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if i pray that on the final judgement of God on that last day that all people and angels be reconciled to Our creator in Absolute paradise and that none are turned away? and we all live together in peace and harmony for eternity? ....as our Fathers orignal will was intended? since, of course, all things ARE pssible thorough him. and no im not a universalist or anything else. i just simply believe in God.

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You can pray that all the living and souls in purgatory find God, but once they are in hell, they cannot repent, and it is too late for them.

This is Catholic teaching.

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[quote name='rckllnknny' date='Mar 11 2005, 11:44 AM'] if i pray that on the final judgement of God on that last day that all people and angels be reconciled to Our creator in Absolute paradise and that none are turned away? and we all live together in peace and harmony for eternity? ....as our Fathers orignal will was intended? since, of course, all things ARE pssible thorough him. and no im not a universalist or anything else. i just simply believe in God. [/quote]
The thing to remember about this is that God does not condemn or send anyone to hell. It is that person. Only through an obstinate denial of asking for God's mercy and showing love does one condemn him or herself to hell. I good book to read about this would the Inferno by Dante. He sheds some light on Divine Justive and the need for repentance. Keep in mind though that the book is not Church doctrine, it simply explains that people end up in hell for their own reason. Although God wishes them to be reconciled to Him, He cannot strip them of their free will which includes to love God or not to.

It would be more fruitful to pray for people's conversion towards God and for them to find reconcilliation with Him. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. That is saying that your sins are unforgivable. This implies that the person is refusing to accept forgiveness and has damned himself to hell.

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[quote name='Eremite' date='Mar 11 2005, 12:22 PM'] This is an ancient heresy, the apokastasis, embraced most famously by Origen. [/quote]
Exactly. Perhaps to expand a little: The heresy was that on the last judgment all, even the devil, would be saved.

As i said, i think it would be more fruitful to pray for conversion and that God's will be done.

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Yes, I agree with Paphnutius. There is nothing wrong with praying for the mercy of God on those who have departed/will depart. However there is a big difference between this and universalism, which you have said you are not, which believes that because God is omni-benevolent he loves everyone so much that he wants them to be saved, he is all powerful so he can save them, and he is omniscient so he knows exactly how to do it.

In the Peace of Christ,


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No problem with that prayer. Keep in mind, God isn't going to remove our Free Will so He won't force people to reconcile, nor does He prevent people from reconcile. At a certain point, our decisions have to have meaning so there's got to be a cut-off so that once we're in heaven, we know we won't get kicked out, and once you decide to reject God once and for all, you're done. One of my favorite Catholic prayers is "Oh my Jesus. Forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy.".

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