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Responding to an email

Brother Adam

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God Conquers

[quote name='Gal. 5:22,23' date='Mar 30 2005, 06:10 PM'] I have two neices attending Cederville. My sister-in-law is a graduate. They are 5 pt. Calvinists - not a lot of warm fuzzies... [/quote]

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bro adam,

yes, that was good. i do have a few suggestions tho, w/ the sole purpose of building you up.

you may want to try to paraphrase more of your information, instead of pasting so much material. my experience has been that people tend to turn off when they see large blocks of information that someone else has written. what i usually try to do is put the information in my own words as much as i can and then provide a link or a citation where they can read more on that topic.

also, when you do quote other people, its helpful to provide the source. that way, the reader can go back and read the whole article if they wish, and they can see the context from which the quote came. the more you can link to online info the better.

if you do those things, maybe in future emails, then i think your dialogue will be more productive. other than that, it looks good. keep up the good work. you are an inspiration to me.

pax christi,

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Brother Adam

I appreciate what you are saying and normally would take that path, but knowing the person as well as I do, I had justifications for so much block quoting in this initial email. You are right though - normally shorter quotes work better.

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