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The Mass

MC Just

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Are the Priests suppose to mention birthday's?

Is the Choir(Mariachi) suppose to sing the national anthems for different countries and states? (like for mexico or canada)

Are they suppose to hand out roses for anaversaries?

These things are happening in a shrine here in South Texas. I'm sick of arguing with people here over this.

They are claiming that Vatican II permits it. I asked "Do you see the other shrines doing this in america? I said what is there an exception? Is this place (San Juan, Texas) more special than the rest of the country? I got "Yes" it is.

The pride level here is so high its sickening.

I so wanna report this place to Cardinal Arinze.

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There is a time at the end of Mass, they prefer outside of Mass or just a reference to the bulletien, for a few brief announcements. Overall, to my understanding they tend to discourage such things though. One must keep in mind that one can get dispensations for things, although I really do not see why a bishop or local ordinary would grant a dispenastion for such things because those are typically reserved for liturgical changes or exceptions. Let me go look in the GIRM real quick it usually mentions what dispensation may be given for.

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This shrine literally turns the mass into a show and makes millions of dollars a week.

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Guest Eremite

Whenever someone says "Vatican II says...", assume they're feeding you a load of bull manure, unless you find out otherwise. It's a pet phrase of those who like to justify anything and everything. Vatican II didn't say much by way of specific Liturgical norms. That was left up to the post conciliar Pontiffs.

When reporting Liturgical abuse, it should begin at the local level, and move up. First the priest, then the pastor, then if necessary, the Bishop, and if still necessary, the Holy See. If you do report these things, though, make sure you don't jump all over the person, because belligerence will probably make them listen even less, if they weren't inclined to listen in the first place.

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Guest Eremite

Also, the events you describe, while likely abuses, are not so egregious that you couldn't live with them. If the priest changes the words of Consecration, for example, that's something that you can't live with.

You can go to ewnt.com and post a question to their Liturgical expert, to ask whether these are infact allowed or not.

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This place is bad. Active Homosexuals and pro-deathers recieve communion. The Women dress like the just got out of brothels in Tijuana. It's very worldly. People usually go to Church to escape the evils of the world, they dont go to church to face them there too.

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[quote name='Eremite' date='Mar 12 2005, 08:48 PM']

You can go to ewnt.com and post a question to their Liturgical expert, to ask whether these are infact allowed or not. [/quote]
That would probably be the best choice, or speak to the head of the liturgy comittee in your diocese. Although excellent apologist are here, i have not seen any liturgical experts.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 12 2005, 08:52 PM'] This place is bad. Active Homosexuals and pro-deathers recieve communion. The Women dress like the just got out of brothels in Tijuana. It's very worldly. People usually go to Church to escape the evils of the world, they dont go to church to face them there too. [/quote]
Our Holy Father released a statement reminding the faiithful NOT to receive Communion in a state of grave sin. I'd suggest making copies and distributing them because of the lack of knowledge modern Catholics have regarding sin, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, etc.

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You should really know, the Mass is the smae throughout the world, and doens't depend on the people ther.e Of course, you can find out alot about how many liturgical abuses there will be by the people who attend the Mass. It seems you've got one ripe full of abuses. Just don't worry about the abuses during MAss, that is all.

God bless,

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If you have an NAB version of the bible, you may like to read the book of Maccabees (sp?). You sound like the type of guy who'd be interested in it. The NAB has some awesome footnotes, including some about pagan state-centered practices.

God bless,

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