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"Situation Serious, Pope recieves last rites"

Fidei Defensor

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

he recieve the sacrement of Last Rites when he was shot in 1981.

[quote]Special Prayer for Pope John Paul II

OREMUS (let us pray)

Blessed are you, Father,
who, in your infinite love,
gave us your only-begotten Son.
By the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate
in the spotless womb of the Virgin Mary
and was born in Bethlehem

He became our companion on life´s path
and gave new meaning to our history,
the journey we make together
in toil and suffering,
in faithfulness and love,
towards the new heaven and the new earth
where You, once death has been vanquished, will be all in all.

Praise and glory to You, Most Holy Trinity,
you alone are God most high!

By your grace, O Father, the Jubilee Year began a new millennium, a time of deep purification and conversion wherein you invited the Church and the entire human race to return to you in and through your Son Jesus Christ. In such a wonderful way you have given us the gift of Pope John Paul II, in this significant moment in the history of the Church and the world, to teach, pastor and lead us into this millennium.

We now pray for your servant, Pope John Paul II who has faithfully and tirelessly proclaimed in word and deed the Good News of Jesus Christ. As he enters the "autumn" of his wonderful service, Lord, hold Him close to your heart; heal and comfort him, let Him know your deep, intimate presence as He continues to pour himself out for you and, in your Son, for the sake of the world.

May we truly encounter, as he prayed in the Jubilee,
a time of reconciliation between people,
and of peace restored among nations,
a time when swords are beaten into ploughshares
and the clash of arms gives way to songs of peace.

Father, grant great favor to our beloved Pope,
so docile to the voice of the Spirit,
faithful to the way of Christ,
diligent in listening to your Word
and in leading so many to the wellsprings of grace.

Praise and glory to You, Most Holy Trinity,
you alone are God most high!

Father, by the power of the Spirit,
strengthen the Church's commitment to the new evangelization Pope John Paul has proclaimed and guide our steps along the pathways of the world,
to proclaim Christ by our lives,
and to direct our earthly pilgrimage
towards the City of heavenly light as he has both taught and demonstrated through his own holy life, extraordinary teaching and prophetic invitation.

May Christ's followers show forth their love
for the poor and the oppressed;
may they be one with those in need
and abound in works of mercy;
may they be compassionate towards all,
that they themselves may obtain indulgence and forgiveness from you.

Praise and glory to You, Most holy Trinity,
you alone are God most high!

Father, grant that your Son´s disciples,
purified in memory
and acknowledging their failings,
may be one, that the world may believe.
May dialogue between the followers of the great religions expand, and may all people discover the joy of being your children.

May the intercession of Mary, Mother of your faithful people, the one to whom this Pope consecrated himself, his fruitful service and the entire Church and world, in union with the prayers of the Apostles, the Christian martyrs, and the righteous of every people and every age, bring comfort, healing, mercy and consolation to your son, John Paul II and make this millennium a time of renewed hope and of joy in the Spirit for each of us and for the whole Church.

Praise and glory to You, Most Holy Trinity,
you alone are God most high!

To you, Almighty Father, Creator of the universe and of mankind, through Christ, the Living One, Lord of time and history, in the Spirit who makes all things holy, be praise and honor and glory now and forever.


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Fidei Defensor

You know what phatmass needs? Our own news correspondent for the Vatican. Then we could really know the truth.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Mar 31 2005, 07:02 PM'] You know what phatmass needs? Our own news correspondent for the Vatican. Then we could really know the truth. [/quote]
i would love that job!!! I'd be Dan Rather's nightmare!!!!

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 31 2005, 10:17 PM'] i would love that job!!! I'd be Dan Rather's nightmare!!!! [/quote]
:lol: I bet you would!

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I just saw on the news that he is still in the Vatican.

I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing concerning his condition.

He has been through so much in his lifetime...I'm praying that he makes it through this also.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I read recently that he has been stabilizing and the blood pressure drop and high fever came from the feeding tube and the shock after loosing so much weight...

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I'm listening to Scarborough and it's being reported that he is slowly responding to antibiotics.

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God Conquers

NOOOO!!!!! Navarro-Valls just said that after they though he was stabilizing overnight, his situation is now Critical!

Christ Jesus, come to the aid of you Vicar and your CHurch!


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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='God Conquers' date='Mar 31 2005, 11:43 PM'] He had a heart attack but is still alive! [/quote]
:sadder: Oh how he suffers...

[quote]There have been reports that John Paul has resisted hospitalization because – when his time came – he wants to die at the Vatican, the symbolic centre of the Catholic faith.[/quote]

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote]"I also offer my sufferings so that God's plan will be realized and his word spread among peoples," said the Holy Father in a brief message addressed to those present, read on his behalf by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar for the Rome Diocese.

The cardinal, who is also president of the Italian bishops' conference, presided in the Pope's name and carried the cross in the first and last stations.

"I am also close to all those who, at this time, are being tried with suffering. I pray for each one of them," said the Pontiff in his message. It marked the first time he missed the ceremony in his 26-year pontificate. [/quote]

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does anyone know?? did he receive anointing of the sick or last rites? because the "sacrament of the sick and dying", i'm assuming is a secular confusion on anointing of the sick.....
anyone? anyone??

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