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Future Church

MC Just

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I jsut sent the womens ordination site this:

"[T]here suddenly arose among us a certain woman, who in a state of ecstasy announced herself as a prophetess and acted as if filled with the Holy Ghost. . . . Through the deceptions and illusions of the demon, this woman had previously set about deluding believers in a variety of ways. Among the means by which she had deluded many was daring to pretend that, through proper invocation, she consecrated bread and performed the Eucharist. She offered up the sacrifice to the Lord in a liturgical act that corresponds to the usual rites, and she baptized many, all the while misusing the customary and legitimate wording of the [baptismal] question. She carried all these things out in such a manner that nothing seemed to deviate from the norms of the Church" (collected in Cyprian’s Letters 74:10 [A.D. 253]).

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Noel's angel
:blink: <_< :wacko: :club: :punch: :slap: :mad: :knockout: :spit: :fishslap: :angered: :pitchfork: :punch: :crazy: :stupid:

oh it makes me so mad.....

but you gotta laugh at these people as well, it is quite funny, they think they know more than the church-it's quite funny
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Brother Adam

yeah, but you can twist anything to the way you like it. anti-caths call the Queen of Heaven in Jeremiah 7:18 our 'goddess mary'

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Noel's angel

lol, there are some strange people out there....

if they don't like Catholicism then they should just leave us alone, safe in 'knowing' theyre 'right' and we are 'wrong'

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Apr 16 2005, 10:58 AM'] lol, there are some strange people out there....

if they don't like Catholicism then they should just leave us alone, safe in 'knowing' theyre 'right' and we are 'wrong' [/quote]
Some are all about debate and are so serious about holding their position that they will easily go into vincible ignorance. I was in a debate about the Real Presence last night and when I pointed to John 6:60, the other guy said that I could use anything but that verse to prove my case. I was like, "wait...there's a verse disproving you, so you just throw it out?" He wouldn't give me any other reason...he just didn't want me to use that one because it destroyed his case and built up mine, so he said that I couldn't use it.

Reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes getting into fights for making up new rules in the middle of games. <_<

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isnt it something though. They are using the so called priest shortages as an excuse for having Women Priests.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you Catholic?
A resounding "yes." FutureChurch consists overwhelmingly of Catholics in good standing. Our members include lay people as well as priests and nuns. We respect the Catholic tradition and are working respectfully to effect change in the Church because we love it and want to make it better.

Are you affiliated with a certain parish?
No. However, FutureChurch considers itself parish-based because the resolutions which founded it came from individual parishes and because so many of our members consider the parish their primary place of worship. Also, many of our FC projects are implemented by parishes or parish groups. (See our mission statement).

FutureChurch advocates for opening ordination to all the baptized. Didn't
Jesus ordain only men?
In fact, Jesus did not ordain anyone. Ordination was a practice that started to occur decades later in church history. Jesus had both male and female disciples (see "Jesus and Women" link).

What is the priest shortage all about?
In short, there are too few priests to minister to the growing number of Catholics around the world, and to accommodate growing pastoral needs (what is provided by parishes today is much more than in past generations). As a result, some parishes have had to drastically reduce the number of times Mass or the other sacraments can be offered. Eventually, all Catholics will be affected by this.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Apr 16 2005, 10:12 AM'] working respectfully to effect change in the Church because we love it and want to make it better.

Obviously they dont love it, or else they wouldnt be trying to make it better.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='MC Just' date='Apr 16 2005, 11:12 AM'] In fact, Jesus did not ordain anyone. Ordination was a practice that started to occur decades later in church history. Jesus had both male and female disciples (see "Jesus and Women" link). [/quote]
***Heresy Alert***

Though there was no ordination Mass, nor a lying prostrate, nor many other things, all of those things essential for the validity of the sacrament of Holy Orders are clearly seen in the Scriptures...and only applied to men.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='MC Just' date='Apr 16 2005, 11:15 AM'] Obviously they dont love it, or else they wouldnt be trying to make it better. [/quote]
Well, love automatically tries to make the beloved better, but advancing the Church and progressing the Church are two very different things. The difference is that love doesn't seek to change the beloved, but to help it become the "greatest version" itself (Michael Kelly's words).

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]We are supported in this effort by Church teaching: "Every kind of discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design."(Vatican II Gaudium et Spes).[/quote]

What a [b]terrible[/b] misuse of Church documents! To suggest that the Church's stance against discrimination is somehow in opposition to her position on women priesthood is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with the a sense of superiority! It has to do with the basic forms and callings God gives to His people. There is nothing discriminatory about it. In fact, it is highly reverent and respectful of what their calling is. It would be discriminatory and demeaning to women to allow them to become priests, because it would pretend that they were no different from men, that their calling as women is something they should be ashamed of, that they have to be more like men to be worth anything, and that their femininity is a weakness and not a strength.

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