Good Friday Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Vera, there are things you can do about this. If your principal won't listen, you can get in touch with the school board or a higher authority than that. You can speak to your parish priest about talking to the school administration about the school's anti-Catholic behavior, you could even write to your Bishop about it. You could even write to the Catholic League... it deals with discrimination against Catholics, and it could help you in this situation. It can often get a lot of media attention that will scare people into not discriminating against Catholics. It's like the ACLU, only working for good rather than evil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 And as I said in a similar thread, contact the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Good Friday Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Great minds think alike. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kilroy the Ninja Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Seriously Vera, as a student you do have certain rights and some of those rights include being treated with respect. This man needs to be reported. My advice to you is stick to your guns and document, document, document. Just start keeping notes for every time this sort of thing happens. Write down the date, the time, as much of it as you can remember. Start writing down all the things that you can remember having happened now, trying to be as accurate as possible. Then with this evidence you can go to the principal and have solid back up. Do you have any friends in this class that can be witnesses to this mis-treatment? See if you can rally anyone to your cause. You have the right, even in a public school, to be treated with decency and respect. This man is a sad, sad individual who clearly lacks self-confindence and finds strength in picking on someone he knows he has a modicum of power over. Do not let him win! Pray for him and take action! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jmjtina Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 hey Vera check out the thread likos has on the Inquistion. B) Remember, i still have two Candide paper if you would like to see them! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake Huether Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Hey Vera, sorry to chime in a little late. But if he starts telling you all his degree's, maybe you should simply ask if he's ever read the Catechism. And if not, then he really doesn't know the teachings of the Church. By the way, what are his degree's in? History! LOL! From who's point of view. History has many angles. I know talk is cheap. I'd probably just keep my mouth shut. But don't be like me. Stand up for your faith, and God will fight with you! I promise. God bless you. You have my prayers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP2Iloveyou Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Vera, one route you may consider is getting in contact with Ave Maria School of Law. They are actually in Florida if I'm not mistaken. They train Catholic lawyers and I am quite certain that any one of them would come to your aid. This teacher is in clear violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution. There is quite a bit of law and case law on your side. A simple letter from a lawyer saying that this practice is illegal and needs to be stopped or else risk going to court over it should stop it real quick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azriel Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Kilroy the Ninja said: Seriously Vera, as a student you do have certain rights and some of those rights include being treated with respect. This man needs to be reported. My advice to you is stick to your guns and document, document, document. Just start keeping notes for every time this sort of thing happens. Write down the date, the time, as much of it as you can remember. Start writing down all the things that you can remember having happened now, trying to be as accurate as possible. Then with this evidence you can go to the principal and have solid back up. Do you have any friends in this class that can be witnesses to this mis-treatment? See if you can rally anyone to your cause. You have the right, even in a public school, to be treated with decency and respect. This man is a sad, sad individual who clearly lacks self-confindence and finds strength in picking on someone he knows he has a modicum of power over. Do not let him win! Pray for him and take action! I cannot agree with this more. If you plan to take ANY action, you need documentation. Document Document Document. I say this having dealt with discrimination in the workplace. Keep a log, just like Kilroy said (smart ninja!) If at all possible, get witnesses. If you don't, it will come down to you vs him. And, in the bigger picture, this is not just about discrimination against a Catholic. If this is his attitude with you, I'm willing to bet he is just as disrespectful to others that don't agree with him ... no matter what the issue is. You may not just be standing up for your faith, which