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What do you think I should do


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I have a situation that I would like your help with. I have a good friend, whom is also my supervisor that I am concerned about. I have recently been getting a negative vibe from him, and have been getting disgusted by some of his current actions. My friend has a different personality of which I have never encountered before, he is unique, but he is a good guy. He is very argumentative, direct, and aggressive towards everybody. Which turns many people away from him. He has a motto that he goes by, “Always agree to attack.” He attacks when he should love and clarify. My friend has led many people to Christ, and has good intentions. However, he is extremely quick to argue and turn people over to Satan. As he claims he has done many times. He believes he is always correct and when he debates people accuse him of being arrogant. His constant argumentative state and negative outlook has been bringing me down a little. Also, he has been studying the Kabala and recently bought a Priest's Ritual/Rituale Romanum. What do you think that is all about? Is he even allowed to have a Priest's Ritual/Rituale Romanum as a lay person? Please advise me as to how I should approach him. Also, remember that he is my supervisor as well. For now I will continue to pray about this, and look forward to your responses (especially those that come from a priest).

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This is what I would think and do.

1). Realize that because of his argumentative and "I'm always right" arrogance, I am not going to "win" with this person. Also, he is in a position of superioroty over me.

2). I would pray hard, and fast in whatever way possible, for detachment and discernment.

-detachment, because he IS my friend, but is getting more unstable.
-detachment because he is my boss!

-discernment in how to begin distancing myself from him. This could be as simple as not feeding him...that is, not indulging him...if I normally comment 3 times in our morning "hello's", reduce that to two comments. And keep reducing. I'd ask God to bring this about naturally, w/ no bitterness or weirdness on his part if I fear he's possessive of our exchanges/friendship.

3) Kabbala and priest's ritual? This sounds quite scary. Is he becoming more grandiose? Is it possible there is some kind of bipolar illness going on?

4) I'd ask God to please grant me humility to see and accept if the red flags I'm seeing mean that I must break ties with this person....and for the grace to flee if I must, and be provided for.

Does that make sense?

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