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"if I Were Pope"


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If I were Pope, I'd do exactly what John Paul II is doing, with one exception: I'd issue a decree of excommunication for all cafeteria Catholics. They shouldn't be receiving the sacraments anyway, but this would make it unmistakable as to the sinfulness of their attitudes and behavior.

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  Aloysius said:
hmm... if God wills it all the Cardinals would randomly get your name in their head and vote for you.

you know any Catholic can become Pope... after you're elected u havta accept then u get holy orders, become Bishop, then become Bishop of Rome.. and you're Pope!

haaa thad be soooo kewl if all the Cardinals voted 4 blazer cause God wanted him to be Pope.  you like get a call one day.. hi, how would u like to be the 265th successor to St. Peter?

:lol:  B)

You have no idea how scary that would be . . .

Ok . . . I'm gonna start praying now, that I don't become Pope . . . because if I did, we would definitely need C-Mom on her knees praying that God doesn't destroy the world . . .

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Seatbelt Blue

  jrob8503 said:
If I were pope, I would create an order of monks who practice kung fu.  Like the Shaolin monks.



What's stopping you?

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  foundsheep said:
that just sounds funny. It makes me think of the old movies were thier mouths are moving but its not thier voice.

i think it looks more like mr. rogers (God rest his soul!) land of make-believe...


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  Dave said:
If I were Pope, I'd do exactly what John Paul II is doing, with one exception:  I'd issue a decree of excommunication for all cafeteria Catholics.  They shouldn't be receiving the sacraments anyway, but this would make it unmistakable as to the sinfulness of their attitudes and behavior.


How would you know which were "cafeteria catholics".

But yeah. If I were Pope, I'd at least excommunicate every professed Catholic politician who didn't act in keeping with the teachings of the Church.

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If I were Pope, I'd do like the anti-Catholics do, and set up a big apologetics website called "International Mission to Protestants" :P (like "International Mission to Catholics")

Oh wait, thats pretty much what Phatmass is! :lol:

Edited by ICTHUS
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  ICTHUS said:

How would you know which were "cafeteria catholics".

But yeah. If I were Pope, I'd at least excommunicate every professed Catholic politician who didn't act in keeping with the teachings of the Church.

I'd just issue a blanket notice of excommunication stating that any Catholic who refuses to assent to any Church teaching is excommunicated. Do you actually think I'd be able to track down every single cafeteria Catholic in the world? :lol: That would be enough to make me age 50 years in a week! :huh::o ;)

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  Uncle Gus said:
Not every teaching of the Church must be believed, only those defined as dogma.

:huh: excuse me?

When it's defined as Dogma that means it is perfectly worded. it must be believed the way it is worded. like the "immaculate conception" the conception was immaculate. a previous doctrine from that that would have had to be beleived might have been something like "Mary never sinned" now it's perfectly worded, including even her conception as sinless.

all teachings of the Church on faith or morals must be accepted. if you do not accept them, look into it giving the Church the benefit of the doubt on the merit that it is much older and wiser than any other source you could find. if you don't accept some things cuz they're doctines not dogmas, your a cafeteria Catholic.

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  • 11 years later...
  On 10/31/2003 at 1:21 AM, geetarplayer said:

Our religion teacher gave us a little in-class assignment to do today. This is what the majority of my 10th grade peers' answers sounded like:


"If I Were the Pope, I'd...


... let priests marry.

... let women be priests.

... let men be nuns.

... let anyone receive the Eucharist.

... make the wine Bacardi (with red food coloring).

... make Mass shorter.

... make the Church's stances on divorce and abortion less strict.

... give each person a whole loaf of bread for communion.

... put Lay-Z-Boys in the church instead of pews."




If we changed all that stuff about the Church, we wouldn't even be Catholics anymore! This is why I'm glad none of the people in my class will ever seriously persue a vocation in the priesthood, let alone the papacy...



What an unfortunate loss of teaching oppoturnity. The children replied honestly - good for them. 

should'nt our reply be;


-Have any of considered being. The servant of the Truth?

-Have any of you thought of serving the bishop in their needs, or the whole church especially those who are most in needed 

-Have any of you thought of what Christ would do in that place or what Christ wants you to do?

The servant of the servant of the lord need our prayers - cause its not easy, nad his biggest concerns are not in who can take communion, or who can become a priest: but for each of you and deep in your Hearst - find the love and make it flourish. 

Many excellent pope, and a magnus walked amongsts us on ST Peter's chair: souldn't maybeaan the question be - how can we help him fulfill his office and in turn help all the world in being better for its fulfillment.

They get the kids to talk, discuss, as teachers take part of the exchangers. As. Guides but not as interjectors of dogma. Then see if their original replis change.  


We cannot carry our children all the way the Truth - we can only point them to it and encourage them in their choices and walk towards Truth and trust our God and Holy Spirit will guide our steps every onbe. We make.  


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