Praise the Lord, is wonderful, but you may also be fighting for the welfare of your peers. Catholic or not. God Bless and Mary Keep, dear heart. You'll make it. :wub: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLAZEr Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Ok, Vera . . . there has been a lot of advice about how to fight this guy . . . I'm gonna give you advice on how to destroy him!!!! If I were you, I would put together a nice little gift bag. It would include Triumph, A green Scapular, The Holy Bible, a St. Benedict's Medal, and some blessed salt (sprinkle the salt over everything, with some Holy Water). I would also include a letter, not very long, saying basically: I think that the way you treat your students is degrading, but I really want you to know and understand how much I love the Catholic Church that Christ founded. This is why I love the Catholic church (include your reasons) . . . and then tell himi you will be praying for him and encourage him to find out more about what makes your faith blossom . . . I would invite him to some sites on the internet (maybe not Phatmass, because this is a safe-haven for you, away from all of his trash . . . and the opportunity for him to abuse you more by using stuff you've posted against you is too great, not worth the risk) . . . and then sign it, not with Love (because this could be innapropriately understood) but with Heartfelt Affection, Vera . . . and then try to do one small fast for him everyday . . . like taking the long way to his class, or carrying an extra book with you to his class, or skipping that snack you have with lunch . . . or whatever . . . and start praying very hard for him . . . I've noticed about big horrible mean ugly anti-catholic trees . . . they usually fall hardest and the THUD they make on the way down is SOOOOOOOO SWEET! God's Speed, and I'll be praying for you!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake Huether Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 BLAZEr said: Ok, Vera . . . there has been a lot of advice about how to fight this guy . . . I'm gonna give you advice on how to destroy him!!!! If I were you, I would put together a nice little gift bag. It would include Triumph, A green Scapular, The Holy Bible, a St. Benedict's Medal, and some blessed salt (sprinkle the salt over everything, with some Holy Water). I would also include a letter, not very long, saying basically: I think that the way you treat your students is degrading, but I really want you to know and understand how much I love the Catholic Church that Christ founded. This is why I love the Catholic church (include your reasons) . . . and then tell himi you will be praying for him and encourage him to find out more about what makes your faith blossom . . . I would invite him to some sites on the internet (maybe not Phatmass, because this is a safe-haven for you, away from all of his trash . . . and the opportunity for him to abuse you more by using stuff you've posted against you is too great, not worth the risk) . . . and then sign it, not with Love (because this could be innapropriately understood) but with Heartfelt Affection, Vera . . . and then try to do one small fast for him everyday . . . like taking the long way to his class, or carrying an extra book with you to his class, or skipping that snack you have with lunch . . . or whatever . . . and start praying very hard for him . . . I've noticed about big horrible mean ugly anti-catholic trees . . . they usually fall hardest and the THUD they make on the way down is SOOOOOOOO SWEET! God's Speed, and I'll be praying for you!!! 100% agreed. Especially the fasting part! My dad was having a horrible time with his manager. So he prayed for him and fasted for him. And one day, out of the blue, his manager COMPLETELY changed! They have no problem with eachother now. Please do what Blazer has suggested. It would be POWERFUL. If not the gift bag, at leat the prayers and fasting. The Lord will supply the gift-bag. In fact, I will offer a couple prayers for him too. But it is particularly powerful coming from the one being assulted. God bless you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLAZEr Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 by the way, the Gift Bag (at least a green scapular and St. Ben's medal) can I'm sure be helped out with here on Phatmass . . . I'd be happy to have amazon send you Triumph or a Holy Bible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmotherofpirl Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 Ok lets all put "stupid teacher type" on our rosary list. I am sure there are some Catholic Saints up there we cold enlist as well. Any ideas ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil Red Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 CATHERINE of Alexandria Memorial 25 November Profile Apocryphal. Nobility. Learned in science and oratory. Converted to Christianity after receiving a vision. When she was 18 years old, during the persecution of Maximus, she offered to debate the pagan philosophers. Many were converted by her arguments, and immediately martyred. Maximus had her scourged and imprisoned. The