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I'd just like to throw my support for phatmass with most of Littleles's threads. It appears that he's ignoring many points that have been spelled out very concisely. He's got a point that most of the people who cut and paste stuff for him probably have no idea what they are really cutting and pasting and that it could be much more summarized, but that's only some of the time.

I find what he's doing is great and overall has some good points. But I think he may be doing more harm than good if he doesn't do it openly and honestly. Maybe a protestant/former catholic apologetic telling him that would help him out.

phatmass should stop cutting and pasting and give him no defenses at all...

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote]phatmass should stop cutting and pasting and give him no defenses at all...[/quote]

Wasn't he the one who called for documentation?

He said March 7, 2005:
[quote]Hi Cam 42,

I go by the "clear preponderance of the evidence."

I cannot be sure that the sun will rise tomorrow either.

The "you cannot be sure argument" fails.

LittleLes [/quote]


also on March 7, 2005:
[quote]I'm sorry CAM 42. You did not provide a citation for your claimed "evidence." Evidence has to be more than a mere assertion that someting is so because you read it somewhere.[/quote]

So, I have provided evidence. I will not speak for others, but that is why I quote everything.....to avoid that little accusation again.

Also, if I were debating him in person (with my voice) I would still use these quotes. Just because I present them in written form doesn't mean that they are not a valid tool and proof for my position.

My position has not changed, all the cuts and pastes are proofs to that effect. I have essentially remained static on these positions:

1. Did Christ intend to found a Church? Yes
2. The history of belief in Peterine primacy. Peter was the first Pope.
3. Infallible, you say? Yes, on matters of faith and morals.
4. The Interpretation of Scripture. Vatican I was inerrant on it's interpretation of Scripture.

All the cutting and pasting supports those positions. Unfortunately, brother Littleles doesn't have answers for the proof. That is the point of Apologetics, to prove that the Church is what the Church is. He wants a preponderance of the evidence, I have given it to him, as have others.

[quote]phatmass should stop cutting and pasting and give him no defenses at all... [/quote]

It is not our responsibility to uphold his position. If he cannot refute the statements and proofs made, then he should just stop.


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Thank you, DairyGirl4u2c,

I would expect a poster to make his assertion clearly, and preferable one at a time. Then, as concisely as possible, provide the documentation to support it.

Not just drop names, or run volumes of "cut and paste" materials, or expect me to debate some writer other than the poster. ;)


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