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P.o.d. The New Album: "payable On Death"


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P.O.D.'s new self titled album, "Payable on Death," hits stores in less than one hour tonight. Please support these guys and pick one up.

Most people don't know too much about P.O.D.: these guys are Christians. Since I am Catholic and just about everyone else is here I'll clear up some issues: these guys profess one thing: that Jesus is the only Son of the One and Triune God who died for our sins. They haven't vocally claimed a denomination though they are "born again" Christians.

These guys witness at their concerts (I've seen them first hand) and in their music. Sonny (vocals) stopped the concert and got out into the crowd to help a girl that fell when she was crowd surfing. These guys are all about love and compassion for all people no matter what race, religion, or creed. These guys are just really special and have touched my life as they have touched many others. Their first single "Alive" from their last album "Satellite" touched so many people (it's about the moment when someone first experiences Christ working in their life). It even prevented a kid from committing suicide because the kid bought the CD and listened to "Alive" and was so touched.

Their new single "Will You" is equally touching as "you" is aimed at our loved ones and Christ. If I sin "will you love me tomorrow, will you stay with me today?"

I've been listening to these guys since '99 and their character hasn't changed one bit since they started back in '92. They are the real deal when it comes to morality, spirituality, and hanging out with the fans after the concerts. Please if you watch MTV, vote for POD on TRL. The push now is to beat Britney and Madonna on the countdown (we all know what they're all about) and we (the warriors) did it but they were #1 today so we need more help voting.

For more information on their background, check out the FAQ page on the official fan site www.thesouthtown.com and of course check out www.payableondeath.com, their homepage.

These guys have answered and are living their vocation. Please support the biggest positive mainstream Christians in hard rock music. God Bless.

With much love in Christ :


Edited by INRIWarrior3
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i'm a little sceptical about thier stance on some things... :huh:

born again Christians are not always in line w/ the church...

nothing agianst their amesome music (i own, not burned, their 2nd and 3rd albums) but i'm not 100% sure that their message is that clear...

but then again, i may just be confused!

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I'm back from Cactus Music hear in Houston at 12:25 a.m. and I just picked up the album and it rocks. It's their heaviest ever. Get it guys; buy as many as you can (I bought 2). God bless.


P.S. "One word, a voice unheard/You can change the world/With everything I know you're made of/One word, a voice unheard/ You can change the world."

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Born again Christians? So, what, baptised ones? Doesn't really narrow it down much :P

Oh, and Jack White is Catholic? As in properly practicing Catholic?

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Guest sgniwder1991

For everyone who says "Born again catholics aren't inline with the church" and "what are they practicing" along with other negative things; please keep them to yourselves. At least these people found what they are looking for, they found GOD in one way or another. Try not to insult them and me in such ways. Maybe you need to examine your own faith. Also, I heard the POD cd about a week ago and I absoultly love it. I think it is difficult to top satallite but I can listen to every song and enjoy myself.

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  INRIWarrior3 said:
I'm back from Cactus Music hear in Houston at 12:25 a.m. and I just picked up the album and it rocks.  It's their heaviest ever.  Get it guys; buy as many as you can (I bought 2).  God bless.


P.S.  "One word, a voice unheard/You can change the world/With everything I know you're made of/One word, a voice unheard/ You can change the world."

Where is Cactus Music? I've heard about it, but I can't ever seem to find it. Is it downtown?

POD is the BEST!!!!!

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It's in the shopping center on the corner of West Alabama and Shepherd. Go 59 South to the Shepherd exit, take right on Shepherd as it is a one way street and its two red lights on your left. Hope this helps.

Edited by INRIWarrior3
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At least one guy from P.O.D. is a Catholic or former Catholic, or his Mom is Catholic . . . I saw them on MTV Cribs and they had Mary all over their house and some other saints . . . so are we sure we got the facts straight on this??

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Yes the facts are straight. Do you know any anout Latino culture? Being from Texas, I've learned that the image of Mary and Our Lady of Gaudalupe is a part of many Hispanics cultural tradition. Whether or not they are Catholic has not been said. Like i said earlier, check out the FAQ about them on www.thesouthtown.com for all their info. Peace.

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