empress and the leader of Maximus' army were amazed by the stories, went to see Catherine in prison. They converted and were martyred. Maximus ordered her broken on the wheel, but she touched it and the wheel was destroyed. She was beheaded, and her body whisked away by angels. Immensely popular during the Middle Ages, there were many chapels and churches devoted to her throughout western Europe, and she was reported as one of the divine advisors to Saint Joan of Arc. Her reputation for learning and wisdom led to her patronage of libaries, librarians, teachers, archivists, and anyone associated with wisdom or teaching. Her debating skill and persuasive language has led to her patronage of lawyers. And her torture on the wheel led to those who work with them asking for her intercession. One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. While there may well have been a noble, educated, virginal lady who swayed pagans with her rhetoric during the persecutions, the accretion of legend, romance and poetry has long since buried the real Catherine. Died: beheaded c.310 in Alexandria, Egypt Canonized: Pre-Congregation Name Meaning: pure one (= Catherine) FRANCIS de Sales Memorial: 24 January Profile Born in a castle to a well-placed family, his parents intended that he become a lawyer, enter politics, and carry on the family line and power. Studied at La Roche, Annecy, Clermont College in Paris, and law at the University of Padua. Doctor of Law. He returned home, and found a position as Senate advocate. It was at this point that he received a message telling him to "Leave all and follow Me." He took this as a call to the priesthood, a move his family fiercely opposed. However, he pursued a devoted prayer life, and his gentle ways won over the family. Priest. Provost of the diocese of Geneva, Switzerland, a stronghold of Calvinists. Preacher, writer and spiritual director in the district of Chablais. His simple, clear explanations of Catholic doctrine, and his gentle way with everyone, brought many back to the Roman Church. Bishop of Geneva at age 35. Travelled and evangelized throughout the Duchy of Savoy, working with children whenever he could. Friend of Saint Vincent de Paul. Turned down a wealthy French bishopric. Helped found the Order of the Visitation with Saint Jeanne de Chantal. Prolific correspondent. Doctor of the Church. Born: 1567 at Chateau of Thorens, Savoy Died:28 December 1622 at Lyons; buried at Annecy Canonized:1665 GREGORY the Great Memorial: 3 September Profile Son of a wealthy Roman senator and Saint Silvia Nephew of Saint Emiliana and Saint Tarsilla. Educated by the finest teachers in Rome. Prefect of Rome for a year, then he sold his possessions, turned his home into a Benedictine monastery, and used his money to build six monasteries in Sicily and one in Rome. Benedictine monk. Upon seeing English children being sold in the Roman Forum, he became a missionary to England. Elected Pope by unanimous acclamation on 3 September 590, the first monk to be chosen. Sent Saint Augustine of Canterbury and a company of monks to evangelize England, and other missionaries to France, Spain, and Africa. Collected the melodies and plain chant so associated with him that they are now known as Gregorian Chants. One of the four great Doctors of the Latin Church. Wrote seminal works on the Mass and Office. Born:c.540 at Rome, Italy Papal Ascension: 3 September 590 Died: 12 March 604 at Rome, Italy JOHN BAPTIST de La Salle Memorial: 7 April Profile Attended the seminary in Paris, but quit to care for his brothers and sisters upon the death of their parents. When they were grown, he returned to school, graduated, and was ordained. Founded the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Christian Brothers), established and supported academic education for all boys, not just the nobility. He liquidated his personal fortune, and his Brothers expected him to use it to further his education goals, but he surprised them by saying they would have to depend on Providence. The money (about $400,000) was given away to the poor in the form of bread during the great famine of 1683 - 84. Saint John kept enough to endow a salary for himself similar to that which the Brothers received so he wouldn't be a burden on them. Instituted the process of dividing students into grades. Established the first teacher's school. Started high schools and trade schools. Proclaimed the patron of all teachers of all youth by Pope Pius XII in 1950. Born: 1651 at Rheims, France Died: 1719 at Rouen, France Canonized: 1900 Name Meaning: God is gracious (= John) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EcceNovaFacioOmni Posted November 6, 2003 Share Posted November 6, 2003 He gave you a list of his "degrees"? Hahahaha. What a punk! Tell him The Dude has a PhD... a Punk Hatin' Degree and can point out where the Bible prophesizes about people like himself: Quote "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?' Then I will declare to them solemnly, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.' Matthew 7:15-23 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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