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My church youth group is holding a youth mass. Would these be approite songs or are they too prostant.

Come now it is time to worship
Trading My Sorrows
Amazing God
I am the Bread of Life
We want to see Jesus lifted high


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Brother Adam

I've only heard of Come now is the time to Worship, and Amazing God. I think both are good.

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I remember I am the bread of life from my catholic days. That's about as catholic as you can get!

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I'm not sure about the last one.
I am the Bread of Life is good during communion.
Trading my Sorrows is for the end of Mass.
I don't really care too much for Amazing God. It seems so Protestant to me (it just kinda lacks theology that relates to the Mass), but we sing it once in a while at the beginning of Mass.

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How about

Stabat Mater -- English or Latin
All Creatures of Our God and King
Faith of our Fathers
Holy, Holy, Holy
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above
O Cross of Christ, Immortal Tree
Te Lucis Ante Terminum
Salve Regina
Sing of Mary
Immaculate Mary

Some of these songs are not appropriate for Lent. Since you didn't give a timeframe, I included some that were and some that were not.

I hope those give some ideas.


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I like 'em. My church is starting a youth mass too actually. We're not making it teens only or anything, but it was a unanimous decision at my parish that the youth needed something like that. We run the music, we're the altar servers and greeters, we're the lectors; we pretty much do everything except the homily. It's so exciting. My parish seems to really enjoy "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever." The first time we sang it was at the end of mass and no one left until the song was over, that never happens. It was awesome. As much as I love the traditional hymns, I think that my parish really needs something more contemporary every once in a while. Oh right, back to the topic, I like the songs. Good choice.

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Again. It's only good for Youth Masses. A parish should never abandon the Traditional hymns and liturgy for the exception. The 10:30 Mass on Sundays, as most masses, use the standards. Parishioners who don't enjoy the newer songs should always have the alternative.

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God Conquers

Agreed, spice stuff up a bit. Make it interesting. Or rock out some of the old hymns.... Lift High The Cross, How Great Thou Art etc.... you can do some good stuff withem without being stuffy.

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