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Women's Ordination

MC Just

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Ya know, some of the priests on Fox news and Msnbc should be ashamed of themselves. People are entertaining the thought and asking if it will be possible
for the church to ordain women with the next pope. The priests dont even defend the churches position. They can't just say "Well Priests act in "persona christi" so that's one reason why women cannot be priests, because Christ was male, not female".

Very sad.

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Hasn't the late Pope John Paul II made himself clear? I thought he is the reason why all these priests are going on TV anyway.
[quote]"I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

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Bill Donahue, the head of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, was asked about dissent from the Magisterium regarding ordaining only men, no contraception, etc. said in an interview the other day for Fox News that any Catholic who wanted the Church to change its teachings should find another religion. Yay Bill! :D

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[quote name='thedude' date='Apr 4 2005, 09:26 PM'] Hasn't the late Pope John Paul II made himself clear? I thought he is the reason why all these priests are going on TV anyway.
I believe that the entire issue was settled hundreds of years ago...

I believe that the dissenter priest are the 1/3 of the stars being swept out of the sky by the dragon's tail.

End is close... make straight thy ways. A day, a year, fifty years... it's close. Even if it wasn't close, we should always be prepared because we don't know when we're going to die.

God Bless,

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Apr 4 2005, 10:09 PM'] I believe that the dissenter priest are the 1/3 of the stars being swept out of the sky by the dragon's tail.

WHOA...That makes a lot of sense.....

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"[T]here suddenly arose among us a certain woman, who in a state of ecstasy announced herself as a prophetess and acted as if filled with the Holy Ghost. . . . Through the deceptions and illusions of the demon, this woman had previously set about deluding believers in a variety of ways. Among the means by which she had deluded many was daring to pretend that, through proper invocation, she consecrated bread and performed the Eucharist. She offered up the sacrifice to the Lord in a liturgical act that corresponds to the usual rites, and she baptized many, all the while misusing the customary and legitimate wording of the [baptismal] question. She carried all these things out in such a manner that nothing seemed to deviate from the norms of the Church" (collected in Cyprian’s Letters 74:10 [A.D. 253]).

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I've read and heard on different news broadcasts that JPII's "OPINIONS"...regarding birth control, women's ordaination, etc, married priests remain traditional...and then they entertain the thought of a pope changing such things.

Here's the problem that is just so OBVIOUS to me

This stupid idea that all of its subjective...to taste and opinion. As if the pope could change it if he wanted to.

AND here's the other HUGE problem. Lumping married priests with women priests is ridiculous. One is a theological possibility, one isn't. Women's ordination is a teaching issue.... married priests is a practice, or discipline issue. One can change, one can't. (I'm not suggesting it should)

And also the ignorange that he was against married priests... helloooo...we HAVE married priests in some other rites of the church (that are under ROME).

grrrrr :irate: :irate:

Thanks for reading.


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Brother Adam

Woman's ordination is a insult to genuine femininity. If I was a woman and someone suggested womans ordination I'd be mad as hell.

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Some people have no clue what NO means.

I think these women who think they should be Priests are the epitamy of American's. They are spoiled with waay too many rights and just because economic rights allow them to be CEO's, Presidents and whatnot they feel they can/should also be Priests.

Give em an inch, they want a mile *runs and hides* :D

Nah, seriously though, I never read St. Therese the Little Flower, or St Faustina, or even Mother Teresa where they complained about being a nun and not a Priest.

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[quote name='CatholicAndFanatical' date='Apr 5 2005, 08:31 PM'] Some people have no clue what NO means.

I think these women who think they should be Priests are the epitamy of American's. They are spoiled with waay too many rights and just because economic rights allow them to be CEO's, Presidents and whatnot they feel they can/should also be Priests.

Give em an inch, they want a mile *runs and hides* :D

Nah, seriously though, I never read St. Therese the Little Flower, or St Faustina, or even Mother Teresa where they complained about being a nun and not a Priest. [/quote]
Couldn't have been summed up any better.

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One of my philosophy professors put it quite nicely. She is a true Thomist, a solid Catholic, and flat-out, straight-up, brilliant. She has at least wo doctorates in Metaphysics and Epistemology, and I think she might have a third. Anyway, she said if you don't like something in the Church, there is a remedy. It is called a door, and it swings both ways.

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Although I'm not a Catholic, I would be extremely disappointed if the Catholic
Church did ordain women priests.

If women to take a Headship role in the church it is desecrating the holy image of Christ and His Bride.

Women have a different role: they should remain silent in church and must not teach except the older women to teach the younger women. They should not usurp the authority of a man.

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I have an interesting opinion on this

Women are so far above men, they don't need to do the work ..........


I think that if God tells us with some huge worldwide miracle thing and lots of special effects it will happen. Until then, sorry no go.

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