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"if I Were Pope"


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Our religion teacher gave us a little in-class assignment to do today. This is what the majority of my 10th grade peers' answers sounded like:

"If I Were the Pope, I'd...

... let priests marry.

... let women be priests.

... let men be nuns.

... let anyone receive the Eucharist.

... make the wine Bacardi (with red food coloring).

... make Mass shorter.

... make the Church's stances on divorce and abortion less strict.

... give each person a whole loaf of bread for communion.

... put Lay-Z-Boys in the church instead of pews."


If we changed all that stuff about the Church, we wouldn't even be Catholics anymore! This is why I'm glad none of the people in my class will ever seriously persue a vocation in the priesthood, let alone the papacy...


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<_< i dont even agree with the question

if i were in that class i'd say "if i were Pope, i would ignore my will and lead the Church to follow God's will, amen."

yeah... and the kids.. dont get me started on the kids. kids are ignorant. the one kid in my youth group called the Church hypocritical because it teaches that all men are equal but then he's not allowed to touch the bishop's miter.


God's gotta bring in a VERY orthodox Pope next, cause the gates of the netherworld are on the offensive. but God's got it covered, he promised us that. His defense is better than the Steel Curtain of the Superbowl Steelers.

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Ash Wednesday

let men be nuns.


If I were pope, I'd want to be just like John Paul II.

...But I'm a girl, so I could never be pope. :D

Interestingly enough there is said to be a room in the Vatican called the Weeping Room (?) or the Crying Room (?) and I think it was the Hall of Investiture (where they first receive their papal vestments) because oftentimes the soul that was elected pope often in there realizing the weight of his duties was brought to tears.

I read it somewhere but not sure where. Can someone clarify?

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If I were Pope I would Bring back some of that pre-Vatican II Bling bling :P

j/k....JPII's example as a Pilgrim Pope is the best thing that could have ever happened to the papacy.

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Ash Wednesday

Err... what is Pre Vatican II bling bling, exactly? :D :lol:

More bells n smells bling bling? Fancy vestiments bling bling? B)

*visualizes a pope smiling with the apparent glint of the papal ring.... and a gold tooth... riding in a Popemobile with bouncing hydraulics* :lol:

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i would bring back some pre-vat II stuff like the Latin Mass, but only make it optional. like, there must be at least 2 preists per diocese who celebrate the traditional mass and those who wish to go can go.

although again, like i said, if i were Pope, i would not rule the Church with my will, but with God's. i would have no say in the Matter, only God would. i'd just keep tryin to do His will, and at least i'd have the assurance that i was teaching His will correctly, cuz if i wasn't he'd like strike me down, and then i'd just try to be a good Christian example for all and work to stop liturgical abuses and bring the East and West back together, stuff which JPII has already made great progress towards.

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I'd ask that the Latin Mass be celebrated as an option every Sunday in every parish.

Also, I'd invite all my Phatmass Phamily (and regular friends too) to spend the Night at the Vatican and have a huge Phatty Party . . . we'd do a Holy Hour, pray all 20 decades of the Rosary, eat a lot, and spin that Massmatics CD . . . other music too . . . we'd rock the socks off Rome!

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*visualizes a pope smiling with the apparent glint of the papal ring.... and a gold tooth... riding in a Popemobile with bouncing hydraulics

This is EXACTLY what I'm talkin'bout :lol::lol::lol:

you forgot the 22in. rims and the iced-out crosier

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