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Mateo el Feo

The local TV anchors are already inviting local dissidents to complain about our new pope. They chose to show interviews with Andrew Greeley(women's ordination, etc), Jeannine Gramick (pro-sodomy nun).

Fr. John Langan, a Jesuit at Georgetown U, also showed his face. He really didn't directly attack the pope, though the TV anchor brought up the disconnect between the pope and "American Catholics" (read cafeteria Catholics). Fr. Langan seemed to indicate that the "American Catholics" might have to wait a few more popes. Apparently, by that time, unchanging doctrine will be changed. LOL

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Apr 19 2005, 07:57 PM'] nah they are contracepting themselves away... [/quote]

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[quote name='vianney' date='Apr 19 2005, 04:39 PM'] Hey Cam who is upset? [/quote]
A priest friend of mine....who you might know, so I will not reveal the name, however, I can say that after a phone conversation yesterday, he told me that the election of this man is the worst thing to happen to the Church. He said that it will set the Church back 200 years.

Oh well....liberals, liberals, liberals.....they do hate orthodoxy.


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