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Traditional Catholic Bible Study Online


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Just to let everyone know that there will be a traditional Catholic Bible study online in the "Sacred Scripture Study" area of the [url="http://p079.ezboard.com/blecatacombe"][u]discussion forum[/u][/url] of the [url="http://www.kensmen.com/catholic/"][u]Apologia Website[/u][/url]. It will cover the entire Bible, but in the historical order of the Books (so it reads like a story). The study will be led by Jacob Michael of the Lumen Gentleman Apologetics website, so it will be in-depth and for people who really want to understand Scripture. It will be 100% orthodox, no playing around -- all consistent with Sacred Tradition and the infallible Magisterium.

The study begins on March 21st and we'll be reading approx. 2 chapters a day and then discussing them at the forum. It won't be a tightly scheduled thing -- just read the readings and show up at the forum when you want to join in the discussion. Hope to see you there! Tell your Catholic friends ([b]serious[/b] Catholics only!).

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There is a ton of good stuff on that site. As far as taking back the web, are the folks on here any different? People are constantly talking about or encouraging others to go out into forums and chatrooms and evangelize. This is a good thing.

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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Mar 16 2005, 08:49 AM']That website seems a bit phishy to me.[/quote]
What exactly seems "phishy" to you? I'm at work and the firewall is blocking the site. I can only "get around" it by viewing the "cached" site on Google. Looking at that, I don't see anything odd, but I can't dig into the site either...

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Mar 16 2005, 01:53 AM'] hehe, "taking back the net" i see ;) [/quote]
Phatmass is a "neo-con" site ???

maybe I'd better go find some definitions

"Neo-conservatism," also called "Neo-Catholicism," is the most typical brand of "Catholicism" whose adherents see themselves as "orthodox." Most of these people are quite virtuous and truly do try to "do the right thing" by going along with their Bishops and the Holy Father out of a wonderful sense of obedience.

Edited by journeyman
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in case you're wondering what i'm referring to, see [url="http://www.kensmen.com/catholic/evangelize.html"][b]taking back the net[/b][/url]. also, i know the "kensmen" are gonna hate me for this, but also check out their [url="http://www.catholicculture.org/sites/site_view.cfm?recnum=1915"][b]review[/b][/url] from Catholic Culture.

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Guest JeffCR07

pspx! God Bless! I feel like its been forever since I talked to you!

Lol, you just love the phishy title, don't you. Anyways, no, I don't mean phishy like you. From what I know of you, you don't reject the [i]Novus Ordo Missae[/i], you just prefer the Indult Tridentine Liturgy, which is entirely acceptable.

I read a few articles off the website, however, and it seems that the site considers the Novus Ordo to be invalid and the Second Vatican Council itself, and not the terrible things that people did with it afterwards, to be the root cause of the degradation of the Church.

- Your Brother In Christ,


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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Mar 17 2005, 10:30 AM'] pspx! God Bless! I feel like its been forever since I talked to you!

Lol, you just love the phishy title, don't you. Anyways, no, I don't mean phishy like you. From what I know of you, you don't reject the [i]Novus Ordo Missae[/i], you just prefer the Indult Tridentine Liturgy, which is entirely acceptable.

I read a few articles off the website, however, and it seems that the site considers the Novus Ordo to be invalid and the Second Vatican Council itself, and not the terrible things that people did with it afterwards, to be the root cause of the degradation of the Church.

- Your Brother In Christ,

Jeff [/quote]
No, the Apologia website person doesn't consider the Novus Ordo Missae invalid, and doesn't say that Vatican II is 'invalid." They say the the N.O. Mass is valid when offered according to its rubrics and when valid matter, form, and intent are used, but that it is a Protestantized Mass that pales in comparison with the "TLM."

They also say that Vatican II was a valid but [b]pastoral [/b]Council that produced ambiguous documents that must be read ONLY in the light of Tradition. Nothing radical there.

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Fidei Defensor

I read an interesting article on that website that said the antichrist could take a seat in the Church and rule from there, and that we must only trust the Holy Father, when he makes ex cathedra statements though.

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I'm a n00b just studying the Catholic church and that site is AWESOME...it's got a really great challenge page thingy for non-Catholics, any other non-Catholics/converts should check it out :D

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No. It is a red lighted site for very good reasons.

[color=red]Apologia is a personal apologetical site which targets non-Catholic Christians, converts and Catholics. Its stated purpose is to bring people to Christ and His Church. However, the webmaster's view of the Church is a skewed one. She rejects, and begs all others to reject, the entire Second Vatican Council and the New Mass. Unfortunately, this site is trying to apologize for the Church by attacking it.

· Many good links, including reference tools, e-zines and portals, Catholic radio, and politics & culture (Resources)
· Series of questions for non-Catholics to pray about, ask themselves, and research (Resources)
· On-site apologetics resources (Resources)
· Conversion Stories in Real Audio (Resources)
· Being Catholic: Traditions, Customs, Prayers, etc. section (Resources)

· A "Dictionary of Dissent" (Fidelity)

· Exhorts readers to reject the Novus Ordo Mass entirely (Fidelity)

· Attacks the legitimacy of Vatican II (Fidelity)

· The terminology found throughout the site encourages Catholics to disregard the authority of the Pope and the Church itself. (Fidelity)

· Unorthodox Catholic links (Fidelity)

It is not a good site for authentic Church teachings. There are far too many good sites out there to bother with the questionable ones.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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[quote name='Malachias111' date='Mar 18 2005, 05:46 AM'] No, the Apologia website person doesn't consider the Novus Ordo Missae invalid, and doesn't say that Vatican II is 'invalid." They say the the N.O. Mass is valid when offered according to its rubrics and when valid matter, form, and intent are used, but that it is a Protestantized Mass that pales in comparison with the "TLM."

They also say that Vatican II was a valid but [b]pastoral [/b]Council that produced ambiguous documents that must be read ONLY in the light of Tradition. Nothing radical there. [/quote]
Nice site my friend.

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